
1. Abbati A, Silvestrini B. Rilievi clinico-statistici su di un gruppo di adenopatici ilari ricoverati nella colonia preventoriale di Casaglia (Bologna). Atti del XXXII Cong. Naz. Ass. Med. Ital. Idroclimatologia, Talassologia e Terapia Fisica 1953; Vol. II:147-148, Ed.: Cappelli, Bologna, 1953


2. Abbati A, Trombetta C, Silvestrini B. Lo studio auxologico degli adenopatici ilari TBC in corso di terapia climatica. Clin. Termale 1956; 9:3-33

3. Longo VG, Silvestrini B. EEG patterns, anesthetic state and peripherally evoked reticular potentials. XX Cong. Int. Physiol., Bruxelles 1956; 30/7 – 4/8

4. Silvestrini B, Longo VG. Selective activity of morphine on the EEG arousal reaction to painful stimuli. Experientia 1956; 12:436-438

5. Silvestrini B, Longo VG. Risveglio elettro-encefalografico ed analgesia – Azione elettiva della morfina sulla “reazione di risveglio” da stimoli dolorifici, Arch. Ital. Sci. Farmacol. 1956; 6:1-2


6. Bovet D, Longo VG et Silvestrini B. Les méthodes d’investigations electrophysiologiques dans l’étude des medicaments tranquillisants. Contribution à la pharmacologie de la formation réticulaire. In: Psychotropic Drugs. Eds.: S. Garattini, V. Ghetti, Helsevier Publishing Company 1957:193-206

7. Cotti E, Crepax P e Silvestrini B. Modificazioni dell’attivita’ elettrica cerebrale provocate nel cane dalla stimolazione del lobulus ansiformis mediante prostigmina. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1957; 33:1-3

8. Cotti E, Crepax P e Silvestrini B. Analisi elettroencefalografica dell’effetto Rossi ottenuto in cani predisposti e non predisposti all’epilessia riflessa. Estratto Rendiconti Accad. Naz. Lincei 1957; 22:103-109

9. Cotti E, Crepax P e Silvestrini B. Le modificazioni elettroencefalografiche provocate dalla stimolazione chimica della corteccia neocerebellare nel cane predisposto e in quello non predisposto all’epilessia riflessa. Arch. Sci. Biol. 1957; 41:559-578

10. Longo VG and Silvestrini B. Action of eserine and amphetamine on the electrical activity of the rabbit brain. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 1957; 120:160-170

11. Longo VG and Silvestrini B. Effects of adrenergic and cholinergic drugs injected by intra-carotid route on electrical activity of brain. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 1957; 95:43-47

12. Silvestrini B. Azione bronco-costrittrice dell’acroleina. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1957; 33:482-1485

13. Silvestrini B, Longo VG. Influenze sui potenziali stricnici corticali degli stati di sincronizzazione e desincronizzazione EEG indotti da farmaci (eserina, amfetamina e scopolamina). Rend. Ist. Sup. Sanità 1957; 20:138-154

14. Silvestrini B, Longo VG and Bovet D. Action of synchronizing and desynchronizing drugs on strychnine induced convulsive cortical activity. Fed. Proc. 1957; 16:336


15. Bovet D, Kohn R, Marotta M and Silvestrini B. Some effects of histamine in the normal and haemophilus pertussis vaccinated rat. Brit. J. Pharm. Chem. 1958; 13:74-83

16. Longo VG and Silvestrini B. Contribution a l’étude des rapports entre le potentiel reticulaire évoqué, l’état d’anesthésie et l’activité électrique cérébrale. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol. 1958; 10:111-120

17. Longo VG, Silvestrini B e Bovet D. Analisi elettroencefalografica delle proprieta’ convulsivanti del 5-7-difenil-1-3-diazadamantan-6-olo. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1958; 34:1866-1869

18. Silvestrini B. Antagonismo di alcune sostanze ad azione centrale nei confronti del broncospasmo ottenuto mediante iniezione di serotonina nella cavia. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1958; 34:1723-1728

19. Silvestrini B. Neuropharmacological study of the central effects of benactyzine and hydroxyzine (cerebral electrical activity, alarm and flight reaction on hypothalamic stimulation, central antagonism). Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1958; 116:71-85

20. Silvestrini B, Kohn R. Azione del meprobamato sull’attivita’ elettrica cerebrale del coniglio e sulle reazioni di allarme e di fuga provocate dalla stimolazione elettrica dei nuclei ipotalamici. Rend. Ist. Sup. Sanità 1958; 21:328-337


21. Longo VG, Silvestrini B, Bovet D. An investigation of convulsant properties of the 5-7-diphenyl 1-3-diazamantan-6-olo. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 1959; 126:41-49

22. Maffii G, Silvestrini B, Bianchi G. Attivita’ farmacologica di derivati beta-lattamici. Nota II. Azioni sistemiche del 3-metil-3-fenil-2-azetidinone e del 3-etil-3-fenil-2-azetidinone. Il Farmaco (Ediz. Sci.) 1959; 14:269-287

23. Silvestrini B, Longo VG. Action of synchronizing and desynchronizing drugs on strychnine-induced cortical spikes. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1959; 119:359-366

24. Silvestrini B, Maffii G. Rilievo dell’azione antitosse negli animali di laboratorio e rapporti tra azione bechica ed altre proprieta’ farmacologiche. Il Farmaco (Ediz. Sci.) 1959; 14:440-464

25. Silvestrini B, Maffii G. Effects of chlorpromazine, promazine, diethazine, reserpine, hydroxyzine and morphine upon some mono-and polysynaptic motor reflexes. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1959; 11:224-233


26. Silvestrini B. Un antitosse-antinfiammatorio, l’Oxolamina (Perebron). Minerva Med. 1960; 51:4091-4094

27. Silvestrini B, Lefevre F, Gaffi A, Businco E, Scoponi M. Azioni di taluni antistaminici sul comportamento e su particolari tipi di reazioni motorie del topo. Atti del I Congr. Soc. Ital. Medicina del traffico, Sanremo, 1960: 857-860

28. Silvestrini B, Pozzatti C. Antitussive activity and other pharmacological properties of six oxadiazoles. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1960; 129:249-263


29. Bizzi L, Pozzatti C, Ballardin E, Silvestrini B. Esame farmacologico di alcuni succinati e glutarati acidi di arilalchile. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1961; 100:855-863

30. Bizzi L, Pozzatti C, Silvestrini B. Primi dati farmacologici sul succinato acido di 1-p.chlorofenilpentile (AF 425). Boll. Chim. Farm. 1961; 100:504-512,

31. Maffii G, Bianchi G, Schiatti P, Silvestrini B. Action of 5,5-diethyl-1,3-oxazine-2,4-dione (dioxone) on respiration and circulation. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1961; 16:231-243

32. Maffii G, Dezulian VM, Silvestrini B. A new analeptic 5,5-diethyl-1,3-oxazin-2,4-dione (dioxone). J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1961; 13:244-253

33. Maffii G, Silvestrini B. Rapporti tra struttura chimica ed attivita’ farmacologica in una serie di 1,3-ossazin-2,4-dioni e 1,3-ossazin-2,4-ditioni sostituiti. Il Farmaco (Ediz. Sci.) 1961; 16:39-57

34. Palazzo G, Tavella M, Strani G, Silvestrini B. 1,2,4-oxadiazoles-IV. Synthesis and pharmacological properties of a series of substituted aminoalkyl -1,2,4-oxadiazoles. J. Med. Pharm. Chem. 1961; 4:351-367

35. Silvestrini B. Caratteristiche dell’Oxolamina. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1961; 100:869-872

36. Silvestrini B. Descrizione di una nuova molecola dotata di marcate proprieta’ anti-infiammatorie ed antalgiche in paragone con alcuni farmaci noti. Minerva Med. 1961; 2:1282

37. Silvestrini B and Pozzatti C. Pharmacological properties of 3-phenyl-5-beta-diethylaminoethyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1961; 16:209-217


38. Palazzo G, Silvestrini B. Ricerche nel campo dell’ 1,2,4-oxadiazolo. Nota VII. Sintesi e proprieta’ farmacologiche di derivati carbammici. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1962; 101:251-258,

39. Silvestrini B, Pozzatti C. Pharmacological study of 3-p-methoxylphenyl-5-diethylaminoethyl-1,2,4 oxadiazole. Arzneim. Forsch. 1962; 12:539-543


40. Catanese B, Palazzo G, Pozzatti C, Silvestrini B. Toxicologic studies on 1,2,4-oxadiazole derivatives. Relationship between chemical structure and bladder irritation. Exp. Molec. Path. 1963; Suppl. 2:28-40

41. Crepax P Silvestrini B. Experimental evaluation in laboratory animals of anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs. Arch. Ital. Biol. 1963; 101:444-457

42. Fadiga F, Maffii G, Silvestrini B. Modificazioni provocate dal 5,5-dietil-1,3-ossazin -2,4-dione (dietadione) nell’attivita’ elettrica spontanea registrata dalla corteccia cerebrale, dal talamo e dalla formazione reticolare mesencefalica. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1963; 39:188-190

43. Maffii G, Silvestrini B, Banfi S. Antitussive activity of a new local anaesthetic compound, Benzobutamide. Nature 1963; 199:916-917

44. Silvestrini B, Bignami A, Garau A, Pozzatti C. Toxicity studies of 3-phenyl-5-beta-diethylaminoethyl -1,2,4-oxadiazole on mice, rats and dogs. Exp. Molec. Path., Suppl. 1963; 2:50-64

45. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Garau A, Pozzatti C. Toxicity studies on 3-phenyl-5-beta-diethylaminoethyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole. Vesical irritating activity of diethylamine and other simple amines. Exp. Molec. Path. 1963; Suppl. 2:41-49

46. Silvestrini B and Pozzatti C. Pharmacological properties of 3-alpha-phenylpropyl-5 -beta-diethylaminoethyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole citrate. Arzneim. Forsch. 1963; 13:798-802

47. Silvestrini B, Pozzati C, Garau A. Proprietà farmacologiche di alcuni nuovi analgesici di sintesi. Arch. Ital. Sci Farmacol. 1963; 13:260-261


48. Bovet-Nitti F, Kohn R, Marotta M, Pinto Scognamiglio W, Silvestrini B. Histamine-induced modification of neuromuscular blockade by lepto and pachycurares. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1964; 149:308-317

49. Catanese B, Silvestrini B. Ricerche sul metabolismo del 5-beta-dietilamino-3-alfa -fenilpropil-1,2,4-oxadiazolo. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1964; 103:447-450

50. Catanese B, Silvestrini B. Ricerche sulla motilità intestinale del topo studiata con l’aiuto di un pigmento fotoluminescente. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1964; 103:727-735

51. Corsi G, Catanese B, Silvestrini B. Sintesi di derivati ossidrilati dell’Oxolamina e indagini sul loro metabolismo e sulle loro proprieta’ farmacologiche. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1964; 103:115-125

52. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Corsi G and Ridolfi P. The urinary metabolites of 5-(2-diethylaminoethyl)-3-phenyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1964; 16:38-42

53. Silvestrini B, Garau A. Malformazioni fetali prodotte dalla talidomide nel topo. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1964; 103:804-814

54. Silvestrini B. On “Doping”. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1964; 103:541-544

55. Silvestrini B. The pharmacology page. Boll Chim Farm, 1964; 103:385-388


56. Falà F, Silvestrini B. Esame comparativo di alcuni sali della Benzidamina. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1965; 104:705-709

57. Maffii G, Silvestrini B, Banfi S. Antitussive activity of medazonamide. Nature 1965; 205:914-915

58. Silvestrini B. Modificazioni dell’attività e del metabolismo dei farmaci in relazione al fenomeno dell’induzione enzimatica. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1965; 104:275-283

59. Silvestrini B. E’ utile o dannosa una regolamentazione ufficiale dello studio tossicologico dei nuovi farmaci? Boll. Chim. Farm. 1965; 104:3-6

60. Silvestrini B. Contributi sperimentali all’ipotesi dei tumori intesi come malattia sistemica. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1965; 104:400-408

61. Silvestrini B. Ricerca scientifica e industria farmaceutica. Clin. Europ. 1965; 2:121-128

62. Silvestrini B. General implications from a study on the anti-inflammatory activity of Benzydamine. In: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Eds.: Garattini S. and Dukes M.N.G. Excerpta Med. Foundation, Amsterdam, 180-189, 1965


63. Catanese B, Grasso A, Silvestrini B. Studies on the absorption and elimination of Benzydamine in the mouse, rat, dog and man. Arzneim. Forsch. 1966; 16:1354-1357

64. Del Basso-Orsini P, Silvestrini B. Effects of some substances on the turbidimetric response to heat of albumin and of serum and plasma of the rat. Ital. J. Biochem. 1966; 15:200-215

65. Palazzo G, Corsi G, Baiocchi L, Silvestrini B. Synthesis and pharmacological properties of 1-substituted 3-dimethylaminoalkoxy-1H-indazoles. J. Med. Chem. 1966; 9:38-41

66. Silvestrini B. Methods for the study of anti-inflammatory drugs. In: Methods in drug evaluation. 1966; Eds.: Mantegazza P., Piccinini. F. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 46-61

67. Silvestrini B. Propiedades de la Benzidamina, un nuevo analgesico anti-inflamatorio. Medicamenta 1966; 45:81-89

68. Silvestrini B. Un nuovo farmaco antiinfiammatorio: La Benzidamina. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1966; 105:12-25

69. Silvestrini B. Prospettive dell’industria farmaceutica italiana alla luce dell’esperienza americana. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1966; 105:477-480

70. Silvestrini B. La profilassi del tetano. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1966; 105:417-418

71. Silvestrini B. Problemi legati alla previsione in laboratorio delle proprietà biologiche esplicate nell’uomo dai farmaci. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1966; 105:100-103

72. Silvestrini B. The place of Benzydamine in the therapy of inflammatory conditions. Medicamenta 1966; 45:266-270

73. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Del Basso P. Researches on the increase of liver weight produced by some drugs. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1966; 15:249-254

74. Silvestrini B, Garau A, Pozzatti C and Cioli V. Pharmacological research on Benzydamine. A new analgesic anti-inflammatory drug. Arzneim. Forsch. 1966; 16:59-63

75. Silvestrini B, Garau A, Pozzatti C, Cioli V, Catanese B. Additional pharmacological studies on Benzydamine. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1966; 163:61-69

76. Silvestrini B. Presentazione della Propaxolina (Toness). Minerva Med. 1966; 58:796-799


77. Cioli V, Silvestrini B, Dordoni F. Evaluation of the potential of gastric ulceration after administration of certain drugs. Exp. Molec. Pathol. 1967; 6:68-83

78. Silvestrini B. La circolare n. 54bis e la ricerca farmaceutica italiana. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1967; 106:439-442

79. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Cioli V, Burberi S, Scorza Barcellona P. Brewers yeast-induced inflammation in rats: investigation on some humoral and functional changes. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1967; 106:385-397

80. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R, Scorza Barcellona P. Anti-granuloma and thymolytic activity of certain drugs. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 1967; 1:240-246

81. Silvestrini B, Scorza Barcellona P, Garau A, Catanese B. Toxicology of Benzydamine. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1967; 10:148-159

82. Silvestrini B. Inclusion of benzydamine (Tantum) in the therapy of inflammatory states. Minerva Medica, 1967; 57(96):4067-4070

83. Silvestrini B. Drugs, cosmetics and beverages: meaning and gaps in various rules governing their use. Boll Chim Farm, 1967; 106(1):1-5

84. Silvestrini B. The place of benzydamine in the therapy of inflammatory conditions. Panminerva Medica 1967; 9(4): 135-139


85. De Gregorio M, Silvestrini B. L’infiammazione. Considerazioni sulla patogenesi e sulla terapia. Clin. Europ. 1968; 7:83-87

86. Lisciani R, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Researches on the topical activity of Benzydamine. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 1968; 3:157-162

87. Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B. The analgesic activity of levallorphan. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1968; 34:686

88. Silvestrini B. Working hypotheses exploited in the pharmacological research of some anti-inflammatory drugs. In: Inflammation. Eds.: Silvestrini B., Tura S., Spector W.G.. Excerpta Med. Foundation, Amsterdam, 1968:26-36

89. Silvestrini B. Profilo farmacologico di un nuovo psicofarmaco. Acta Neurol. 1968; 23:13-15

90. Silvestrini B, Burberi S, Catanese B. Inflammatory responses in normal and adrenalectomized rats during obstructive jaundice. Jap. J. Pharmacol. 1968; 18:421-429

91. Silvestrini B, Catanese B. Effects of free and protein bound phenylbutazone on denaturation of plasma proteins. Arzneim. Forsch. 1968; 18:425-426

92. Silvestrini B, Cioli V, Burberi S, Catanese B. Pharmacological properties of AF 1161, a new psychotropic drug. Int. J. Neuropharmacol. 1968; 7:587-599

93. Silvestrini B, Tagliapietra L. Ricerche sperimentali sull’azione disinfettante della Benzidamina. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1968; 107:353-361


94. Burberi P, Burberi S, Silvestrini B. Experimental toxicological tests with Benzydamine. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1969; 108:781-788

95. Cioli V, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Proposta di uno schema sperimentale per valutare il potenziale effetto cancerogeno di farmaci ad impiego topico. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1969; 45:857-860

96. Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B. Experimental research on the analgesic activity of levallorphan. Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 1969; 1:100-107

97. Silvestrini B. Primary and secondary inflammation. Panminerva Med. 1969; 11:587-593

98. Silvestrini B, Catanese B and Lisciani R. A biochemical basis of the anti-inflammatory activity of Bendazac (AF 983). In: Inflammation biochemistry and drug interaction. Eds.: Bertelli A., Houck, J.C. Excerpta Med. Foundation, Amsterdam 1969; 283-288

99. Silvestrini B, Cioli V and Burberi S. Pharmacological properties of bendazac (AF 983) with particular reference to its topical action on some experimental inflammatory processes. Arzneim. Forsch. 1969; 19:30-36


100. Burberi P, Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B. Effects of systematically administered drugs on intraocular pressure in rabbits. Arzneim. Forsch. 1970; 20:1143-1147

101. Catanese B, Lisciani R and Silvestrini B. Effects of ulcerogenic and antiulcer drugs on gastric secretion in rats. Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 1970; 2:83-90

102. Silvestrini B. L’emploi d’agents anti-inflammatoires, particulierement l’Oxolamine et la Benzydamine, dans les affections respiratoires. Brux. Med. 1970; 50:203-210

103. Silvestrini B, Burberi S, Catanese B, Cioli V, Lisciani R. Pharmacological investigation of the anti-ulcer activity of Proxazole. In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Proxazole and its applications in gastroenterology. 1970; Eds.: Barbara L., Esposito G. Edizioni Minerva Medica, Torino:23-33

104. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Lisciani R and Alessandroni A. Studies on the mechanism of action of bendazac (AF 983). Arzneim. Forsch. 1970; 20:250-253

105. Silvestrini B, Cioli V. Anti-infiammatori e terapia delle infezioni. Atti della Societa’ Medica dei Castelli Romani e Prenestina. 1970; Vol. III:1-15

106. Silvestrini B, Quadri E. Investigations on the specificity of the so-called analgesic activity of non-narcotic drugs. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 1970; 12:231-235


107. Burberi S, Silvestrini B. Preventive action of Proxazole in experimentally induced renal hypertension in rats. Jap. J. Pharmacol. 1971; 21:283-291

108. Cioli V, Scorza Barcellona P and Silvestrini B. Study of the potential carcinogenicity of topical drug. Suggestions for a new experimental approach. Exp. Molec. Path. 1971; 15:1-20

109. Cioli V, Silvestrini B. Comparative effects of heating and fasting in mice with particular reference to development of sarcoma 180. Brit. J. Cancer. 1971; 25:149-157

110. De Feo G, Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B. Effetti di alcuni farmaci sulla motilita’ intestinale del topo normale e del topo trattato con tremorina. Farmaco Ediz. Sci. 1971; 26:123-130

111. Lisciani R, Scorza Barcellona P and Silvestrini B. Topical activity of Bendazac on experimental burns. Japan. J. Pharmacol. 1971; 21:69-73

112. Silvestrini B. Significato degli antinfiammatori nella profilassi e terapia delle affezioni respiratorie. G. Clin. Med. 1971; 52:48-61


113. Catanese B, Lisciani R, Silvestrini B. Urinary metabolites of Benzydamine in rats. Arzneim. Forsch. 1972 ; 22:882-884


114. Silvestrini B. Denaturazione proteica e flogosi. Ann. Ital. Derm. Clin. Sper. 1973; 27:231-238

115. Silvestrini B. Benzidamina. In: Enciclopedia medica italiana, II Ed., Vol. II. Uses Ediz. Scientifiche Firenze 1973:2202-2203

116. Silvestrini B. Aminofenazone. In.: Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, II Ed., Vol. I. Uses Ediz. Scientifiche, Firenze 1973:1523-1525

117. Silvestrini B. Antinfiammatori. In.: Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, II Ed., Vol.II. Uses Ediz. Scientifiche, Firenze 1973:350-359

118. Silvestrini B, Burberi S. Significati attuali della ricerca farmaceutica. Atti Conv. “Prospettive del settore farmaceutico in Italia e sue dimensioni nel campo della ricerca scientifica”. Unione Interparlam. Studi Ric. Sci. Tecnol. – Roma, 11/12 Aprile, 27-33, 1973

119. Silvestrini B, Cioli V, Catanese B. Ricerca farmaceutica e Farmacopea. In: Farmacopea ufficiale. Riflessi della sua applicazione sulla ricerca farmaceutica e sulla produzione dei medicamenti. Rendiconti Conv. Roma, 17/12/73, Ist. Sup. Sanita’ e G.I.R.F., 55-65, 1973

120. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R. Pharmacology of Trazodone. Round table discussion. Trazodone. A new psychotropic agent, Amsterdam, 1973. Curr. Ther. Res. 1973; 15:749-754


121. Allori L, Silvestrini B. Due esempi tipici di medicina sperimentale e di sperimentazione nell’uomo. Il Trazodone nelle sindromi cerebrali acute e l’AF 1312/TS nel controllo della fertilita’ maschile. Clin. Europ. 1974; 13:519-528

122. Scorza Barcellona P, Catanese B, Silvestrini B. Correlations between doses, serum levels and embryotoxic effects of acetylsalicylic acid. In: Teratogenic activity of psychotropic drugs, hallucinogens and ambiental pollutants. Eds.: Bertelli A., Donati L., Tuchmann H.. Duplessis-Pacini, Pisa, Italy, 1974:201-210

123. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Cioli V. Aspects of protein stabilization connected with the research of anti-rheumatic drugs. In: Future trends in inflammation. Eds. Velo G.P., Willoughby D.A., Giroud J.P. Piccin Medical Books, Padua and London 1974:193-202


124. Silvestrini B. Dados psicofarmacologicos recentes sobre Trazodone. Psychopharmacological data on Trazodone. A review. Folha Méd. 1975; 71:569-576

125. Allori L, Cioli V, Silvestrini B. Experimental and clinical data indicating a potential use of Trazodone in acute stroke. Curr. Ther. Res. 1975; 18:410-416

126. Allori L, Silvestrini B. Orientamenti e prospettive nella terapia dell’arteriosclerosi. Clin. Europ. 1975; 14:560-568

127. Burberi S, Catanese B, Cioli V, Coulston F, Lisciani R, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Antispermatogenic activity of 1-p-Chlorobenzyl-1H -indazol-3-carboxylic acid (AF 1312/TS) in rats. I. Trials of single and short-term administrations with study of pharmacologic and toxicologic effects. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1975; 23:288-307

128. Burberi S, Catanese B, Cioli V, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Antispermatogenic activity of 1-p-Chlorobenzyl-1H- Indazol- 3-Carboxylic Acid (AF 1312/TS) in rats. II. A study of treatments of duration between 5 and 180 days. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1975; 23:308-320

129. Coulston F, Dougherty WJ, Lefevre R, Abraham R and Silvestrini B. Reversible inhibition of spermatogenesis in rats and monkeys with a new class of indazol-carboxylic acids. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1975; 23:357-366

130. De Feo G, Piccinelli D, Putzolu S, Silvestrini B. Effects of topically instilled drugs on intraocular pressure in rabbits. Arzneim. Forsch. 1975; 25:806-809

131. Silvestrini B. Farmaci del futuro. Medicamenti delle malattie mentali. Terzo Programma – Eri/Ediz. RAI Radiotel. Ital. 1975:136-145

132. Silvestrini B. La ricerca nell’industria farmaceutica italiana. Clin. Europ. 1975; 14:126-133

133. Silvestrini B, Catanese B and Lisciani R. Pharmacology of Bendazac. In: New trends in skin therapeutics. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory local treatment. Eds.: Fuga G.C., De Gregorio M., Milbradt R. Leonardo Ediz. Sci., Roma, 1-9, 1975


134. Allori L, Bernardi G, De Gregorio M, Silvestrini B. Aspetti di farmacoterapia dell’ictus e delle cerebropatie vascolari croniche. Clin. Europ. 1976; 15:432-446

135. Catanese B, Rossi A, Silvestrini B and Toschi G. Effect of Bendazac and phenylbutazone on polymerization of bovine serum albumin. Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 1976; 8:549-555

136. Corsi G, Palazzo G, Germani C, Barcellona P and Silvestrini B. I-Halobenzyl-1H-indazole-3-carboxylic acids. A new class of antispermatogenic agents. J. Med. Chem. 1976; 19:778-783

137. De Feo G, Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B. Indagini sulla tonometria oculare per identazione nel coniglio. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1976; 115:329-334

138. Silvestrini B. Pharmacological profile of Trazodone. In: Therapy in psychosomatic medicine. Ed.: Antonelli F. Ediz. Luigi Pozzi, Roma 1976:7-20

139. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R. Experimental data suggesting an adrenergic mechanism in the production of parkinsonian symptoms. Curr. Ther. Res. 1976; 20:716-724


140. Catanese B, Baldini A, Burberi S, Silvestrini B, Coulston F. Study of rat serum concentrations of 1-[(4-clorophenyl) methyl]-1H-Indazole-3-Carboxylic acid, new antispermatogenic agent. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1977; 42:11-18

141. Coulston F, Silvestrini B. Reversible inhibition of spermatogenesis in rats and monkeys with a new class of indazole-carboxylic acids. In: La ricerca scientifica nell’ industria farmaceutica in Italia. Ediz. Ferro, Milano 1977:1045-1052

142. Gatti GL, Silvestrini B. Trazodone, a new approach to psychopharmacology. Recent experimental data. Anales del V Congr. Latino Americano de Farmacologia y Terapeutica, Lima (Peru) 1974. Un. Nac. Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, 209-213, 1977

143. Scorza Barcellona P, Catanese B, Cioli V and Silvestrini B. A critical evaluation of the correlation between blood levels and antispermatogenic effects of AF 1312/TS in rats. In: Clinical Toxicology. Eds.: W.A.M. Duncan, B.J. Leonard. Excerpta Med., Amsterdam-Oxford 1977; 13:195-197

144. Scorza Barcellona P, Cioli V, Burberi S, Silvestrini B. Effects of 1-p-chlorobenzyl-1H-indazol-3-carboxylic acid (AF 1312/TS) on the fertility of rats. J. Reprod. Fert. 1977; 50:159-161

145. Silvestrini B. Antinfiammatori non steroidei ed epatopatie. In: Progressi in epatologia. Eds.: C. Cascirni, L. Capocaccia-Capozzi, Roma 1977:233-239

146. Silvestrini B, Baiocchi L, Germani C. L’esperienza dell’Istituto di Ricerca F. Angelini. In: Atti Simp. Int. La ricerca scientifica nell’industria farmaceutica in Italia. Ediz. Ferro, Milano 1977:85-108

147. Silvestrini B, Cioli V, Catanese B. The concept of primary and secondary inflammation under some theoretical and applied aspects. Anales del V Cong. Latino americano de Farmacologia y Terapeutica, Lima (Peru), 1974. Un. Nac. Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, 12-16, 1977


148. Catanese B, Cioli V, De Martino C, Silvestrini B. A comparative study of serum and testicular concentrations of AF 1312/TS (or 1-[(4-chlorophenyl) methyl]-1H-indazole-3-carboxylic acid and diclondazolic acid or 1-[(2,4-dichloro phenyl)methyl]-1H-indazole-3 -carboxylic acid) in rats. Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 1978; 10:261-269

149. Lisciani R, Baldini A, De Feo G, Silvestrini B. Pharmacological investigations on Etoperidone a new psychotropic agent. Arzneim. Forsch. 1978; 28:417-423

150. Silvestrini B. Esperienze derivanti dallo studio di una nuova classe di farmaci antispermatogenici. XIX Congr. Soc. Ital. Farmacol. 1st joint meeting Yugoslav and Italian Pharmacologists, Ancona, Italia 1978:91

151. Silvestrini B. Trazodone a new approach to the therapy of depression. In: Depression and the role of Trazodone in antidepressant therapy. Eds.: G. Morozov, J. Saarma, B. Silvestrini. Ediz. Luigi Pozzi, Roma, 1978:1-10

152. Silvestrini B. Considerazioni sui rapporti tra pianificazione delle nascite e ricerca scientifica. Boll. Soc. Torricelliana, Faenza, 1978; 29:1-13

153. Silvestrini B, Cioli V. Rassegna critica delle proprieta’ farmacologiche della Benzidamina ed osservazioni sui suoi impieghi ginecologici. Clin. Europ. 1978; 16:3-16

154. Silvestrini B, De Gregorio M. Osservazioni relative agli impieghi topici della Benzidamina in odontoiatria. Paradontol. Stomatol. 1978; 17:63-75

155. Silvestrini B, De Martino C, Cioli V, Campana A, Malorni W, Scorza Barcellona P. Antispermatogenic activity of diclondazolic acid in rats. Proc. Serono Symp. “Recent Progress in Andrology”, L’Aquila, 1977. Eds.: A. Fabbrini, E. Steinberger. Academic Press, New York 1978; 14:453-457


156. Caputo A, Floridi A, Paggi MG, Marcante ML, De Martino C, Silvestrini B. Control of cell differentiation and cancer cells by Lonidamine. Chemioter. Oncol. 1979; 3:276-281

157. Caputo A, Silvestrini B. Lo studio della spermatogenesi come modello sperimentale per la ricerca di nuovi agenti antitumorali. In: Atti del V Congresso Nazionale di Oncologia. Ediz. Nuove Ricerche, Ancona, 1979:235-241

158. De Martino C, Floridi A, Marcante ML, Malorni W, Scorza Barcellona P, Bellocci M, Silvestrini B. Morphological, histochemical and biochemical studies on germ cell mithochondria of normal rats. Cell Tissue Res. 1979; 196:1-22

159. Floridi A, De Martino C, Marcante ML, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Morphological and biochemical modification of rat germ cell mitochondria induced by new antispermatogenic compounds. Ultramicroscopy 1979; 5:417-418

160. Marcante ML, Floridi A, De Martino C, Scorza Barcellona P, Malorni W, Silvestrini B. Effects of 1-p. Chlorobenzyl-1H-indazol-3-carboxylic (AF 1312/TS) and Lonidamine (AF 1890) on rat Sertoli cells. Ultramicroscopy 1979; 5:418-419

161. Silvestrini B. Ibuprofen e analoghi. In: Enciclopedia Med. Italiana, II Ediz., Vol. VII. Uses Ediz. Sci., Firenze 1979:1106-1107

162. Silvestrini B. Trazodone, a new therapeutic and theoretical approach to depression. Activ. Nerv. Sup. 1979; 21:301-303

163. Silvestrini B, De Martino C. Antinfiammatori e processi infettivi. Osservazioni sperimentali e prospettive per la ricerca farmacologica. G. Ital. Chemioter. 1979; 26:111-120

164. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R. Antinfiammatori di uso topico in dermatologia. Criteri informatori e prospettive della ricerca sperimentale. G. Ital. Dermatol. Minerva Dermatol. 1979; 114:197-203


165. Paggi MG, Floridi A, Marcante ML, De Martino C, Bellocci M, Caputo A, Silvestrini B. Effect of Lonidamine on the energy metabolism of tumor cells. In: 4th Int. Symp. on the prevention and detection of cancer. London (U.K.) 1980

166. Silvestrini B. Necessità di nuovi indirizzi per la ricerca sperimentale di agenti antitumorali. In: Broncopneumatie sociali e cancro broncopolmonare. Eds.: T. Battelli, M. Bonsignori. Ediz. Nuove Ricerche, Ancona, Italia 1980:157-163

167. Silvestrini B. Introductory remarks on Trazodone and its position in the treatment of psychiatric diseases. In: Trazodone, a new broad-spectrum antidepressant. Eds.: S. Gershon, K. Rickels, B. Silvestrini. Excerpta Med. Amsterdam, 1980:1-7

168. Silvestrini B, Natali PG, Catanese B, Barillari G, Cordiali-Fei P. Occurrence of globulin-like migrating blood albumins or GLIMBAL, in pathological rat and human sera. Can. J. Biochem. 1980; 58:89-92


169. Costa Tiozzo R, Buffa P, Silvestrini B. Biochemical lesions induced in isolated rat liver mitochondria by 1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)1H-indazole -3-carboxylic acid (DICA). In: Abstracts of Symposia and posters of 14th FEBS Meeting, Edinburg, 1981. Poster Abstract Th-J-46B

170. Floridi A, De Martino C, Marcante ML, Apollonj C, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Morphological and biochemical modifications of rat germ cell mitochondria induced by new antispermatogenic compounds. Studies in vivo and in vitro. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1981; 35:314-331

171. Floridi A, Paggi MG, D’Atri S, De Martino C, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B and Caputo A. Effect of Lonidamine on the energy metabolism of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Cancer Research 1981; 41:4661-4666

172. Floridi A, Paggi MG, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, De Martino C. Lonidamine, a selective inhibitor of aerobic glycolysis of murine tumor cells. JNCI 1981; 66:497-499

173. Paggi MG, Floridi A, De Martino C, Nista A, Marcante ML, Caputo A, Silvestrini B. Inhibition of lactate production by Lonidamine in human tumors. Curr. Chemother. Immunother., 1344-1345, 1981. Proc. 12th International Congress of Chemiotherapy. Florence (Italy) July, 1981

174. Silvestrini B. Basic and applied research in the study of indazole carboxylic acids. In: Lonidamine: A new pharmacological approach to the study and control of spermatogenesis and tumors. Eds.: B. Silvestrini, A. Caputo. Chemotherapy 1981; 27 (2):9-20

175. Silvestrini B. Gli antidepressivi. C.I.S.U. (Centro Informazione Stampa Universitaria) 1981:39-51

176. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R. Pharmakologische moglichkeiten bei der erforschung von antidepressiva. In : Depressive Syndrome. Chronischer alkoholismus. Eds.: H. Lechner, J. Kugler, D. Fontanari. Fortschr. Ther. Excerpta Med., Amsterdam 1981:39-50

177. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R, De Gregorio M. Trazodone. In: Pharmacological and biochemical properties of drug substances. Ed.: M.E. Goldgerg. American Pharm. Assoc. Acad. Pharm. Sci. 1981; 3:94-119


178. Caputo A, Battelli T, Marcante ML, Gallo M, Floridi A, Silvestrini B, De Martino C. Therapeutical implications of the effect of Lonidamine on cancer cell membrane. Eds.: T. Galeotti et al. Elsevier Biomedical Press Membranes in Tumor Growth, 591-595, 1982

179. Catanese B, Barillari G, Iorio E, Silvestrini B., A comparative study of the oral absorption in man of Bendazac and its lysine salt. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1982; 121:87-90

180. Testa M, Iuliano G, Silvestrini B. Pilot study of Bendazac for treatment of cataract. The Lancet 1, April 10 1982:849-850

181. De Maio D, Scieghi G, Riva C, Silvestrini B. Preliminary clinical experiences with dapiprazole. 13th C.I.N.P. Congr., Jerusalem (Israel), June 20-25, 1982

182. De Martino C, Marolla A, Nista A, Malorni W, Natali PG, Floridi A, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B. Inhibitory effect of Lonidamine on aerobic glycolysis of human leukemic cells. Caryologia 1982; 35:115-116

183. Floridi A, D’Atri S, Paggi MG, Marcante ML, De Martino C, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, Lehninger A. Binding of Lonidamine to Ehrlich ascites tumor and liver mitochondria. In: Membranes in tumor growth. Eds.: T. Galeotti et al. Elsevier Biomedical Press 1982:559-565

184. Kim JH, Kim SH, Alfieri A, Young CW, Silvestrini B. Lonidamine: a hyperthermic sensitizer of HeLa cells in culture and of the Meth-A tumor in vivo. In: Proc. 73rd Ann. Meet. Amer. Ass. for Cancer Res. 1982; 23

185. Lisciani R, Baldini A, Silvestrini B. General pharmacological properties of Dapiprazole, a potential psychotropic agent. Arzneim. Forsch. 1982; 32:674-678

186. Scorza Barcellona P, Campana A, Silvestrini B, De Martino C. The embryotoxicity of a new class of antispermatogenic agents: the 3-Indazole-Carboxylic acids. Arch. Toxicol., Suppl. 1982; 5:197-201

187. Silvestrini B. Trazodone. A new type of antidepressant: a discussion of pharmacological data and their clinical implications. Adv. Biochem. Psychopharmacol, 1982; 31:327-340

188. Silvestrini B. Trazodone. Uma nova aproximaçao farmacologica. Medico Policlinico 1982; 90:4-7/ – 91:7-9

189. Silvestrini B, Bonomi L, Lisciani R, Perfetti S, Bellucci R, Massa F, Baldini A. Effects of Dapiprazole on pupillary size and intraocular pressure in rabbits. Arzneim. Forsch. 1982; 32:678-681

190. Silvestrini B, Cioli V, De Martino C, Scorza Barcellona P. 3-Indazole-Carboxylic Acids as male antifertility agents: a survey of preclinical and clinical studies. Arch. Androl. 1982; 9:11-12

191. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R, Baldini A, De Sanctis AJ. Psychopharmacological profile of Dapiprazole a new potential antipsychotic agent. Arzneim. Forsch. 1982; 32:668-673

192. Silvestrini B, Valeri P, Palmery M. Pharmacological and Biochemical observation on Dapiprazole. XXI Congr. Soc. Ital. Farmacologia, Napoli (Italia), giugno 1982

193. Floridi A, D’Atri S, De Martino C, Paggi MG, Marcante ML, Menichini R, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. Effect of antispermatogenic compounds (Gossypol and Lonidamine) on the energy metabolism of tumor cells. 13th Intern. Cancer Congress, Seattle (Washington), 8 – 15 September, 1982


194. Bonomi L, Michieletto S, Marchini G, De Feo G, Valeri P, Silvestrini B. Effects of ocular instillations of Dapiprazole on pupil motility. Curr. Ther. Res. 1982; 34:469-474

195. Floridi A, D’Atri S, Menichini R, Marcante ML, Nista A, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, De Martino C. The effect of the association of Gossypol and Lonidamine on the energy metabolism of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1982; 38:322-335

196. Floridi A, Nista A, Paggi MG, Marcante ML, Bellocci M, De Martino C, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. The combined effect of hyperthermia and Lonidamine on the energy metabolism of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. XIII Int. Cong. Chemother., Vienna (Austria), 28 Aug – 2 Sept., 1-4, 1983

197. Silvestrini B. Uso ed abuso degli psicofarmaci. In: Educazione Sanitaria. O.E.M.F., 139-146, Milano, 1983

198. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Barillari G, Iorio E, Valeri P. Basic data supporting the use of the L-lysine salt of Bendazac in cataract. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. 1983; 5:217-225

199. Silvestrini B, Hahn GM, Cioli V, De Martino C. Effects of Lonidamine alone or combined with hyperthermia in some experimental cell and tumour systems. Br. J. Cancer 1982; 47:221-231

200. Zupi G, Natali PG, Balduzzi MA, Greco C, Di Filippo F, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. Cytotoxic effect of Lonidamine combined with hyperthermia on human melanoma cells in vitro. Relevance of time – Sequence schedules of treatment. 13th Int. Congr. Chemiotherapy, Vienna (Austria), 28 Aug – 2 Sept., 1983


201. Battelli T, Manocchi P, Giustini L, Mattioli R, Ginnetti A, De Gregorio M, De Martino C, Silvestrini B. A long-term clinical experience with Lonidamine. In: Lonidamine. Proceedings of the IInd International Symposium, Vancouver, 1982. Eds.: B. Silvestrini, P.R. Band, A. Caputo, C.W. Young. Oncology 1984; 41(suppl. 1):39-47

202. Caputo A, Silvestrini B. Lonidamine, a new approach to cancer therapy. In: Lonidamine. Proceeding IInd Int. Symp., Vancouver, 1982. Eds.: B. Silvestrini, P.R. Band, A. Caputo, C.W. Young. Oncology 1984; 41(1):2-6,

203. Cioli V, Corradino C, De Martino C, Pasquini P, Rossi V, Silvestrini B. Pharmacological investigations on Lonidamine. Arzneim. Forsch. 1984; 34:455-460

204. Cioli V, Corradino C, Mazzanti G and Silvestrini B. General pharmacological investigations on bendazac lysine. Farmaco (Ediz. Sci.) 1984; 39:437-454

205. De Feo G, Mazzanti G, Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B, Stefancich G and Artico M. A pharmacological study of benzodiazepine derivatives devoid of anticonvulsant activity. In: XXII Cong. Soc. It. Farmacol., Bologna, 10-13 Ott., 1984

206. Floridi A, D’Atri S, Bellocci M, Marcante ML, Paggi MG, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, De Martino C. The effect of Gossypol and Lonidamine on electron transport in Ehrlich ascites tumor mitochondria. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1984; 40:246-261

207. Hahn G, van Kersen I and Silvestrini B. Inhibition of the recovery from potentially lethal damage by lonidamine. Br. J. Cancer 1984; 50:657-660

208. Kim JH, Alfieri A, Kim SH, Young CW, Silvestrini B. Radiosensitization of Meth-A Fibrosarcoma in mice by lonidamine. Oncology 1984; 41(1):36-38

209. Kim JH, Kim SH, Alfieri A, Young CW, Silvestrini B. Lonidamine. A hyperthermic sensitizer of HeLa cells in culture and of the meth-a tumor in vivo. In: Lonidamine. Proceedings IInd Int. Symp., Vancouver, 1982. Eds.: B. Silvestrini, P.R. Band, A. Caputo, C.W. Young. Oncology 1984; 41(1):30-35

210. Laudonio N, Candiloro A, Zupi G, Greco C, Silvestrini B and Caputo A. Effetto citotossico della lonidamina in combinazione con farmaci antineoplastici su linee tumorali umane. Atti II Riun. Naz. Oncol. Sper. Clin. 1984; n. 13

211. Mazzanti G, Piccinelli D and Silvestrini B. Investigations on the anti-inflammatory action of progesterone. In: XXII Congresso Soc. It. Farmacol., Bologna, 10-13 Ott., 1984

212. Scorza Barcellona P, Campana A, Rossi V, Corradino C and Silvestrini B. A comparative study of acute toxicity of drugs used during anticancer therapy in healthy and tumor-bearing mice. Arch. Toxicol. 1984; 7:90-93

213. Silvestrini B. Problemi etici della sperimentazione clinica dei farmaci. Atti Convegno Int. Sper. Clin. Farmaci. Documento S.I.S.F., 20:33-34

214. Silvestrini B, Palazzo G and De Gregorio M. Lonidamine and related compounds. Progr. Med. Chem. 1984; 21:111-135

215. Silvestrini B, Sternieri E and De Gregorio M. New perspectives in the treatment of drug abuse with antidepressants. Clin. Neuropharmacol. 1984; 7(1):258-259

216. Silvestrini B, Valeri P. Trazodone, a new avenue in the treatment of depression. In: The role of Trazodone in antidepressant therapy. Safety and clinical efficacy. Eds.: B. Silvestrini, J.P. Feighner, T. Silverstone. Psychopathology 1984; 17(2):3-14

217. Valeri P, Bonomi L, Ciranni G, Piccinelli D and Silvestrini B. Penetration and distribution of bendazac lysine in the eye. In: XXII Cong. Soc. It. Farmacol., Bologna, 10-13 Ott, 1984


218. Bertelli A and Silvestrini B. Current trends in the research of antiinflammatory agents. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. 1985; 7:169-173

219. Floridi A, Alexandre A, Paggi MG, Pellegrini L, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B., Caputo A and Lehninger AL. Mechanisms of mitochondrial swelling induced by lonidamine. In: Cell Membrane and Cancer 1985. Eds.: Galeotti et al. Elsevier Science Publishers, 217-221,

220. Floridi A, Delpino A, Nista A, Feriozzi R, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B and Caputo A. Effect of lonidamine on protein synthesis in neoplastic cells. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1985; 42:293-305

221. Caputo A, Greco C, Pisano L, Di Filippo F, Cavaliere R, Silvestrini B and Zupi G. Cytotoxic effects of lonidamine in combination with anticancer agents in human tumour cell lines. In: 14th Int. Congr. Chemiother. Osaka, 1985

222. Nista A, De Martino C, Malorni W, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B and Aristide F. Effect of lonidamine on the aerobic glycolysis of normal and phytohemagglutin in stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1985; 42:194-205

223. Scorza Barcellona P, Campana A, Caranti S and Silvestrini B. Further toxicological investigations on the new anticancer agent lonidamine. In: 2nd Int. Conf. Progr. Cancer, San Remo, 68, 1985

224. Silvestrini B. Animal models for the study of atypical anti-infiammatory agents. Agents and Actions 1985; 17:329-337

225. Silvestrini B. Rationale for the development of trazodone. Speculations and facts. Proc. IVth World Congr. Biol. Psychiatry, Philadelphia (U.S.A), Sept. 8-13, 1985

226. Silvestrini B, Piccinelli D, Valeri P, Palmery M, Bolle P, Tita B. Sindrome di astinenza e dapiprazolo. I Congr. Sottoprog. C.N.R. Tossicodip., Firenze, 26 – 28 Sett., 1985

227. Silvestrini B, Scorza Barcellona P. 1H-Indazole-3-Carboxilic Acid and male contraception. Int. Symp. Genet. Fertil. Regulation, Twin Symposia, Nairobi (Kenia), Sept. 22- 25, 1985

228. Silvestrini B and Valeri P. Trazodone – a distinctive pharmacological profile. In: Psychiatry. The State of the Art. 3: 167-171. Ed.: Pichot et al. Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1985

229 Valeri P, Palmery M, Tita B and Silvestrini B. Investigation on the ocular pharmacokinetics of bendazac in rabbit. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1985; 43:283-287


230. Zupi G, Grego C, Laudonio N, Benassi M, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. In vitro and In Vivo Potentiation by lonidamine of Antitumor Effect of adriamcycin. Anticancer Res. 1986; 6:1245-1250

231. Silvestrini B, Valeri P. A comparative biochemical and pharmacological study of Trazodone and Dapiprazole. In: Modulation of central and peripheral transmitter function
Eds.: G. Biggio, P.F. Spano, G. Toffano, G.L. Gessa. Fidia Res. Ser., Livina Press, Springer Verlag, Berlin. Symp. Neurosci. 1986; 3:435-442

232. Cioli V, Corradino C, Crook D, De Martino C, James RW, Rossi V, Scorza Barcellona P and Silvestrini B. Endocrine and antispermatogenic effects of lonidamine in male rats of different ages. Adv. Contra. Delv. Syst. 1986; 2:212-230

233. Silvestrini B. Trazodone and the mental pain hypothesis of depression. Neuropsychobiology 1986; 15:2-9

234. Floridi A, Bagnato A, Bianchi C, Paggi MG, Nista A, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. Kinetics of inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by antineoplastic agent lonidamine. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 1986; 5(3):273-280

235. Silvestrini B. An operative subclassification of Orphan Drug. Rendiconti della Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL. Memorie di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali. Serie V, 1986; 10:103-106

236. Delpino A, Nista A, Marcante ML, Ferrini U, Silvestrini B, Caputo A and Floridi A. Induction of Stress Proteins by Lonidamine in Human and Murine Melanoma Cells. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1986; 44:197-206

237. Silvestrini B. Etica e profitto dei medicamenti.Tratto da “Chiesa e Salute nel Mondo”. Dolentium Hominum 1986; 1:38-40

238. Silvestrini B, Valeri P, Palmery M, Piccinelli D. Sindrome di astinenza e dapiprazolo. C.N.R. Medicina Preventiva e Riabilitativa. Roma, 17-21 marzo 1986

239. Valeri P, Palmery M, Silvestrini B, Bolle P. Diversita’ negli aggiustamenti di sistemi recettoriali cerebrali a somministrazioni ripetute di antidepressivi. XXIII Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Farmacol., Sanremo, 6-8 Ott., 1986


240. Silvestrini B. La terapia dell’ictus in fase acuta. Prospettive farmacologiche alla luce delle conoscenze attuali. Atti e memorie della Società Medica del Lazio 1987; 3:143-149

241. Musci G, Silvestrini B. Mechanism of the scavenger-like activity of bendazac. Drugs Expl. Clin. Res. 1987; XIII (5):289-292

242. Paggi MG, Zupi G, Fanciulli M, Del Carlo C, Giorno S, Laudonio N, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, Floridi A. Effect of Lonidamine on the Utilization of 14C-Labeled Glucose by Human Astrocytoma Cells. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1987; 47:154-165

243. De Martino, C, Malorni, W, Accinni, L, Rosati F, Mista A, Formisano G, Silvestrini B, Arancia G. Cell Membrane Changes induced by Lonidamine in Human Erythrocytes and T LyMphocytes, and Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1987; 46:15-30

244. Silvestrini B. Benzydamine, an unique model of anti-inflammatory activity. Int. J. Tiss. Reac 1987; IX(2):87-91

245 Silvestrini B. Sperimentazione farmacologica e strategia di ricerca. Fed. Med. 1987; 40(2):149-152

246. De Martino C, Battelli T, Quintarelli G, Silvestrini B, Vecchi A, De Gregorio M, Bellocci M, Mattioli R, Ginnetti A, Accinni L. Importanza dell’indagine ultrastrutturale di cellule neoplastiche nei versamenti pleuro-peritoneali per la diagnostica citologica e per i saggi preclinici dei farmaci. In: I nuovi Farmaci (nella terapia dei Tumori). Eds.: T. Battelli, P.R. Band, A. Giannetti, K. Sikora, B. Silvestrini. Ed.: Monduzzi, Bologna, 1987; 6:33-74

247. Silvestrini B. Problems in the experimental research for anticataract agents. A critical overview. Acta XXV Concilium Opthalmologicum. Proceedings of the XXVth International Congress of Ophthalmology. Rome, May 4-10, 1986. Kugler & Ghedini, Amsterdam, Berkeley, Milano, 2510-2516, 1987

248. Valeri P, Palmery M, Martinelli B and Silvestrini B. Acute interaction between morphine and dapiprazole. First Joint Meeting of the Italian and Dutch Pharmacol. Soc.. Florence, 10-13 may, 1987

249. Silvestrini B. Lonidamina storia di una scoperta farmacologica. In. I nuovi farmaci (nella terapia dei tumori). Eds.: T. Battelli, P.R. Band, A. Giannetti, K. Sikora, B. Silvestrini. Ed.: Monduzzi, Bologna, 1987; 6:75-79

250. Silvestrini B. Rationale for bendazac. In: Recent developments in the Pharmacological Treatment of Cataract. Eds.: F. D’Ermo, F. Ponte, A.M. Laties. Ed.: Kugler Publ. & Ghedini Ed. Milano 1987:1-9

251. Silvestrini B. L’innovazione medica al servizio dell’uomo. Dolentium Hominum 1987; 4:34-39

252. Bagnato A, Bianchi C, Caputo A, Silvestrini B, Floridi A. Enhancing effect of Lonidamine on the Inhibition of Mitochondrial respiration by Adriamycin. Anticancer Res. 1987; 7:799-802

253. Floridi A, Bianchi C, Bagnato A, Gambacurta A, Paggi MG, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. Lonidamine-induced Outer Membrane Permeability and Susceptibility of Mitochondria to Inhibition by Adriamycin. Anticancer Res. 1987; 7:1149-1152


254. Silvestrini B. Preliminary considerations on the medical treatment of cataract. In: Ophthalmology today. Eds: L.N. Ferraz de Oliveira. Ed.: Elsevier Science Publisher B.V., Amsterdam, 1988:715-722

255. Silvestrini B. Benzydamine: a preclinical overview. In: Benzydamine topical therapy in gynecology. Eds: A.R. Genazzani, B. Silvestrini. Ed.: The Parthenon Publishing Groups Lt., Carnforth, 1988:11-19

256. Silvestrini B. Pharmacological viewpoints on the senescence of the eye. Intern. Ass. Cataract Rel. Res. 1988; 1:34-37

257. Silvestrini B. Beyond the limits of typical antidepressants. Psychopharmacology 1988; 95:S1-S2

258. Silvestrini B. Preclinical profile of trazodone. Psychopharmacology 1988; 96:S1-S4

259. Valeri, P, Palmery M, Silvestrini B. Binding profile of trazodone and dapiprazole to some brain receptors. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res. 1988; 14(1):53-58

260. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Severini C. Effect of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamine on Serotonin, Adrenalin and Dopamine evoked Aorta contractions. Pharm. Res. Comm. 1988; 20(5):435-436

261. Silvestrini, B. Lonidamine, the prototype of energolytic antitumor agents. Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 1988; 20 suppl. II :362

262. Silvestrini, B. Recent story and prospectives of antidepressant therapy. In: The Modes of Depression: psychobiology and psychodynamics. Eds: L. Ravizza, E. Genazzani,R. Torta, C. Eva. Ed.: Publ. Libreria Cortina, Torino, Italia 1988:127-131

263. Paggi, MG, Fanciulli M, Perrotti N, Floridi A, Zeuli M, Silvestrini B and Caputo A. The Role of Mitochondrial Hexokinase in Neoplastic Phenotype and its Sensitivity to Lonidaminea. Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences 1988; 551:358-360

264. Floridi A, Bagnato A, Bianchi C, Fanciulli M, Silvestrini B and Caputo A. Lonidamine-Induced Membrane Permeability and the Effect of Adriamycin on the Energy Metabolism of Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells. Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences 1988; 551:270-272

265. Tita B, Bolle P, Martinoli L, Mazzanti G, Silvestrini B. A comparative study of Atropa belladonna and atropine on an animal model of urinary retention. Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 1988 ; 20(5) :55-58

266. Valeri P, Pimpinella G, Palmery M, Mazzanti G, Martinelli B, de Feo G, Silvestrini B. Role of adrenergic system on withdrawal behavior in mice to a single dose of morphine. Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 1988; 20(II):390

267. Silvestrini B, Valeri P. Ocular penetration and effects of aspirin and bendazac. Facts and speculations. 8th Intern. Congress of Eye Research. Proceedings of the Intern. Society for Eye Research 1988; V:90

268. Scorza Barcellona P, Caranti S, Campana A and Silvestrini B. Pretreatment with bendazac attenuates retinal damage induced by intense light in rats. 8th Intern. Congress of Eye Research. Proceedings of the Intern. Society for Eye Research 1988; V:90

269. Silvestrini B. Trazodone. Enciclopedia Medica Italiana – Uses Ediz. Scientif. Firenze 1988; 15:390-391

270. Tita B, Bolle P, Mazzanti G and Silvestrini B. A method for the pharmacological study of micturition in the intact, non anaesthetized animal. Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 1988; 20(2):383


271. Silvestrini, B. Lonidamine, a new approach to cancer treatment. In: Advances management malignancies. Eds.: A. Sagripanti, A. Carpi, B. Grassi. Ed: Monduzzi, Firenze, Italia 1989:337-344

272. Silvestrini B. Lonidamine: a new pharmacological way for overcoming radioresistance. In: Resistance to Antitumor Agents. Laboratory and Clinical Studies. Eds.: M. Ghione, L. Rausa. Ed. Harwood Academic Publishers, New York 1989:245-258

273. Silvestrini, B. Trazodone: From the Mental Pain to the “Dys-Stress” Hypothesis of Depression. Clin. Neuropharmacol. 1989; 12(suppl. 1):S4-S10

274. Silvestrini, B. Concluding Remarks. Clin. Neuropharmacol. 1989; 12(suppl. 1):S58-S59

275. Silvestrini, B. Riflessioni sul significato biologico della senescenza. Dolentium Hominum 1989; 10:56-59

276. Citro G, Galati R, Verdina A, Castiglione S, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, Floridi A. Immunochemical determination of lonidamine in rat tissues and blood serum. Anticancer Res. 1989; 9:811-816

277. Ciancarelli-Tozzi MG, Silvestrini B, Finazzi-Agro A. Photosensitized haemolysis of human erythrocytes is reduced by bendazac. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res. 1989; 15(5):219-222

278. Silvestrini B, Guglielmotti A, Saso L, Cheng CY. Changes in Concanavalin A-reactive Proteins in Inflammatory Disorders. Clin. Chem. 1989; 35:2207-2211

279. Mazzanti G and Silvestrini B. Reflections on Scientific and Normative Bases of Current Phytotherapy. Atti del Congr. Intern. sulle Piante Medicinali. Memorie di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali. Rendiconti dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, serie V vol. XIII parte II, 1989; 107:249-255

280. Silvestrini B. The two phytotherapies and the laws governing them. Memorie di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali. Atti del congr. Intern. sulle Piante Medicinali. Rendiconti dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, serie V vol. XIII parte II, 1989; 107:421-423

281. Silvestrini B. Towards a pharmacology of protein denaturation. 19th meeting Federation European Biochemical Societies, Rome, July, 2-7 1989

282. Silvestrini B. Background for the use of trazodone in special forms of depression. VIII World Congress of Psychiatry, Athens (Greece), October 12-19 1989

283. Bolle P, Tita B, Martinoli L, Silvestrini B. Studio comparativo dell’Atropa belladonna e dei suoi principali alcaloidi sulla minzione del topo intatto e non anestetizzato. Annali dell’Universita’ di Ferrara. Atti del V Congresso della Soc. Ital. Farmacognosia, 16-18 ottobre 1989

284. Silvestrini B. Anomalie della risposta di stress e trazodone. In: Meeting Internazionale di Cardiologia e Neurologia. (Selecta Neurologica) Eds. I. Richichi, G. Nappi. Ed. Cluster Press, Roma, 479, 1989

285. Palmery M, Leone MG, Mazzanti G, Morrone LA, Tita B e Silvestrini B. Effetto facilitante di Passiflora incarnata L. sulla risposta dell’aorta isolata all’adrenalina, noradrenalina e serotonina. Annali dell’Universita’ di Ferrara. Atti del V Congresso della Soc. Ital. Farmacognosia, 16-18 ottobre 1989


286. Silvestrini B, Guglielmotti A, Saso L, Milanese A, Melanitou E, Grima J, Cheng CY. Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay with a Monoclonal Antibody Prepared against 1-Antitrypsin for Diagnostic Screening of Inflammatory Disorders. Clin. Chem. 1990; 36/2:277-282

287. Cheng YC, Grima J, Stahler MS, Guglielmotti A, Silvestrini B, Bardin CW. Sertoli Cell Synthesizes and Secretes a protease Inhibitor, 2-Macroglobulin. Biochemistry 1990; 29:1063-1068

288. Silvestrini B. Farmaci antitumorali della seconda generazione. Nuovi antitumorali. Fed.Med. 1990; 53:569-572

289. Silvestrini B. The Paradoxical Stress Response: A Possible Common Basis for Depression and Other Conditions. J. Clin. Psychiatry 1990; 51:6-8

290. Silvestrini B. La lonidamina, un nuovo indirizzo nel trattamento dei tumori. Eur. Rev. Med. Pharmacol. Sci. (Verduci Ed.) 1990; 12:205-210

291. Silvestrini B. Farmaci dell’occhio: Recenti acquisizioni e prospettive. Eur. Rev. Med. Pharmacol. Sci. (Verduci Ed.) 1990; 12:81-9

292. Silvestrini B, Valeri P. Pharmacological aspects of aging lens and cataract, with particular reference to aspirin and bendazac. In: the Senile Cataract. Proceedings of the 4th IACRR Int. Congress, Milano, Oct. 28-30, 1988. Ed. F. Ponte and G. Giuffre’, Medical Books, Palermo, 1990

293. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Basta F, Valeri P. Dual action of amphetamine on the rabbit aortic strips. Pharmacol. Res. 1990; 22(suppl. 2) :460

294. De Feo G, Lisciani R, Orticelli G, Del Vecchio A, Mazzanti G and Silvestrini B. Short term tolerance to lethal effects of total body hyperthermia in mice. XIth Int. Congress of Pharmacology. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1990; 183:237-238

295. Palmery M, Leone MG, Moffa M, Pimpinella G and Silvestrini B. Facilitating effect of Harmaline on the aortic response to Dopamine. Satellite Meeting of the XIth International Congress of Pharmacology. Como, 8-11 luglio 1990

296. Bolle P, Tita B, Mazzanti G, Martinelli B, Silvestrini B. Un modello sperimentale per lo studio farmacologico della minzione. Eur. Rev. Med. Pharmacol. Sci. (Verduci Ed.) 1990; 12:201-204

297. Bonomi L, Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Baravelli S, Panei M. Penetrazione del bendazac nell’umore acqueo dell’uomo, dopo applicazione topica di bendazac lisina collirio. Risultati preliminari. In: Farmacologia oculare attualita’ e prospettive. Atti del II Congr. Naz. Farmacologia Oculare. Catania, 12-14 ottobre 1990. Ed. Filippo Drago, Cappelli ed., 377-382, 1990

298. Silvestrini B. Riflessioni di un biologo sulla senescenza. In: Manuale Merck di geriatria. II ed. italiana. Stampa Medica Srl, S. Donato Milanese (MI) 1990; 103:1423-1427


299. Silvestrini B and Silvestrini M. Drugs and abnormalities of stress response. In: Stress and related disorders: from adaption to dysfunction. Eds.: Genazzani, A.R., Nappi, G., Petraglia, F. Martignoni, E. Ed.: The Parthenon Publishing Group, Carnorth, U.K., 1991

300. Silvestrini B. Le prospettive della psicofarmacologia come mezzo di restauro della mente. Dolentium Hominum 1991; 16:135-138

301. Silvestrini B. Lonidamine: An Overview. Seminars in Oncology 1991; 18(2-suppl. 4):2-6

302. Stahler MS, Schlegel P, Bardin CW, Silvestrini B and Cheng Y. alfa2-Macroglobulin is not an Acute-Phase Protein in the Rat Testis. Endocrinology 1991; 128:2805-2814

303. Silvestrini B., Cataract, Protein Denaturation and Pathological Aging. Proceedings of the 5th IACRR International Congress. Roma, November 17-19 1989. Ed.: Ponte F. and Giuffrè G. Ed., Medical Books 1991, Palermo

304. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Basta F and Valeri P. Facilitating effect of amphetamine on the response of rabbit aortic strips to adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. J. Neural. Transm. Gen. Sect. 1991; 86:51-59

305. Scorza Barcellona P, Campana A, Caranti S, D’Onofrio E, Silvestrini B. Pretreatment with bendazac attenuates retinal damage induced by intense light in rats. Pharm. Res. 1991; 24(1):105-112

306. Silvestrini B. Radicali liberi, denaturazione proteica ed interventi farmacologici. In: “Radicali liberi e patologia oculare” suppl. n. 3 – Anno 2 del Bollettino di Farmacologia Oulare. Ed. F. Drago e A. Reibaldi, 23-26, 1991

307. Silvestrini B. Peculiarità del controllo neurovegetativo delle funzioni oculari. In: Glaucoma argomenti controversi. Minerva Oftalmologica 1991; 33(3):211-216

308. Silvestrini B, Bombardieri S, Caranti S, Cheng CY, D’Ascanio A, Guglielmotti A, Milanese C, Saso L, Tirri G, Valentini G. The use of a monoclonal antibody against alfa 1-antitrypsin in diagnostic screening of inflammatory disorders. Int. Journ. of Immunotherapy, 1991; VII(4):197-204

309. Silvestrini B. Physiopathological and pharmacological aspects of the stress response. In: Biological Psychiatry vol. 1, Eds. Racagni G., Brunello N., Fukuda T. Ed.: Excerpta Medica, London 1991:152-156

310. Silvestrini B. Drugs Affecting the Serotonergic System. In: Headache and Depression: Serotonin Pathways as a Common Clue. Eds.: G. Nappi, G. Bono, G. Sandrini, E. Martignoni, G. Micieli. Ed.: Raven Press, New York 1991:219-224

311. Silvestrini B. Correlati psicopatologici delle risposte di stress ortodosse e paradosse. Prevenzione cardiovascolare, num. straord., pag. 31, 1991. Atti del II Congr. Intern. di Cardioneurologia. L’Aquila 28-31 agosto 1991

312. Silvestrini B. Basic Physiopathological Aspects. Biol. Psychiatry 1991; 29:11S-35S. Abs. of the 5th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence (Italy), June 9-14, 1991


313. Silvestrini B. Gli psicofarmaci: da uso terapeutico a rischio d’abuso. Dolentium Hominum 1992; 19:92-96

314. Palmery M, Leone MG, Pimpinella G, Silvestrini B. Facilitating effect of harmaline on the aortic response to dopamine. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 25(suppl. 1):7-8

315. Leone MG, Silvestrini B, Palmery M and Cheng YC. Identification of multiple biological factors in rabbit serum that modulate dopamine-mediated aortic constriction. Biochem. Int. 1992; 26(6):1079-1090

316. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Tita B. Sympathetic discharge and blood pressure. Functional Neurol. 1992; 7(3):45-50

317. Li AHY, Saso L, Cazzolla N, Zwain I, Marshall A, Guglielmotti A, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Differential expression of 2-Macroglobulin mRNA in the rat testis, brain, and liver in response to acute inflammation. Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Soc., San Antonio, Texas, June 24-27, 1992

318. Saso L, Silvestrini B, Guglielmotti A, Lahita RG and Cheng CY. Abnormal glycosilation of selected glycoproteins during chronic inflammatory conditions can be reversed by bindarit, 2-[(1-benzyl-indazol-3-yl)methoxy]-2-methyl propionic acid. National Meeting American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Chicago, July 19-13, 1992

319. De Feo G, Giacomelli S, Lisciani R, Panzironi C and Silvestrini B. Further investigations on the tolerance to the lethal effects of total body hyperthermia in mice. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):95

320. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Basta F, Leone MG and Cheng CY. Identification of novel biological factors that facilitate the aortic response to dopamine. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):166

321. Silvestrini B, Tita B, Bolle P, Faccendini P and Bello U. Adrenergic blocking agents and adrenal sympathetic discharge. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):166

322. Leone MG, Silvestrini B, Palmery M and Cheng CY. A study on multiple biological factors in rabbit serum that modulate dopamine-mediated aortic constriction. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):167

323. De Feo G, Lisciani R, Giacomelli S, Bucci MG and Silvestrini B. An animal model for the pharmacological study of the negative feed-back controll of intraocular pressure. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):167

324. Tita B, Bello U, Faccendini P, Bolle P and Silvestrini B. Different effects of autonomic drugs on the bladder function of female and male rats. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):197

325. Saso L, Silvestrini B, Zwain IH, Mo MY and Cheng CY. Changes of cerebrospinal fluid proteins in the rat during acute inflammation. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):237

326. Cioli V, Durando L, Braghiroli L, Mazzanti G and Silvestrini B. Effects of selected blocking -1 agents on analgesic tolerance to morphine. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):313

327. Saso L, Silvestrini B, Zwain I, Guglielmotti A, Luparini MR, Cioli V and Cheng CY. Abnormal Glycosylation of Hemopexin in Arthritic Rats Can Be Blocked by Bindarit. J. Rheumatol. 1992; 19(12):1859-1867

328. Cioli V, Ciarniello MG, Guglielmotti A, Luparini MR, Durando L, Martinelli B, Catanese B, Fava L and Silvestrini B. A new protein antidenaturant agent, Bindarit, reduces secondary Phase of adjuvant Arthritis in Rats. J. Rheumatol. 1992; 19(11):1735-42

329. Cheng CY, Zwain I, Cazzolla N, Saso L, Mo M-y, Guglielmotti A, Silvestrini B and Bardin W. Purification of proteins and peptides on SMARTTM System. Science Tools 1992; 36(1):1-5

330. Tita B, Bello U, Faccendini P, Bolle P and Silvestrini B. Further investigations on sex-related responses of trigone and proximal urethra in anesthetized rats. VI Congr. Soc. Ital. Neuroscienze, Modena, 1-4 dicembre 1992. Neurosciences Letters 1992; Suppl. 43:S110


331. Tita B, Bello U, Faccendini P, Bolle P e Silvestrini. Studio preliminare degli effetti del dapiprazolo su trigono ed uretra di ratto anestetizzato. III Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. per la verifica e lo sviluppo dei farmaci post-registrazione. Roma, 29.-30 gennaio, 1993

332. Tita B, Bello U, Bolle P, Faccendini P, Silvestrini B. A physiopharmacological study of sympathetic innervation in micturition. Pharmacol. Res. 1993; 27(suppl. 1):49-50

333. Silvestrini B, Basta F, Leone MG, Palmery M, Cheng Y. Serotonin does not account for all the serum contracting and facilitating effects on aortic strips. Pharmacol. Res. 1993; 27(suppl. 1):77- 78

334. Palmery M., Pimpinella G., Saso L., Silvestrini B. Facilitating effect of amphetamine and harmaline on blood pressure response to biogenic amines in rats. Pharmacol. Res. 1993; 27(suppl. 1):75-76

335. Guglielmotti A, Silvestrini B, Saso L, Zwain I and Cheng CY. Chronic inflammatory response in the rat can be blocked by bindarit. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Int. 1993; 29(4):747-756

336. Silvestrini B. Biotecnologie e progresso farmaco-terapeutico. Federazione Medica 1993; 6:5-7

337. Saso L, Silvestrini B, Lahita R and Cheng CY. Changes of immunoreactivity in alfa1-antitrypsin in patients with autoimmune diseases. Inflammation 1993; 17(3):383-400

338. Saso L, Silvestrini B, Guglielmotti A, Lahita R and Cheng CY. Abnormal glycosylation of alfa2-macroglobulin, a non-acute-phase protein, in patients with autoimmune diseases. Inflammation 1993; 17(4):465-479

339. Saso L, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. The Use of High-Performance Electrophoresis chromatography for the Micropurification of Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteins in the rat. Analyt. Biochem. 1993; 212:315-324

340. Leone MG, Saso L, Del Vecchio A, Mo M, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Micropurification of Two Human Cerebrospinal Fluid proteins by High Performance Electrophoresis Chromatography. J. Neurochem. 1993; 61:533-540

341. Cheng CY, Calcagno K, Tio S and Silvestrini B. Identification and purification of a tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) from Sertoli cell-enriched culture medium. The American Society for Cell Biology, Bethesda, 6 Aug. 1993

342. Zwain IH, Grima J, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Biosynthesis of clusterin by rat astrocytes and its differential regulation by cytokines. The American Society for Cell Biology, Bethesda, 6 Aug. 1993

343. de Feo G, Clemente M, Bardosova B, Ponzianelli A, Lisciani R, Silvestrini B, Giuliano M. Effects of short and long lasting variations of blood pressure on intraocular pressure. Riunione Monotematica Nazionale di Farmacologia Oculare, Roma, 30 novembre 1993

344. Leone MG, Giacomelli S, Giuliano M, Cheng CY, Silvestrini B. Identificazione e purificazione di diverse proteine nell’umor acqueo mediante HPLC. Riunione Monotematica Nazionale Farmacologia Oculare, Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Roma, 30 Novembre 1993

345. Silvestrini B. Daniel Bovet, the teacher. Annali ISS, 1993; 29(1):41-44


346. Li HYA, Zwain IH, Pineau C, Cazzolla N, Saso L, Silvestrini B, Bardin CW and Cheng CY. Response of alfa2-macroglobulin messenger ribonucleic acid expression to acute inflammation in the testis is different from the response in the liver and brain. Biology Reprod. 1994; 50:1287-1296

347. Silvestrini B. Ricerca e sperimentazione preclinica dei nuovi farmaci in psichiatria: limiti delle ipotesi farmacocentriche e dei modelli sperimentali su esse basati. In: La sperimentazione dei nuovi farmaci in psichiatria. Eds: M. Maj, G. Racagni. Masson, Milano 1994, 29-35

348. Mathur PP, Mo MY, Panzironi C, Silvestrini B, Bardin CW, Grima J and Cheng CY. Rat testicular testibumin is identical to sulfated glycoprotein-1 (SGP-1) whose mRNA expression in the testis is age- but not germ cell-dependent. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1994; 34(5):1063-1071

349. Cheng CY, Panzironi C, Saso L, e Silvestrini B. La glicosilazione proteica, un possibile fattore patogenetico, e bersaglio di effetti farmacologici, nelle malattie autoimmunitarie. Giornata monotematica della Società Italiana di Farmacologia: “Farmacologia della Flogosi ed Immunomodulazione”, Perugia, 10 giugno 1994

350. Silvestrini B. La rete dei comitati di etica. In: Comitati di Etica e Farmacovigilanza. Eds.: V. Berté, A.A. Bignamini. Ed. Health Srl, Bologna 1994:17-23

351. Palmery M, Leone MG, Panzironi C and Silvestrini B. Duplice azione della mescalina sul preparato di aorta di coniglio. VII Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Farmacogn., Bologna, 30 giugno-2 luglio, 1994

352. Bolle P, Palmery M, Leone MG, Martinoli L and Silvestrini B. Effects of amphetamine on adrenergic response in rabbit urethral strips. XXVII Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Farmacol., Torino, 25-29 settembre, 1994

353. Saso L, Valentini G, Panzironi C, Braghiroli L, and Silvestrini B. Protective action of some biological agents against albumin heat-induced denaturation. XXVII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia. Torino, 25-29 settembre, 1994

354. Saso L, Mazzanti G, Valentini G, Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. Effects of some urine components on calcium oxalate precipitation. XXVII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia. Torino, 25-29 settembre, 1994

355. De Feo G, Lisciani R, Di Pasquale C, Ponzianelli A, Silvestrini B. Further studies on the mechanism of thermotolerance in mice. Conferenza CNR P.F. ACRO, La Ricerca Oncologica in Italia, Roma, 9-10 giugno 1994

356. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Tolu L, Basta F, Leone MG and Cheng Y. Facilins, a novel class of biological factors that facilitate the aortic response to dopamine and other biogenic amines. J. Neural Transm. 1994; 95:77-93


357. Silvestrini B. Obiettivi e limiti della ricerca biologica in medicina. Dolentium Hominun, 1995; 28:112-115

358. Saso L, Casini ML, Valentini G, Alcaro S and Silvestrini B. Effect of selected substances on heat induced aggregation of albumin examined by HPLC and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Pharmacol. Res. 1995; 31(suppl. 1):214

359. Saso L, Posta S, Valentini G, Guglielmi R, Paris L and Silvestrini B. Influence of selected endogenous and exogenous compounds on calcium oxalate precipitation. Pharmacol. Res. 31(suppl. 1):355

360. Silvestrini B, Faccendini P, Bolle P, Tita B. Differential action of propranolol on the release and direct effect of epinephrine. Pharmacol. Res. 1995; 31(suppl. 1):328

361. Iurlo M, Nomikos GG, Hertel P, Gherardini G, Palmery M, Leone MG, Silvestrini B. Effetti della somministrazione sistemica di armina nel rilascio in vivo della dopamina e dei suoi metaboliti nell’area ventro-striatale del ratto attraverso la tecnica della microdialisi. VI Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuroscienze. Milano 25-28 giugno 1995

362. Giacomelli S, Palmery M, Bolle P, Romanelli L, Silvestrini B. Effetto della dietilamide dell’acido lisergico (LSD) sulla inibizione della secrezione di prolattina in vitro mediata dalla dopamina. VI Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuroscienze. Milano, 25-28 giugno 1995 ; 1995

363. Li AHY, Silvestrini B, Leone MG, Giacomelli S and Cheng CY. Cerebrin-50, a human cerebrospinal fluid protein whose mRNA is present in multiple tissues but predominantly expressed in the lymphoblastoid cells and the brain. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1995; 35(1):135-144

364. Palmery M, Leone MG, Iurlo M, Luzi A, Silvestrini B. Effetti di alcune sostanze psicotogeniche sul preparato di striscia aorta di coniglio. In: Farmacognosia: moderni sviluppi di una scienza antica. Patron, Bologna 1995:151-156

365. Mazzanti G, Braghiroli L, Scarpati ML e Silvestrini B. Persea Indica: un esempio di apparente tossicomania nell’animale selvatico. Acta Technologiae et Legis Medicamenti 1995; 6(suppl. 3):464-466


366. Giacomelli S, Leone MG, Grima J, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Astrocytes synthesize and secrete prostaglandin D synthetase in vitro. Biochemica et Biophysic Acta 1996; 1310:269-276

367. Silvestrini B. Il rispetto della vita nella ricerca biomedica. Dolentium Hominum 1996; 31:159-162

368. Cheng CY, Giacomelli S, Leone MG, Palmery M, Silvestrini B. A factor(s) from rabbit serum inhibits prolactin secretion in vitro.3dt Joint Meeting of French and Italian Pharmacological Societies Capri May 23-26 1996

369. Saso L, Braghiroli L, Mangiafico S, Tommasino P e Silvestrini B. Un nuovo metodo per la valutazione dell’effetto barriera di polisaccaridi vegetali. VIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacognosia; Napoli, 9-14 giugno 1996

370. Saso L, Panzironi C, Braghiroli L, Valentini G, Casini ML, Mattei E, de Feo G, Mazzanti e Silvestrini B. Implicazioni farmacologiche della stabilizzazione dell’albumina sierica da parte di sostanze endogene ed esogene. Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale della Società Farmaceutica del Mediterraneo Latino, 47-50, 1996

371. Saso L, Valentini G, Casini ML, Mattei E, Braghiroli L, Mazzanti G e Silvestrini B. Valutazione in vitro dell’inibizione della precipitazione dell’ossalato di calcio da parte di diversi componenti urinari fisiologici. XXII Congresso Internazionale della Società Farmaceutica del Mediterraneo Latino. Montpellier, 19-22 settembre 1996

372. Silvestrini B. Borse di studio. In: Il Neurologo italiano. Hippocrates Ed. Medico-Scientifiche Srl, Milano, 1996:700-702

373. Saso L, Braghiroli L, Mangiafico S, Tommasino P and Silvestrini B. Evaluation of the barrier properties of demulcents of vegetable origin with a new method in vitro. Phytother Res 1996; 10:S50

374. Silvestrini B, Saso L, Cheng CY. La glicosilazione proteica come elemento patogenetico e bersaglio terapeutico nelle malattie autoimmunitarie. Reumatismo1996; 48:129-133

375. Braghiroli L, Silvestrini B, Zhu LJ, Moo-Young A and Cheng CY. Identification of paracrine factor(s) released by germ cells (GC) that modulate Sertoli cell (SC) 2 –Macroglobulin (2-MG) production. 6th Internation Congress on Cell Biology & 36th Amercian Society for Cell Biology Anuual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, December 11, 1996


376. Iurlo M, Nomikos GG, Leone MG, Schilstroem B, Gherardini G, Palmery M, Silvestrini B, Svensson TH. Harmine increases extracellular dopamine concentrations in the ventral striatum of freely moving rats. I Seminario Nazionale per Dottorandi in farmacologia e Scienze affini, Siena, Certosa di Pontignano, 3-5 febbraio 1997. (Abstract)

377. Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Pharmacology of the lacrimal secretion. Simposio Internazionale La Sindrome dell’“occhio secco” – Roma, 14-15 febbraio 1997

378. Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. New Micromethodologies applicable to the study of tears composition. Simposio Internazionale La Sindrome dell’“occhio secco” – Roma, 14-15 febbraio 1997

379. Saso L, Tommasino P, Valentini G, Panzironi C, Mattei E, Casini ML and Silvestrini B. In vitro evaluation of the barrier properties of hyaluronic acid. . Simposio Internazionale La Sindrome dell’“occhio secco” – Roma, 14-15 febbraio 1997

380. Saso L, Tommasino P, Bonanni G, Castellacci C, Santini L, Valentini G and Silvestrini B. Interaction between hyaluronic acid and mucin evaluated by gel permeation chromatograpy. Simposio Internazionale La Sindrome dell’“occhio secco” – Roma 14-15 febbraio 1997

381. Bisogno P e Silvestrini B. Il rispetto della vita. In: Bioetica: le ragioni della vita e della scienza. Franco Angeli, Milano 1997

382. Silvestrini B. E’ utile la vivisezione? In: Bioetica: le ragioni della vita e della scienza. FrancoAngeli, Milano 1997

383. Silvestrini B. Le aberrazioni nell’ordine naturale delle cose. Dolentium Hominum, 1997; 34:77-80

384. Silvestrini B. I farmaci naturali. Acta Phytother. 1997; 2:4-7

385. Monastra G, Silvestrini B and Bruni A. Cholesterylphosphoryl-L-serine inhibits tumor necrosis factor release in vivo and in vitro. XXVIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Bari 30 aprile-3 maggio 1997

386. Monastra G, Zatta A and Silvestrini B. Protective activity of benzydamine hyaluronate against hypotonic haemolysis. XXVIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Bari 30 aprile-3 maggio 1997

387. Bolle P, Tucci P, Tita B and Silvestrini B. Indomethacin alters the effects of isoproterenol on rabbit isolated detrusor strips. XXVIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Bari 30 aprile-3 maggio 1997

388. Iurlo M, Nomikos GG, Leone MG, Schilstrom B, Gherardini G, Palmery M, Silvestrini B and Svensson TH. Harmine: modulatory effects on in vivo release of dopamine in the rat ventral striatum area. XXVIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Bari 30 aprile-3 maggio 1997

389. Silvestrini B. Le dosi terapeutiche delle vitamine. X Symposium Internazionale di Vitaminologia “Le azioni protettive delle vitamine”. Roma, 15.5.97

390. Ferrari G, Minozzi MC, Zanellato AM and Silvestrini B. GM1, like IGF-I and GDNF, prevents neuronal apoptosis. Satellite Symposium to the Combined Meeting of the International & American Societies for Neurochemistry. New York, July 13-16, 1997

391. Mathur PP, Grima J, Mo MY, Zhu LJ, Aravindan GR, Calcagno K, O’Bryan M, Chung S, Mruk D, Lee WM, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Differential expression of multiple cathepsin mRNAs in the rat testits during maturation and following lonidamine induced tissue restructuring. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1997; 42:217-233

392. Giacomelli S, Cheng CY, Leone MG, Palmery M and Silvestrini B. Identification, purification, and partial characterization of a factor from rabbit serum that inhibits prolactin secretion by pituitary cells cultured in vitro. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1997; 42:1199-1213

393. Sorrentino C, Mo MY, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Prostaglandin D2 synthetase: its cellular distribution and hormonal regulation in the male reproductive tract. 30th Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Reproduction (agosto1997)

394. Silvestrini B. The document on vaccination of the National Committee for Bioethics of Italy. Euroconference on: Ethical, Legal, and Social aspects of vaccine research and vaccination policies. Rome, Italy – June 12-14, 1997

395. Mruk D, Zhu LJ, Silvestrini B, Lee WM and Cheng CY. Interactions of proteases and protease inhibitors in Sertoli-germ cell cocultures preceding the formation of specialized Sertoli-germ cell junctions in vitro. J Androl. 1997; 18:612-622

396. Panzironi C, Silvestrini B, Mo MY, Lahita RG, Mruk D and Cheng CY. An increase in the carbohydrate moiety of 2-macroglobulin is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1997; 43(6):1305-1322


397. Mruk D, Mo MY, Grima J, Silvestrini B, Lee WM and Cheng CY. Sertolin is a novel Sertoli cell product: its cDNA cloning, tissue distribution,, and regulation. American Society of Andrology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency, Long Beach, CA, March 27-29, 1998

398. Saso L, Valentini G, Casini ML, Mattei E, Panzironi C and Silvestrini B. Development of a turbidimetric assay to study the effect of urinary components of calcium oxalate precipitation. Urol Int 1998; 60:47-52

399. Silvestrini B. La Facoltà di Farmacia nella Società che cambia. Leader for Chemist 1998; 3:4-10

400. Giacomelli S, Palmery M, Romanelli L, Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a partial agonist of D2 dopaminergic receptors and it potentiates dopamine-mediated prolactin secretion in lactotrophs in vitro. Life Sciences 1998; 63(3):215-222

401. Chung SSW, Mo M-y, Silvestrini B, Lee WM and Cheng CY. Rat testicular N-cadherin: its complementary Deoxyribonucleic Acid cloning and regulation. Endocrinology 1998; 139(4):1853-1862

402. Saso L, Casini ML, Valentini G, Mattei E, Panzironi C and Silvestrini B. Development of an HPLC assay to study the effect of Endogenous and Exogenous substances on heat-induced aggregation of human serum albumin. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. 1998; 36(3):155-162

403. Braghiroli L, Silvestrini B, Sorrentino S, Grima J, Mruk D and Cheng CY. Regulation of 2-macroglobulin expression in rat Sertoli cells and hepatocytes by germ cells in vitro. Biol. Reprod. 1998; 59:111-123

404. Mruk D, Cheng CH, Cheng YH, Mo MY, Grima J, Silvestrini B, Lee WL and Cheng CY. Rat Testicular extracellular superoxide dismutase: its purification, cellular distribution, and regulation. Biol. Reprod. 1998; 59:298-308

405. Sorrentino C, Silvestrini B, Braghiroli L, Chung SSW, Giacomelli S, Leone MG, Xie YB, Sui YP, Mo MY and Cheng CY. Rat Prostaglandin D2 synthetase: its tissue distribution, Changes during maturation, and regulation in the testis and epididymis. Biol. Reprod. 1998; 59:843-853

406. Scazzocchio F, Silvestrini B, Salvatore G, Mazzanti G. Azione battericida di alcuni olii essenziali. 9° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fitochimica. Cetraro (CS), 27-30 maggio 1998

407. Bucci MG, Centofanti M, Pescosolido N, Rosa R, Romanelli L, Silvestrini B. Valutazione dell’effetto dei farmaci anti-glaucomatosi sull’ipertensione oculare indotta da prolungata chiusura palpebrale. 1° Incontro Nazionale della Sezione di Farmacologia Clinica. Matera, 29-31 maggio 1998

408. Silvestrini B. La voce del cuore e quella della ragione. Orizzonte medico, 1998; 4:14-15

409. Silvestrini B. Aspetti medici della droga. Definizioni, droga e malattia, riflessioni etiche. Convegno Ecclesiale: Solidali per la vita. Dolentium Hominum 1998; 38:40-43

410. Chung SSW, Zhu LJ, Mo M-Y, Silvestrini B, Lee MW and Cheng CY. Evidence for cross-talk between Sertoli and germ cells using selected cathepsins as markers. J. Androl. 1998; 19:686-703

411. Saso L, Valentini G, Giardino AM, Spadaro A, Riccieri V, Zoppini A and Silvestrini B. Changes of glycosylation of serum proteins in psoriatic arthritis, studied by enzyme-linked lectin assay (Ella), using Concanavalin A. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Int. 1998; 46:867-876

412. Saso L, Leone MG, Sorrentino C, Giacomelli S, Silvestrini B, Grima J, Li JCH, Samy E, Mruk D and Cheng CY. Quantification of prostaglandin D synthetase in cerebrospinal fluid: a potential marker for brain tumor. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Int. 1998; 46:643-656

413. Silvestrini B, Valeri P, Romanelli L, Saettone MF e Chetoni P. Principi di farmacologia generale di interesse oftalmologico. In: Farmacologia oculare. Eds. F. Drago – N. Orzalesi. UTET, Torino, 1998

414. Saso L, Valentini G, Leone MG, Grippa E, Silvestrini B. Development of an in vitro Assay for the screening of substances capable of dissolving calcium oxalate crystals. Urol Int 1998; 61:210-214

415. Saso L, Valentini G, Grippa E, Leone MG and Silvestrini B., Effect of selected substances on heat-induced aggregation of albumin, IgG and lysozyme. Res. Commun. Mol. Pathol. Pharmacol. 1998; 102, 15-28
416. Ferrari G, Minozzi MC, Zanellato AM, Silvestrini B. GM1, like IGF-I and GDNF, prevents neuronal apoptosis. Ann N Y Acad Sci. Jun 19 1998; 845:408

417. Quaglia MG, Farina A, Silvestrini B, Desideri N, Porra R, Bossu E, Palmery M. Racemate or pure enantiomer: a strategy for more adequate use of chiral drug therapy. Rapp. ISTISAN 98/13, 8-11,1998


418. Silvestrini B. Vittorie drogate. Newton 1999; 1:120-126

419. Saso L, Tommasino P, Grippa E, Leone MG and Silvestrini B. Micromethods for the analysis of tear proteins in pharmacological studies. Res. Comm. in Mol. Pathol. and Pharm. 1999; 103:149-168

420. Podestà E, Silvestrini B, Botrè C. Alternative methods to animal testing: the role of biosensors. II Workshop Sensori Chimici e Biosensori. Roma, 18-19 Marzo 1999

421. Saso L, Bonanni G, Grippa E, Gatto MT, Leone MG and Silvestrini B. Interaction of hyaluronic acid with mucin, evaluated by gel permeation chromatography. Res. Comm. in Mol. Pathol. and Pharm. 1999; 104:277-284

422. Saso L, Valentini G, Casini ML, Mattei E, Braghiroli L, Mazzanti G, Panzironi C, Grippa E and Silvestrini B.. Inhibition of Protein Denaturation by Fatty Acids, Bile Salts and Other Natural Substances: A New Hypothesis for the Mechanism of Action of Fish Oil in Rheumatic Diseases. Jpn. J. Pharmacol. 1999; 79:89-99

423. Silvestrini B. Nuove biotecnologie e responsabilità morale. Atti del III Convegno Internazionale Multidisciplinare: La Bioetica e la sfida delle società complesse: informazione, trapianti, sistemi sanitari e clonazione. Biesse Grafica, Roma, 1999

424. Silvestrini B. The document on vaccination of the national committee for bioethics of Italy. Arch. Clin. Bioet. suppl. Bioet. Clin. II 1999; 1:67-69

425. Cheng CY, Mo MY, Mruk D, Lee WM and Silvestrini B. TEMO is a novel testicular gene to study Sertoli-germ cell interactions: its cDNA cloning and regulation.
10th World Congress on Human reproduction. Salvador, Bahia (Brazil) May, 4-8, 1999

426. Grima J, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Testin, a sensitive marker to monitor the integrity of Sertoli-germ cell junctions, can be used to screen potential male contraceptives. 10th World Congress on Human reproduction. Salvador, Bahia (Brazil) May, 4-8, 1999

427. Silvestrini B. Aspetti etico-normativi del doping: il punto di vista del farmacologo. Convegno l’Etica e lo Sport. Roma, 18 maggio 1999

428. Silvestrini B. Il ruolo della farmacologia in vitaminologia. XIV Congresso Nazionale di Vitaminologia. Roma, 20 maggio 1999

429. Palmery M e Silvestrini B. Psicofarmaci ed occhio. Congresso Farmacologia Oculare 1999. Belgirate (Lago Maggiore, 18-20 giugno 1999)

430. Leone MG, Abdel-Haq H, Tita B, Giacomelli S, Saso L, Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. Effect of Lonidamine on Lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase levels in rat testis and epididymis. Pharmacol. Res. 1999; 39(suppl., 95) (Abstract book – XXIX National Congress of the Italian Pharmacological Society, Florence June 20-23)

431. Palmery M e Silvestrini B. Veleni animali e vegetali sul territorio italiano. Trattato di Medicina Legale e Scienze Affini. Casa Editrice Dott. Antonio Milani, 1999; IV:209-235

432. Cazzolla N, Saso L, Grima J, Leone MG, Grippa E, Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, using a monoclonal antibody against 2-macroglobulin, for the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Clinical Biochem. 1999; 32(4):249-255

433. Leone MG, Saso L, Cheng CY, Silvestrini B. Micropurification of β- and γ- crystallins from rabbit aqueous humor. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 1999; 26:167-171

434. Saso L, Leone MG, Mo M-Y, Grippa E, Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. Differential changes in α2-macroglobulin and hemopexin in brain and liver in response to acute inflammation. Biochemistry (Moscow) 1999; 64(7):839-844

435. Saso L, Valentini G, Leone MG, Grippa E, Guglielmi R, Paris L, Cantore G and Silvestrini B. Changes in Concanavalin A-Reactive Proteins in Neurological Disorders. J. Clin. Lab. Anal. 1999; 13:158-165

436. Grippa E, Valla R, Battinelli L, Mazzanti G, Saso L and Silvestrini B. Inhibition of Candida rugosa lipase by berberine and structurally related alkaloids, evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatoghraphy. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 1999; 63(9):1557-1562

437. Saso L, Valentini G, Mattei E, Panzironi C, Casini ML, Grippa E and Silvestrini B. Stabilization of rat serum proteins following oral administration of fish oil. Arch. Pharm. Res. 1999; 22(5):485-490

438. Silvestrini B. La sperimentazione animale. In: Frontiere della Vita, vol. IV, Parte III Bioetica, Sezione IV Etica e interventi sul vivente. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, 1999

439. Saso L, Valentini G, Riccieri V, Spadaro A, Zoppini A, Silvestrini B. Changes of glycosylation of serum proteins in Sjogren’s syndrome: correlation with interleukin-6 and soluble interleukin-2 receptor. IUBMB Life. Oct 1999; 48 (4):385-390


440. Silvestrini B. Cure alternative: cosa dice la scienza. Newton, 2000; IV(2):77-84

441. Palmery M, Abdel-Haq H, Antonini A, Cometa MF, Silvestrini B. Facilitating and direct effects of ecstasy and MDA on rabbit aortic strips. Abstract. XII Congresso Nazional della Società Italiana di Tossicologia. Bologna, 23-26 Febbraio 2000.

442. Samy ET, Li JCH, Grima J, Lee WM, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Sertoli Cell Prostaglandin D2 Synthetase is a Multifunctional Molecule: its Expression and Regulation. Endocrinology 2000; 141(2):710-721

443. Abdel-Haq H, Giacomelli S, Palmery M, Leone MG, Saso L and Silvestrini B. Aflatoxins inhibit prolactin secretion by rat pituitary cells in culture. Drug and Chemical Toxicol. 2000; 23(2):381-386

444. Abdel-Haq H, Palmery M, Leone MG, Saso L and Silvestrini B. Stimulation of Guinea Pig isolated atria by Aflatoxins. Toxicol. in Vitro 2000; 14:193-197

445. Abdel-Haq H, Palmery M, Leone MG, Saso L and Silvestrini B. Relaxant effects of Aflatoxins on isolated Guinea Pig trachea. Toxicol. Sci. 2000; 55:162-170

446. Grippa E, Pavone F, Gatto MT, Petrucci R, Marrosu G, Silvestrini B, Saso L. In vitro evaluation of antioxidant activity by electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography. Biochim. et Biophys. Acta 2000; 25109:1-7

447. Li JCH, Samy ET, Grima J, Chung SSW, Mruk D, Lee WM, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Rat Testicular Myotubularin, a Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Expressed by Sertoli and Germ Cells, Is a Potential Marker for Studying Cell-Cell Interactions in the Rat Testis. J. Cell. Physiol. 2000; 185:366-385

448. Saso L, Grippa E, Gatto MT, Leone MG and Silvestrini B. Inhibition of Heat-Induced Aggregation of β- and γ-Crystallin by α-Crystallin Evaluated by Gel Permeation HPLC. Biochemistry (Moscow) 2000; 65(2):250-255

449. Saso L, Silvestrini B. Problemi etici della sperimentazione sull’uomo con particolare riguardo al consensoinformato. Minerva Medica 2000; 91:255-65

450. Silvestrini B. Ricerca Farmacologia: Passato e Futuro. Raphael, dicembre 2000, 4-8

451. Abdel-Haq H, Cometa MF, Palmery M, Leone MG, Silvestrini B and Saso L. Relaxant effects of Hydrastis canadensis L. and its major alkaloids on guinea pig isolated trachea. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 2000; 7,218-222

452. Leone MG, Grippa E, Guidolin D, Tita B, Abdel-Haq H, Gatto MT, Bordi F, Cheng CY, Silvestrini B, and Saso L. Effects of lonidamine on testicular and epididymal proteins in the rat. Reprod. Toxicol. 2000; 14:257-263
453. Saso L, Tommasino P, Italiano G, Grippa E, Leone MG, Gatto MT and Silvestrini B., Changes of acute-phase proteins in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Physiol Res. 2000; 49:403-409
454. Gong XD, Wong YL, Leung GP, Cheng CY, Silvestrini B, Wong PY. Lonidamine and analogue AF2785 block the cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate-activated chloride current and chloride secretion in the rat epididymis. Biol Reprod. Sep 2000; 63(3):833-838

455. Saso L, Silvestrini B. Nephrolithiasis. Recenti Prog Med. Jul-Aug 2000; 91(7-8):388-95

456. Silvestrini B. Medicine alternative: le due facce del problema. L’arco di Giano, 2000; 26:129-137


457. Saso L, Silvestrini B. Antidenaturant drugs for cataract and other condensation diseases. Medical Hypotheses 2001; 56(1):114-120

458. Grima J, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Reversibile Inhibition of Spermatogenesis in Rats Using a New Male Contraceptive, 1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-indazole-3-carbohydrazide. Biol. Reprod. 2001; 64:1500-1508

459. Cheng CY, Silvestrini B, Grima J, Mo MY, Zhu LJ, Johansson E, Saso L, Leone MG, Palmery M and Mruk D. Two new male contraceptives exert their effects by depleting germ cells prematurely from the testis. Biology of Reproduction 2001; 65:449-461

460. Saso L, Grippa E, Gatto MT and Silvestrini B. Inhibition of calcium oxalate precipitation by bile salts. Int. J. Urol. 2001; 8:124-127
461. Saso L, Valentini G, Casini ML, Grippa E, Gatto MT, Leone MG and Silvestrini B. Inhibition of Heat-induced Denaturation of Albumin by Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): Pharmacological Implications. Arch. Pharm. Res. 2001; 24 (2):150-158

462. Silvestrini B. Biotecnologie e ricerca. Atti del Convegno Biotecnologie, clonazione, trapianti, procreazione medicalmente assistita: la bioetica alle frontiere della vita. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 81-84, Roma (2001)

463. Iurlo M, Leone MG, Schilstrom B, Linnèr L, Nomikos GG, Hertel P, Silvestrini B, Svensson TH. Effects of harmine on dopamine output and metabolism in rat striatum: role of monoamine oxidase-A inhibition. Psychopharmacology 2001; 159:98-104

464. Grippa E, Gatto MT, Leone MG, Tita B, Adbel-Haq H, Vitalone A, Silvestrini B and Saso L. Analysis of lonidamine in rat serum and testis by high performance liquid chromatography. Biomed. Chromatogr 2001; 15:1-8
465. Riccieri V, Spadaro A, Saso L, Valentini G, Taccari E and Silvestrini B. Immunohistologic markers of immune activation and changes of glycosylation of serum proteins in primary Sjogren’s syndrome. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol. 2001; 19:53-58
466. Podestà E, Silvestrini B, Botrè C, Botrè F. Toxicity testing in environmental monitoring: the role of enzymatic biosensors. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Ann. Ist. Super. Sanità 2001; 37(4):607-613
467. Leone MG, Adbel-Haq H, Gennaro G, Amici S, Conte D, Romanelli F, Latini M, Fillo S, Isidori A, Saso L and Silvestrini B. Changes of lipocalin type prostaglandin D-synthase in the seminal plasma of subfertile man. Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol 2001; 110:17-25
468. Costa LG, Guizzetti M, Lu H, Bordi F, Vitalone A, Tita B, Palmery M, Valeri P, Silvestrini B. Intracellular signal transduction pathways as targets for neurotoxicants. Toxicology. Mar 7 2001; 160(1-3):19-26


469. Bonanomi M, Lucente G, Silvestrini B. Male fertility: core chemical structure in pharmacological research. Contraception 2002; 65:317-320

470. Mruk DD, Silvestrini B, Mo M, Cheng CY., Antioxidant superoxide dismutase – a review: its function, regulation in the testis, and role in male fertility. Contraception 2002; 65(4):305-11

471. Cheng CY, Mo M, Grima J, Saso L, Tita B, Mruk D, Silvestrini B. Indazole carboxylic acids in male contraception. Contraception 2002; 65(4):265-8

472. Silvestrini B. L’ingegneria genetica in medicina: una riflessione in chiave biologica. Atti del Convegno OGM. Scienza, normativa ed etica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 143-153, Roma (2002)

473. Silvestrini B. Tossicomanie: definizioni e classificazioni, Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 2002; 38(3):211-215

474. Silvestrini B. I confini fra medicina convenzionale e “non convenzionale”, Atti del Convegno Etica della Salute e “Terapie non Convenzionali”, Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Bioetica, Quaderno n. 1, 151-170, Giannini Editore, Napoli (2002)

475. Silvestrini B. La sperimentazione sul vivente: una riflessione in chiave etica. Kéiron, 2002; 11:10-23


476. Silvestrini B. Presupposti etico-scientifici della sperimentazione animale. Atti del convegno L’etica della sperimentazione animale, Università di Pisa, pag. 33-46. Ed. ETS, 2003

477. Silvestrini B. L’ingegneria genetica in medicina: una riflessione in chiave naturalistica, in L’Eldorado della nuova biologia. Clonazione, animali transgenici, cellule staminali, Franco Angeli 2003:107-120

478. Silvestrini B. Medicina alternativa e medicina scientifica: aspetti etici. Bollettino Ordine Medici di Padova 2003; 6:27-31


479. Silvestrini B. Tabagismo: i rischi delle dipendenze. Pianeta Adolescenti, Sinnos Editrice 2004:52-64


480. Silvestrini B, Silvestrini M. Funzione Sessuale Maschile, in Trattato di Andrologia, a cura di M. Porena e G.F. Meschini Fabris, Ed. UTET Scienze Mediche, 2005:367-370

481. Cheng CY, Mruk D, Silvestrini B, Bonanomi M, Wong C-H, Siu MKY, Lee NPY, Lui W-Y, Mo M-Y. AF-2364 [1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-1H-indazole-3-carbohydrazide] is a potential male contraceptive: a review of recent data. Contraception 2005; 72:251-261

482. Silvestrini B. La medicina che guarda a Darwin, Janus 2005; 20:118-124


483. Mruk DD, Wong CH, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. A male contraceptive targeting germ cell adhesion. Nature Med. 2006; 12(11):1323-1327


484 Mruk DD, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Anchoring junctions as drug targets: role in contraceptive development. Pharmacological Rev 2008; 60(2):146-180

485 Silvestrini B, Arpino M, Ferrante M, Musicco M, Santilli G. Healthy Growth chart project. Part I, Medicina dello Sport 2008; 61(2):197-206

486. Silvestrini B. Medicine non convenzionali: un problema bioetico. Nuntium 2008; 34:15-19


487. Hu G-X, Hu L-F, Yang D-Z, Li J-W, Chen G-R, Chen B-B, Mruk DD, Bonanomi M, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY, Ge R-S. Adjudin targeting rabbit germ cell adhesion as a male contraceptive: a pharmacokinetic study. J Androl 2009; 30(1):87-93

488. Silvestrini B, Arpino M, Ferrante M, Musicco M, Santilli G. Healthy Growth chart project. Part 2. A pilot study on sports and juvenile obesity. Medicina dello Sport 2009; 62(3):273-284

489. Silvestrini B. Prefazione di Scienza & Etica, Percorsi di comunicazione e formazione. A cura di R. Azzaro Pulvirenti. FrancoAngeli Ed 2009:7-16


490. Silvestrini B, Arpino M, Ferrante M, Musicco M, Santilli G. Il Progetto “Carta del Benessere” – Rassegna critica dei risultati di uno studio pilota. Scuola dello Sport 2010; 29(84):3-10


491. Cheng CY, Wong EWP, Lie PPY, Li MWM, Su L, Siu ER, Yan HHN, Mannu J, Mathur PP, Bonanomi M, Silvestrini B and Mruk DD. Environmental toxicants and male reproductive function. Spermatogenesis, 2011; 1(1):2-13

492. Cheng CY, Wong EWP, Lie PPY, Li MWM, Mruk DD, Yan HHN, Mok K-W, Mannu J, Mathur PP, Lui W-y, Lee WM, Bonanomi M and Silvestrini B. Regulation of blood-testis barrier dynamics by desmosome, gap junction, hemidesmosome and polarity proteins. An unexpected turn of events. Spermatogenesis, 2011; 1(2):105-115

493. Cheng CY, Lie PPY, Wong EWP, Mruk DD and Silvestrini B. Adjudin disrupts spermatogenesis via the action of some unlikely partners. Spermatogenesis, 2011; 1(4):1-7

494. Musicco M, Azzaro Pulvirenti R, Gainotti S, Petrini C, Riccio C and Silvestrini B. A study of the Healthy Growth Charter in socially disadvantaged children. Ann Ist Super Sanità 2011; 47(4):417-423


495. Mok K-W, Mruk DD, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. rpS6 Regulates Blood-Testis Barrier Dynamics By Affecting F-Actin Organization and Protein Recruitment.. Endocrinology, 2012; 153(10):5036–5048

496. Su L, Mruk DD, Lie PPY, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. A peptide derived from laminin-c3 reversibly impairs spermatogenesis in rats. NatureCommun, 2012

497. Mok KW, Lie PP, Mruk DD, Mannu J, Mathur PP, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. The apical ectoplasmic specialization-blood-testis barrier functional axis is a novel target for male contraception. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012; 763:334-55

498. Su L, Jenardhanan P, Mruk DD, Mathur PP, Cheng YH, Mok KW, Bonanomi M, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Role of P-glycoprotein at the blood-testis barrier on adjudin distribution in the testis: a revisit of recent data. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012; 763:318-33


499. Xie QR, Liu Y, Shao J, Yang J, Liu T, Zhang T, Wang B, Mruk DD, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY and Xia W. Male contraceptive Adjudin is a potential anti-cancer drug. Biochemical Pharmacology , 2013; 85:345–355

500. Shao J, Liu T, Xie QR, Zhang T, Yu H, Wang B, Ying W, Mruk DD, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY and Xia W. Adjudin attenuates lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and ischemia-induced microglial activation. Journal of Neuroimmunology , 2013; 254:83–90

501. Qian X, Cheng Y-h, Jenardhanan P, Mruk DD, Mathur PP, Xia W, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Adjudin disrupts spermatogenesis by targeting drug transporters. Lesson from the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP). Spermatogenesis, 2013

502. Silvestrini B. Immunokinetics: a new approach to vaccines. A working hypothesis. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Ann. Ist. Super. Sanità 2013; 49(3):306-308

503. Ferrante M, Musicco M, Riccio C e Silvestrini B. Anche la salute è un talento: “La carta del benessere”. Mettere a frutto i talenti, Collana Prometheus, 2013


504. Xiao X, Mruk DD, Tang EI, Wong CKC, Lee WM, John CM, Turek J, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Environmental toxicants perturb human Sertoli cell adhesive function via changes in F-actin organization mediated by actin regulatory proteins. Human Reproduction, 2014; 29(6):1279-1291


505. Yan Ho Cheng, Pranitha Jenardhanan, Premendu P. Mathur, Xiaojing Qian, Weiliang Xia, Bruno Silvestrini and Chuen Yan Cheng. Interaction of Oligomeric Breast Cancer Resistant Protein (BCRP) with Adjudin: A Male Contraceptive with Anti-Cancer Activity. Current Molecular Pharmacology, 2014, 7, 147-153

Atti di Convegni e Congressi

• Inflammation. Aethopathogenetic, Clinical and Therapeutic Problems. An International Symposium. Bologna 7-8 Novembre 1967. Editors B. Silvestrini e S. Tura. Co-editor W.G. Spector. Excerpta Medica (1967)
• Inflammation Biochemistry and Drug Interaction. Proceeding of an International Symposium, Como, Italy, 11-13 October 1968. Excerpta Medica Foundation (1969)
• “Trazodone, a new psychotropic drug”. Second International Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Amsterdam, 1973. Curr. Ther. Res., 15, 108 (1973)
• Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry – Trazodone. Proceedings of the First International Symposium, Montreal, 1973 , Karger Eds. (1974)
• Depression and the role of trazodone in antidepressant therapy. Symposium organized by Ministry of Health of the USSR, Serbsky Central Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry and F. Angelini Research Institute, Italy. Moscow, 1977. Eds. G. Morozov, J. Saarma, B. Silvestrini (1978)
• Trazodone, a new broad-spectrum antidepressant. Proceedings of a Symposium, 11th Congres of C.I.N.P., Austria, 1978. Excerpta Medica (1980)
• Lonidamine: a new pharmacological approach to the study and control of spermatogenesis and tumors. Chemotherapy, 27, Suppl. 2 (1981)
• Lonidamine. Proceedings of the IInd International Symposium, Vancouver, 1982. Oncology 41, Suppl. 1 (1984)
• Benzydamine: a new therapeutic concept for the treatment of inflammation”. Proceedings of a Symposium, 1st World Conference of Inflammation, Analgesics, Immunomodulators. Venice, 1984
• Trasformazione della Società contemporanea ed occupazione giovanile”. Quaderni del CNR, La Roccia ed. (1985).
• Trazodone: An antidepressant with adrenolytic activity”. 16th C.I.N.P. Congress, Munich, 1988. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 12 (1989)
• Scienza e tecnologia per la pace nel Medio Oriente, Roma, 20-21 Giugno 1994. Prometheus, FrancoAngeli ed, 1995
• I giovani nella società che cambia. Ruolo della scienza nella formazione e nel lavoro, 1996. Prometheus, FrancoAngeli ed, 1995
• Le piante medicinali in Farmacia”, Roma, 19 Ottobre 1995. Prometheus, FrancoAngeli ed, 1995
• Scienza e tecnologia per la pace in Medio Oriente. Prometheus, FrancoAngeli ed, 1996
• Pharmacological approaches to male fertility: from contraception to the treatment of sterility”, Roma, 4-5 Dicembre 2000. Contraception, 2001
• Fertilità maschile: dalla contraccezione alla terapia”, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma, 24-25 Ottobre 2003. In stampa su Contraception
• Mettere a Frutto i Talenti. FrancoAngeli Ed., 2013


Silvestrini B.
Valutazione sperimentale delle principali attività farmacologiche.
Ediz. Bulzoni, Roma (1969)

Silvestrini B., Feighner J.P. and Silverstone T. (eds.)
The role of trazodone in antidepressant therapy: safety and clinical efficacy.
Psychopathology 17, Suppl. 2 (1984)

Silvestrini B., Tura S. (eds.) and Spector W.G. (co-ed)
Inflammation-Aetiopathogenetic, clinical and therapeutic problems.
Excerpta Medica Foundation (1986)

Silvestrini B.
Malati di droga.
Sperling & Kupfer, Milano (1995)
5 Edizioni, attualmente esaurito. Può essere scaricato gratuitamente, anche nella traduzione inglese, da www.noopolis.eu

Giarelli G., Roberti di Sarsina P., Silvestrini B.
Le medicine non convenzionali in Italia – Storia, problemi e prospettive di integrazione.
Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007

Silvestrini B.
Medicina naturale, analisi, riflessioni, prospettive.
FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2007

Silvestrini B.
Malati di droga
Edizioni RED, 2009

Silvestrini B.
Il farmaco moderno. Un patto esemplare fra uomo e natura.
Carocci Ed., 2014

Lavori in press, submitted e in preparation

Chung SSW, Zhu LJ, Mo MY, Silvestrini B, Lee WM and Cheng CY. The localization of multiple cathepsin mRNAs in staged seminiferous epithelium by in situ hybridization is consistent with their role in germ cell migration. Endocrinology (submitted)

Li JCH, Gradoni L, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Characterization of a trypanosomal variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) T122. (In press)

Li JCH, Samy ET, Grima J, Chung SSW, Mruk D, Lee WM, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Rat Myotubularin (rMTM) is a Sertoli cell product to monitor cell-cell, interactions in the testis. Biol. Reprod. (In press)

Hong-yu Zhou1, Guo-xin Hu1, Jun-wei Li1,Lu-feng Hu1, Guo-rong Chen2, Dolores D. Mruk3, Bruno Silvestrini4, C. Yan Cheng3, Ren-shan Ge1,3
Effects of Adjudin on spermatogenesis of male beagle dogs
1. Department of Pharmacology, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou, China 325000;
2. Department of Pathology, Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou, China, 325000.
3. Population Council, NewYork, NY 10021, United States. 4. The Noopolis Fdn, Rome, Italy.

Xiao X, Mruk DD, Jenardhanan P, Mannu J, Mathur PP, Lee WM, Silvestrini B, Cheng Y-ho and Cheng CY. Nonreceptor Protein Kinases c-Src, c-Yes, and FAK are biomarkers for Male Contraceptive Research. (In Press)

Silvestrini B. Appunti sugli aspetti legali e deontologici del “conflitto d’interessi”. (In Press)

(limitatamente, tra gli oltre 200 brevetti facilmente reperibili sul sito internet http:://it.espacenet.com, a quelli concessi negli USA).

1. G. Palazzo, B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 3,141,019: 1,2,4-oxadiazoles and processes for producing the same, 1964.

2. G. Palazzo, B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 3,409,668: Substituted anthranilamides and process for the preparation thereof, 1968.

3. G. Palazzo, B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 3,381,009: Triazole: -4,3-a -pyridines, 1968.

4. G. Palazzo, B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 3,502,668: 2-phenyl-5-tertiaryamino alkyl-1,3,4-oxadiazoles, 1970.

5. G. Palazzo, B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 3,895,026: Substituted 1-benzyl-1H-indazole-3-carboxylic acids and derivatives thereof, 1975.

6. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 4,131,675: Use of combinations of L-DOPA with trazodone and L-DOPA with etoperidone in parkinsonism, 1978.

7. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 4,132,791: Use of etoperidone in Parkinsonism and in other extrapyramidal syndromes characterized by tremors, 1979.

8. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 4,154,832: Novel treatment for acute organic cerebral syndromes (strokes), 1979.

9. L. Baiocchi, B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 4,134,989: Guaiacol p.isobutyl hydratropate, 1979.

10. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 4,162,318: Use of trazodone and etoperidone in Parkinsonism and in other extrapyramidal syndromes characterized by tremors, 1979.

11. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 4,282,237: 1-benzyl-1H-indazole-3-carboxilic acids for interrupting pregnancy in mammals, 1981.

12. B. Silvestrini, L. Baiocchi, U.S. Patent n. 4,252,721: Cicloalkyltriazoles and process for obtaining same, 1981.

13. L. Baiocchi, B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 4,264,618: Basic Thio-idazoles, 1981.

14. B. Silvestrini, L. Baiocchi, U.S. Patent n. 4,307,095: Method of treating schizophrenia with cycloalkltriazoles, 1981.

15. B. Silvestrini, L. Baiocchi, U.S. Patent n. 4,307,096: Method of treating glaucoma with cycloalkltriazoles, 1981.

16. B. Silvestrini, L. Baiocchi, U.S. Patent n. 4,325,952: Method of treating abstinence syndrome with cycloalkyltriazoles, 1982.

17. B. Silvestrini, L. Baiocchi, U.S. Patent n. 4,402,956: 2-[3-[4-chloro-4-fluorophenil]-1-piperazinyl]propyl]-1,2,4-triazolo[4,3-a]pyridin-3(2H)-one, 1983.

18. B. Silvestrini, L. Baiocchi, U.S. Patent n. 4,352,813: (1-benzyl-1H-indazol-3-yl)oxy acetic acid salt with L-lysine, 1982.

19. B. Silvestrini, L. Baiocchi, U.S. Patent n. 4,451,477: Bendazac treatment of cataract, 1984.

20. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent N. 4,554,288: Use of bendazac and its salts in the treatment of retinitis pigmentosa, 1985.

21. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 4,749,684: Method for increasing hair growth, 1988

22. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 4,906,632: Method of preventing myocardial infarction and acute cerebral ischemia, 1990.

23. B. Silvestrini, Y. Cheng, U.S. Patent Application n. 311,650: Serum proteins related to autoimmune disease (filed 1989).

24. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent Application n. 456,190: Use of lonidamine in cancer (filed 1989).

25. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent Application n. 362,755: Method for inhibiting the development of tolerance in the analgesic treatment witrh morphine (filed 1989).

26. L. Baiocchi, B. Silvestrini, US Patent Application n. 470,118:: Ethers of 1-benzyl-3-hydroxymethyl-indazole with aliphatic 2-hydroxyacids (filed 1990).

27. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent Application n. 362,755: Pharmaceutical composition for topical ophthalmic use having improved local tolerability (filed 1990).

28. B. Silvestrini, Yan Cheng. U.S. Patent n. 5,047,509 (Date of Patent Sep. 10, 1991): Abnormally glycosilated variants of alfa 2-macroglobulin.

29. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 5,041,446: Method for inhibiting the development of tolerance in the analgesic treatment with morphine, 1991.

30. L. Baiocchi, B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 4,999,367: Ethers of 1-benzil-3-hidroxymethyl-indazole with aliphatic 2-hidroxyacids, compositions and use, 1991.

31. B. Silvestrini, U.S. Patent n. 5,093,348: Pharmaceutical composition for topical ophthalmic use having improved local tolerability, 1992.

32. L. Baiocchi B. Silvestrini U.S. Patent n. 5,112,986: 1-benzyl-hydroxymethyl-indazole compounds and derivatives, 1992.

33. B. Silvestrini, Y. Cheng U.S. Patent n. 5,258,312 – Serum proteins used to detect autoimmune disease, 1993.

34. B. Silvestrini, Y. Cheng U.S. Patent n. 5,284,750 – Serum proteins related to autoimmune disease, 1994.

35. B. Silvestrini, Y. Cheng U.S. Patent n.: 6,001,865: 3-substituted 1-benzyl-1H-indazole derivatives as antifertility agents, 1999

36. B. Silvestrini, C. Buratto and A. Buratto. U.S. Patent n. 6,269,554 B1: Combined pronation and supination control plantar insert for shoes 2001

37. B. Silvestrini and G. Kirshner. US Patent n. 6,224,857 B1: Pharmaceutical preparations comprised of salts of hyaluronic acid with local anaesthetics. 2001.


1. Abbati A, Silvestrini B. Rilievi clinico-statistici su di un gruppo di adenopatici ilari ricoverati nella colonia preventoriale di Casaglia (Bologna). Atti del XXXII Cong. Naz. Ass. Med. Ital. Idroclimatologia, Talassologia e Terapia Fisica 1953; Vol. II:147-148, Ed.: Cappelli, Bologna, 1953

2. Abbati A, Trombetta C, Silvestrini B. Lo studio auxologico degli adenopatici ilari TBC in corso di terapia climatica. Clin. Termale 1956; 9:3-33

3. Longo VG, Silvestrini B. EEG patterns, anesthetic state and peripherally evoked reticular potentials. XX Cong. Int. Physiol., Bruxelles 1956; 30/7 – 4/8

4. Silvestrini B, Longo VG. Selective activity of morphine on the EEG arousal reaction to painful stimuli. Experientia 1956; 12:436-438

5. Silvestrini B, Longo VG. Risveglio elettro-encefalografico ed analgesia – Azione elettiva della morfina sulla “reazione di risveglio” da stimoli dolorifici, Arch. Ital. Sci. Farmacol. 1956; 6:1-2

6. Bovet D, Longo VG et Silvestrini B. Les méthodes d’investigations electrophysiologiques dans l’étude des medicaments tranquillisants. Contribution à la pharmacologie de la formation réticulaire. In: Psychotropic Drugs. Eds.: S. Garattini, V. Ghetti, Helsevier Publishing Company 1957:193-206

7. Cotti E, Crepax P e Silvestrini B. Modificazioni dell’attivita’ elettrica cerebrale provocate nel cane dalla stimolazione del lobulus ansiformis mediante prostigmina. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1957; 33:1-3

8. Cotti E, Crepax P e Silvestrini B. Analisi elettroencefalografica dell’effetto Rossi ottenuto in cani predisposti e non predisposti all’epilessia riflessa. Estratto Rendiconti Accad. Naz. Lincei 1957; 22:103-109

9. Cotti E, Crepax P e Silvestrini B. Le modificazioni elettroencefalografiche provocate dalla stimolazione chimica della corteccia neocerebellare nel cane predisposto e in quello non predisposto all’epilessia riflessa. Arch. Sci. Biol. 1957; 41:559-578

10. Longo VG and Silvestrini B. Action of eserine and amphetamine on the electrical activity of the rabbit brain. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 1957; 120:160-170

11. Longo VG and Silvestrini B. Effects of adrenergic and cholinergic drugs injected by intra-carotid route on electrical activity of brain. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 1957; 95:43-47

12. Silvestrini B. Azione bronco-costrittrice dell’acroleina. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1957; 33:482-1485

13. Silvestrini B, Longo VG. Influenze sui potenziali stricnici corticali degli stati di sincronizzazione e desincronizzazione EEG indotti da farmaci (eserina, amfetamina e scopolamina). Rend. Ist. Sup. Sanità 1957; 20:138-154

14. Silvestrini B, Longo VG and Bovet D. Action of synchronizing and desynchronizing drugs on strychnine induced convulsive cortical activity. Fed. Proc. 1957; 16:336

15. Bovet D, Kohn R, Marotta M and Silvestrini B. Some effects of histamine in the normal and haemophilus pertussis vaccinated rat. Brit. J. Pharm. Chem. 1958; 13:74-83

16. Longo VG and Silvestrini B. Contribution a l’étude des rapports entre le potentiel reticulaire évoqué, l’état d’anesthésie et l’activité électrique cérébrale. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol. 1958; 10:111-120

17. Longo VG, Silvestrini B e Bovet D. Analisi elettroencefalografica delle proprieta’ convulsivanti del 5-7-difenil-1-3-diazadamantan-6-olo. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1958; 34:1866-1869

18. Silvestrini B. Antagonismo di alcune sostanze ad azione centrale nei confronti del broncospasmo ottenuto mediante iniezione di serotonina nella cavia. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1958; 34:1723-1728

19. Silvestrini B. Neuropharmacological study of the central effects of benactyzine and hydroxyzine (cerebral electrical activity, alarm and flight reaction on hypothalamic stimulation, central antagonism). Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1958; 116:71-85

20. Silvestrini B, Kohn R. Azione del meprobamato sull’attivita’ elettrica cerebrale del coniglio e sulle reazioni di allarme e di fuga provocate dalla stimolazione elettrica dei nuclei ipotalamici. Rend. Ist. Sup. Sanità 1958; 21:328-337

21. Longo VG, Silvestrini B, Bovet D. An investigation of convulsant properties of the 5-7-diphenyl 1-3-diazamantan-6-olo. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 1959; 126:41-49

22. Maffii G, Silvestrini B, Bianchi G. Attivita’ farmacologica di derivati beta-lattamici. Nota II. Azioni sistemiche del 3-metil-3-fenil-2-azetidinone e del 3-etil-3-fenil-2-azetidinone. Il Farmaco (Ediz. Sci.) 1959; 14:269-287

23. Silvestrini B, Longo VG. Action of synchronizing and desynchronizing drugs on strychnine-induced cortical spikes. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1959; 119:359-366

24. Silvestrini B, Maffii G. Rilievo dell’azione antitosse negli animali di laboratorio e rapporti tra azione bechica ed altre proprieta’ farmacologiche. Il Farmaco (Ediz. Sci.) 1959; 14:440-464

25. Silvestrini B, Maffii G. Effects of chlorpromazine, promazine, diethazine, reserpine, hydroxyzine and morphine upon some mono-and polysynaptic motor reflexes. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1959; 11:224-233

26. Silvestrini B. Un antitosse-antinfiammatorio, l’Oxolamina (Perebron). Minerva Med. 1960; 51:4091-4094

27. Silvestrini B, Lefevre F, Gaffi A, Businco E, Scoponi M. Azioni di taluni antistaminici sul comportamento e su particolari tipi di reazioni motorie del topo. Atti del I Congr. Soc. Ital. Medicina del traffico, Sanremo, 1960: 857-860

28. Silvestrini B, Pozzatti C. Antitussive activity and other pharmacological properties of six oxadiazoles. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1960; 129:249-263

29. Bizzi L, Pozzatti C, Ballardin E, Silvestrini B. Esame farmacologico di alcuni succinati e glutarati acidi di arilalchile. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1961; 100:855-863

30. Bizzi L, Pozzatti C, Silvestrini B. Primi dati farmacologici sul succinato acido di 1-p.chlorofenilpentile (AF 425). Boll. Chim. Farm. 1961; 100:504-512,

31. Maffii G, Bianchi G, Schiatti P, Silvestrini B. Action of 5,5-diethyl-1,3-oxazine-2,4-dione (dioxone) on respiration and circulation. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1961; 16:231-243

32. Maffii G, Dezulian VM, Silvestrini B. A new analeptic 5,5-diethyl-1,3-oxazin-2,4-dione (dioxone). J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1961; 13:244-253

33. Maffii G, Silvestrini B. Rapporti tra struttura chimica ed attivita’ farmacologica in una serie di 1,3-ossazin-2,4-dioni e 1,3-ossazin-2,4-ditioni sostituiti. Il Farmaco (Ediz. Sci.) 1961; 16:39-57

34. Palazzo G, Tavella M, Strani G, Silvestrini B. 1,2,4-oxadiazoles-IV. Synthesis and pharmacological properties of a series of substituted aminoalkyl -1,2,4-oxadiazoles. J. Med. Pharm. Chem. 1961; 4:351-367

35. Silvestrini B. Caratteristiche dell’Oxolamina. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1961; 100:869-872

36. Silvestrini B. Descrizione di una nuova molecola dotata di marcate proprieta’ anti-infiammatorie ed antalgiche in paragone con alcuni farmaci noti. Minerva Med. 1961; 2:1282

37. Silvestrini B and Pozzatti C. Pharmacological properties of 3-phenyl-5-beta-diethylaminoethyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1961; 16:209-217

38. Palazzo G, Silvestrini B. Ricerche nel campo dell’ 1,2,4-oxadiazolo. Nota VII. Sintesi e proprieta’ farmacologiche di derivati carbammici. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1962; 101:251-258,

39. Silvestrini B, Pozzatti C. Pharmacological study of 3-p-methoxylphenyl-5-diethylaminoethyl-1,2,4 oxadiazole. Arzneim. Forsch. 1962; 12:539-543

40. Catanese B, Palazzo G, Pozzatti C, Silvestrini B. Toxicologic studies on 1,2,4-oxadiazole derivatives. Relationship between chemical structure and bladder irritation. Exp. Molec. Path. 1963; Suppl. 2:28-40

41. Crepax P Silvestrini B. Experimental evaluation in laboratory animals of anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs. Arch. Ital. Biol. 1963; 101:444-457

42. Fadiga F, Maffii G, Silvestrini B. Modificazioni provocate dal 5,5-dietil-1,3-ossazin -2,4-dione (dietadione) nell’attivita’ elettrica spontanea registrata dalla corteccia cerebrale, dal talamo e dalla formazione reticolare mesencefalica. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1963; 39:188-190

43. Maffii G, Silvestrini B, Banfi S. Antitussive activity of a new local anaesthetic compound, Benzobutamide. Nature 1963; 199:916-917

44. Silvestrini B, Bignami A, Garau A, Pozzatti C. Toxicity studies of 3-phenyl-5-beta-diethylaminoethyl -1,2,4-oxadiazole on mice, rats and dogs. Exp. Molec. Path., Suppl. 1963; 2:50-64

45. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Garau A, Pozzatti C. Toxicity studies on 3-phenyl-5-beta-diethylaminoethyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole. Vesical irritating activity of diethylamine and other simple amines. Exp. Molec. Path. 1963; Suppl. 2:41-49

46. Silvestrini B and Pozzatti C. Pharmacological properties of 3-alpha-phenylpropyl-5 -beta-diethylaminoethyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole citrate. Arzneim. Forsch. 1963; 13:798-802

47. Silvestrini B, Pozzati C, Garau A. Proprietà farmacologiche di alcuni nuovi analgesici di sintesi. Arch. Ital. Sci Farmacol. 1963; 13:260-261

48. Bovet-Nitti F, Kohn R, Marotta M, Pinto Scognamiglio W, Silvestrini B. Histamine-induced modification of neuromuscular blockade by lepto and pachycurares. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1964; 149:308-317

49. Catanese B, Silvestrini B. Ricerche sul metabolismo del 5-beta-dietilamino-3-alfa -fenilpropil-1,2,4-oxadiazolo. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1964; 103:447-450

50. Catanese B, Silvestrini B. Ricerche sulla motilità intestinale del topo studiata con l’aiuto di un pigmento fotoluminescente. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1964; 103:727-735

51. Corsi G, Catanese B, Silvestrini B. Sintesi di derivati ossidrilati dell’Oxolamina e indagini sul loro metabolismo e sulle loro proprieta’ farmacologiche. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1964; 103:115-125

52. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Corsi G and Ridolfi P. The urinary metabolites of 5-(2-diethylaminoethyl)-3-phenyl-1,2,4-oxadiazole. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1964; 16:38-42

53. Silvestrini B, Garau A. Malformazioni fetali prodotte dalla talidomide nel topo. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1964; 103:804-814

54. Silvestrini B. On “Doping”. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1964; 103:541-544

55. Silvestrini B. The pharmacology page. Boll Chim Farm, 1964; 103:385-388

56. Falà F, Silvestrini B. Esame comparativo di alcuni sali della Benzidamina. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1965; 104:705-709

57. Maffii G, Silvestrini B, Banfi S. Antitussive activity of medazonamide. Nature 1965; 205:914-915

58. Silvestrini B. Modificazioni dell’attività e del metabolismo dei farmaci in relazione al fenomeno dell’induzione enzimatica. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1965; 104:275-283

59. Silvestrini B. E’ utile o dannosa una regolamentazione ufficiale dello studio tossicologico dei nuovi farmaci? Boll. Chim. Farm. 1965; 104:3-6

60. Silvestrini B. Contributi sperimentali all’ipotesi dei tumori intesi come malattia sistemica. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1965; 104:400-408

61. Silvestrini B. Ricerca scientifica e industria farmaceutica. Clin. Europ. 1965; 2:121-128

62. Silvestrini B. General implications from a study on the anti-inflammatory activity of Benzydamine. In: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Eds.: Garattini S. and Dukes M.N.G. Excerpta Med. Foundation, Amsterdam, 180-189, 1965

63. Catanese B, Grasso A, Silvestrini B. Studies on the absorption and elimination of Benzydamine in the mouse, rat, dog and man. Arzneim. Forsch. 1966; 16:1354-1357

64. Del Basso-Orsini P, Silvestrini B. Effects of some substances on the turbidimetric response to heat of albumin and of serum and plasma of the rat. Ital. J. Biochem. 1966; 15:200-215

65. Palazzo G, Corsi G, Baiocchi L, Silvestrini B. Synthesis and pharmacological properties of 1-substituted 3-dimethylaminoalkoxy-1H-indazoles. J. Med. Chem. 1966; 9:38-41

66. Silvestrini B. Methods for the study of anti-inflammatory drugs. In: Methods in drug evaluation. 1966; Eds.: Mantegazza P., Piccinini. F. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 46-61

67. Silvestrini B. Propiedades de la Benzidamina, un nuevo analgesico anti-inflamatorio. Medicamenta 1966; 45:81-89

68. Silvestrini B. Un nuovo farmaco antiinfiammatorio: La Benzidamina. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1966; 105:12-25

69. Silvestrini B. Prospettive dell’industria farmaceutica italiana alla luce dell’esperienza americana. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1966; 105:477-480

70. Silvestrini B. La profilassi del tetano. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1966; 105:417-418

71. Silvestrini B. Problemi legati alla previsione in laboratorio delle proprietà biologiche esplicate nell’uomo dai farmaci. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1966; 105:100-103

72. Silvestrini B. The place of Benzydamine in the therapy of inflammatory conditions. Medicamenta 1966; 45:266-270

73. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Del Basso P. Researches on the increase of liver weight produced by some drugs. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1966; 15:249-254

74. Silvestrini B, Garau A, Pozzatti C and Cioli V. Pharmacological research on Benzydamine. A new analgesic anti-inflammatory drug. Arzneim. Forsch. 1966; 16:59-63

75. Silvestrini B, Garau A, Pozzatti C, Cioli V, Catanese B. Additional pharmacological studies on Benzydamine. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1966; 163:61-69

76. Silvestrini B. Presentazione della Propaxolina (Toness). Minerva Med. 1966; 58:796-799

77. Cioli V, Silvestrini B, Dordoni F. Evaluation of the potential of gastric ulceration after administration of certain drugs. Exp. Molec. Pathol. 1967; 6:68-83

78. Silvestrini B. La circolare n. 54bis e la ricerca farmaceutica italiana. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1967; 106:439-442

79. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Cioli V, Burberi S, Scorza Barcellona P. Brewers yeast-induced inflammation in rats: investigation on some humoral and functional changes. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1967; 106:385-397

80. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R, Scorza Barcellona P. Anti-granuloma and thymolytic activity of certain drugs. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 1967; 1:240-246

81. Silvestrini B, Scorza Barcellona P, Garau A, Catanese B. Toxicology of Benzydamine. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1967; 10:148-159

82. Silvestrini B. Inclusion of benzydamine (Tantum) in the therapy of inflammatory states. Minerva Medica, 1967; 57(96):4067-4070

83. Silvestrini B. Drugs, cosmetics and beverages: meaning and gaps in various rules governing their use. Boll Chim Farm, 1967; 106(1):1-5

84. Silvestrini B. The place of benzydamine in the therapy of inflammatory conditions. Panminerva Medica 1967; 9(4): 135-139

85. De Gregorio M, Silvestrini B. L’infiammazione. Considerazioni sulla patogenesi e sulla terapia. Clin. Europ. 1968; 7:83-87

86. Lisciani R, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Researches on the topical activity of Benzydamine. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 1968; 3:157-162

87. Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B. The analgesic activity of levallorphan. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 1968; 34:686

88. Silvestrini B. Working hypotheses exploited in the pharmacological research of some anti-inflammatory drugs. In: Inflammation. Eds.: Silvestrini B., Tura S., Spector W.G.. Excerpta Med. Foundation, Amsterdam, 1968:26-36

89. Silvestrini B. Profilo farmacologico di un nuovo psicofarmaco. Acta Neurol. 1968; 23:13-15

90. Silvestrini B, Burberi S, Catanese B. Inflammatory responses in normal and adrenalectomized rats during obstructive jaundice. Jap. J. Pharmacol. 1968; 18:421-429

91. Silvestrini B, Catanese B. Effects of free and protein bound phenylbutazone on denaturation of plasma proteins. Arzneim. Forsch. 1968; 18:425-426

92. Silvestrini B, Cioli V, Burberi S, Catanese B. Pharmacological properties of AF 1161, a new psychotropic drug. Int. J. Neuropharmacol. 1968; 7:587-599

93. Silvestrini B, Tagliapietra L. Ricerche sperimentali sull’azione disinfettante della Benzidamina. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1968; 107:353-361

94. Burberi P, Burberi S, Silvestrini B. Experimental toxicological tests with Benzydamine. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1969; 108:781-788

95. Cioli V, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Proposta di uno schema sperimentale per valutare il potenziale effetto cancerogeno di farmaci ad impiego topico. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 1969; 45:857-860

96. Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B. Experimental research on the analgesic activity of levallorphan. Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 1969; 1:100-107

97. Silvestrini B. Primary and secondary inflammation. Panminerva Med. 1969; 11:587-593

98. Silvestrini B, Catanese B and Lisciani R. A biochemical basis of the anti-inflammatory activity of Bendazac (AF 983). In: Inflammation biochemistry and drug interaction. Eds.: Bertelli A., Houck, J.C. Excerpta Med. Foundation, Amsterdam 1969; 283-288

99. Silvestrini B, Cioli V and Burberi S. Pharmacological properties of bendazac (AF 983) with particular reference to its topical action on some experimental inflammatory processes. Arzneim. Forsch. 1969; 19:30-36

100. Burberi P, Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B. Effects of systematically administered drugs on intraocular pressure in rabbits. Arzneim. Forsch. 1970; 20:1143-1147

101. Catanese B, Lisciani R and Silvestrini B. Effects of ulcerogenic and antiulcer drugs on gastric secretion in rats. Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 1970; 2:83-90

102. Silvestrini B. L’emploi d’agents anti-inflammatoires, particulierement l’Oxolamine et la Benzydamine, dans les affections respiratoires. Brux. Med. 1970; 50:203-210

103. Silvestrini B, Burberi S, Catanese B, Cioli V, Lisciani R. Pharmacological investigation of the anti-ulcer activity of Proxazole. In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Proxazole and its applications in gastroenterology. 1970; Eds.: Barbara L., Esposito G. Edizioni Minerva Medica, Torino:23-33

104. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Lisciani R and Alessandroni A. Studies on the mechanism of action of bendazac (AF 983). Arzneim. Forsch. 1970; 20:250-253

105. Silvestrini B, Cioli V. Anti-infiammatori e terapia delle infezioni. Atti della Societa’ Medica dei Castelli Romani e Prenestina. 1970; Vol. III:1-15

106. Silvestrini B, Quadri E. Investigations on the specificity of the so-called analgesic activity of non-narcotic drugs. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 1970; 12:231-235

107. Burberi S, Silvestrini B. Preventive action of Proxazole in experimentally induced renal hypertension in rats. Jap. J. Pharmacol. 1971; 21:283-291

108. Cioli V, Scorza Barcellona P and Silvestrini B. Study of the potential carcinogenicity of topical drug. Suggestions for a new experimental approach. Exp. Molec. Path. 1971; 15:1-20

109. Cioli V, Silvestrini B. Comparative effects of heating and fasting in mice with particular reference to development of sarcoma 180. Brit. J. Cancer. 1971; 25:149-157

110. De Feo G, Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B. Effetti di alcuni farmaci sulla motilita’ intestinale del topo normale e del topo trattato con tremorina. Farmaco Ediz. Sci. 1971; 26:123-130

111. Lisciani R, Scorza Barcellona P and Silvestrini B. Topical activity of Bendazac on experimental burns. Japan. J. Pharmacol. 1971; 21:69-73

112. Silvestrini B. Significato degli antinfiammatori nella profilassi e terapia delle affezioni respiratorie. G. Clin. Med. 1971; 52:48-61

113. Catanese B, Lisciani R, Silvestrini B. Urinary metabolites of Benzydamine in rats. Arzneim. Forsch. 1972 ; 22:882-884

114. Silvestrini B. Denaturazione proteica e flogosi. Ann. Ital. Derm. Clin. Sper. 1973; 27:231-238

115. Silvestrini B. Benzidamina. In: Enciclopedia medica italiana, II Ed., Vol. II. Uses Ediz. Scientifiche Firenze 1973:2202-2203

116. Silvestrini B. Aminofenazone. In.: Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, II Ed., Vol. I. Uses Ediz. Scientifiche, Firenze 1973:1523-1525

117. Silvestrini B. Antinfiammatori. In.: Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, II Ed., Vol.II. Uses Ediz. Scientifiche, Firenze 1973:350-359

118. Silvestrini B, Burberi S. Significati attuali della ricerca farmaceutica. Atti Conv. “Prospettive del settore farmaceutico in Italia e sue dimensioni nel campo della ricerca scientifica”. Unione Interparlam. Studi Ric. Sci. Tecnol. – Roma, 11/12 Aprile, 27-33, 1973

119. Silvestrini B, Cioli V, Catanese B. Ricerca farmaceutica e Farmacopea. In: Farmacopea ufficiale. Riflessi della sua applicazione sulla ricerca farmaceutica e sulla produzione dei medicamenti. Rendiconti Conv. Roma, 17/12/73, Ist. Sup. Sanita’ e G.I.R.F., 55-65, 1973

120. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R. Pharmacology of Trazodone. Round table discussion. Trazodone. A new psychotropic agent, Amsterdam, 1973. Curr. Ther. Res. 1973; 15:749-754

121. Allori L, Silvestrini B. Due esempi tipici di medicina sperimentale e di sperimentazione nell’uomo. Il Trazodone nelle sindromi cerebrali acute e l’AF 1312/TS nel controllo della fertilita’ maschile. Clin. Europ. 1974; 13:519-528

122. Scorza Barcellona P, Catanese B, Silvestrini B. Correlations between doses, serum levels and embryotoxic effects of acetylsalicylic acid. In: Teratogenic activity of psychotropic drugs, hallucinogens and ambiental pollutants. Eds.: Bertelli A., Donati L., Tuchmann H.. Duplessis-Pacini, Pisa, Italy, 1974:201-210

123. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Cioli V. Aspects of protein stabilization connected with the research of anti-rheumatic drugs. In: Future trends in inflammation. Eds. Velo G.P., Willoughby D.A., Giroud J.P. Piccin Medical Books, Padua and London 1974:193-202

124. Silvestrini B. Dados psicofarmacologicos recentes sobre Trazodone. Psychopharmacological data on Trazodone. A review. Folha Méd. 1975; 71:569-576

125. Allori L, Cioli V, Silvestrini B. Experimental and clinical data indicating a potential use of Trazodone in acute stroke. Curr. Ther. Res. 1975; 18:410-416

126. Allori L, Silvestrini B. Orientamenti e prospettive nella terapia dell’arteriosclerosi. Clin. Europ. 1975; 14:560-568

127. Burberi S, Catanese B, Cioli V, Coulston F, Lisciani R, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Antispermatogenic activity of 1-p-Chlorobenzyl-1H -indazol-3-carboxylic acid (AF 1312/TS) in rats. I. Trials of single and short-term administrations with study of pharmacologic and toxicologic effects. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1975; 23:288-307

128. Burberi S, Catanese B, Cioli V, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Antispermatogenic activity of 1-p-Chlorobenzyl-1H- Indazol- 3-Carboxylic Acid (AF 1312/TS) in rats. II. A study of treatments of duration between 5 and 180 days. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1975; 23:308-320

129. Coulston F, Dougherty WJ, Lefevre R, Abraham R and Silvestrini B. Reversible inhibition of spermatogenesis in rats and monkeys with a new class of indazol-carboxylic acids. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1975; 23:357-366

130. De Feo G, Piccinelli D, Putzolu S, Silvestrini B. Effects of topically instilled drugs on intraocular pressure in rabbits. Arzneim. Forsch. 1975; 25:806-809

131. Silvestrini B. Farmaci del futuro. Medicamenti delle malattie mentali. Terzo Programma – Eri/Ediz. RAI Radiotel. Ital. 1975:136-145

132. Silvestrini B. La ricerca nell’industria farmaceutica italiana. Clin. Europ. 1975; 14:126-133

133. Silvestrini B, Catanese B and Lisciani R. Pharmacology of Bendazac. In: New trends in skin therapeutics. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory local treatment. Eds.: Fuga G.C., De Gregorio M., Milbradt R. Leonardo Ediz. Sci., Roma, 1-9, 1975

134. Allori L, Bernardi G, De Gregorio M, Silvestrini B. Aspetti di farmacoterapia dell’ictus e delle cerebropatie vascolari croniche. Clin. Europ. 1976; 15:432-446

135. Catanese B, Rossi A, Silvestrini B and Toschi G. Effect of Bendazac and phenylbutazone on polymerization of bovine serum albumin. Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 1976; 8:549-555

136. Corsi G, Palazzo G, Germani C, Barcellona P and Silvestrini B. I-Halobenzyl-1H-indazole-3-carboxylic acids. A new class of antispermatogenic agents. J. Med. Chem. 1976; 19:778-783

137. De Feo G, Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B. Indagini sulla tonometria oculare per identazione nel coniglio. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1976; 115:329-334

138. Silvestrini B. Pharmacological profile of Trazodone. In: Therapy in psychosomatic medicine. Ed.: Antonelli F. Ediz. Luigi Pozzi, Roma 1976:7-20

139. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R. Experimental data suggesting an adrenergic mechanism in the production of parkinsonian symptoms. Curr. Ther. Res. 1976; 20:716-724

140. Catanese B, Baldini A, Burberi S, Silvestrini B, Coulston F. Study of rat serum concentrations of 1-[(4-clorophenyl) methyl]-1H-Indazole-3-Carboxylic acid, new antispermatogenic agent. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1977; 42:11-18

141. Coulston F, Silvestrini B. Reversible inhibition of spermatogenesis in rats and monkeys with a new class of indazole-carboxylic acids. In: La ricerca scientifica nell’ industria farmaceutica in Italia. Ediz. Ferro, Milano 1977:1045-1052

142. Gatti GL, Silvestrini B. Trazodone, a new approach to psychopharmacology. Recent experimental data. Anales del V Congr. Latino Americano de Farmacologia y Terapeutica, Lima (Peru) 1974. Un. Nac. Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, 209-213, 1977

143. Scorza Barcellona P, Catanese B, Cioli V and Silvestrini B. A critical evaluation of the correlation between blood levels and antispermatogenic effects of AF 1312/TS in rats. In: Clinical Toxicology. Eds.: W.A.M. Duncan, B.J. Leonard. Excerpta Med., Amsterdam-Oxford 1977; 13:195-197

144. Scorza Barcellona P, Cioli V, Burberi S, Silvestrini B. Effects of 1-p-chlorobenzyl-1H-indazol-3-carboxylic acid (AF 1312/TS) on the fertility of rats. J. Reprod. Fert. 1977; 50:159-161

145. Silvestrini B. Antinfiammatori non steroidei ed epatopatie. In: Progressi in epatologia. Eds.: C. Cascirni, L. Capocaccia-Capozzi, Roma 1977:233-239

146. Silvestrini B, Baiocchi L, Germani C. L’esperienza dell’Istituto di Ricerca F. Angelini. In: Atti Simp. Int. La ricerca scientifica nell’industria farmaceutica in Italia. Ediz. Ferro, Milano 1977:85-108

147. Silvestrini B, Cioli V, Catanese B. The concept of primary and secondary inflammation under some theoretical and applied aspects. Anales del V Cong. Latino americano de Farmacologia y Terapeutica, Lima (Peru), 1974. Un. Nac. Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, 12-16, 1977

148. Catanese B, Cioli V, De Martino C, Silvestrini B. A comparative study of serum and testicular concentrations of AF 1312/TS (or 1-[(4-chlorophenyl) methyl]-1H-indazole-3-carboxylic acid and diclondazolic acid or 1-[(2,4-dichloro phenyl)methyl]-1H-indazole-3 -carboxylic acid) in rats. Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 1978; 10:261-269

149. Lisciani R, Baldini A, De Feo G, Silvestrini B. Pharmacological investigations on Etoperidone a new psychotropic agent. Arzneim. Forsch. 1978; 28:417-423

150. Silvestrini B. Esperienze derivanti dallo studio di una nuova classe di farmaci antispermatogenici. XIX Congr. Soc. Ital. Farmacol. 1st joint meeting Yugoslav and Italian Pharmacologists, Ancona, Italia 1978:91

151. Silvestrini B. Trazodone a new approach to the therapy of depression. In: Depression and the role of Trazodone in antidepressant therapy. Eds.: G. Morozov, J. Saarma, B. Silvestrini. Ediz. Luigi Pozzi, Roma, 1978:1-10

152. Silvestrini B. Considerazioni sui rapporti tra pianificazione delle nascite e ricerca scientifica. Boll. Soc. Torricelliana, Faenza, 1978; 29:1-13

153. Silvestrini B, Cioli V. Rassegna critica delle proprieta’ farmacologiche della Benzidamina ed osservazioni sui suoi impieghi ginecologici. Clin. Europ. 1978; 16:3-16

154. Silvestrini B, De Gregorio M. Osservazioni relative agli impieghi topici della Benzidamina in odontoiatria. Paradontol. Stomatol. 1978; 17:63-75

155. Silvestrini B, De Martino C, Cioli V, Campana A, Malorni W, Scorza Barcellona P. Antispermatogenic activity of diclondazolic acid in rats. Proc. Serono Symp. “Recent Progress in Andrology”, L’Aquila, 1977. Eds.: A. Fabbrini, E. Steinberger. Academic Press, New York 1978; 14:453-457

156. Caputo A, Floridi A, Paggi MG, Marcante ML, De Martino C, Silvestrini B. Control of cell differentiation and cancer cells by Lonidamine. Chemioter. Oncol. 1979; 3:276-281

157. Caputo A, Silvestrini B. Lo studio della spermatogenesi come modello sperimentale per la ricerca di nuovi agenti antitumorali. In: Atti del V Congresso Nazionale di Oncologia. Ediz. Nuove Ricerche, Ancona, 1979:235-241

158. De Martino C, Floridi A, Marcante ML, Malorni W, Scorza Barcellona P, Bellocci M, Silvestrini B. Morphological, histochemical and biochemical studies on germ cell mithochondria of normal rats. Cell Tissue Res. 1979; 196:1-22

159. Floridi A, De Martino C, Marcante ML, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Morphological and biochemical modification of rat germ cell mitochondria induced by new antispermatogenic compounds. Ultramicroscopy 1979; 5:417-418

160. Marcante ML, Floridi A, De Martino C, Scorza Barcellona P, Malorni W, Silvestrini B. Effects of 1-p. Chlorobenzyl-1H-indazol-3-carboxylic (AF 1312/TS) and Lonidamine (AF 1890) on rat Sertoli cells. Ultramicroscopy 1979; 5:418-419

161. Silvestrini B. Ibuprofen e analoghi. In: Enciclopedia Med. Italiana, II Ediz., Vol. VII. Uses Ediz. Sci., Firenze 1979:1106-1107

162. Silvestrini B. Trazodone, a new therapeutic and theoretical approach to depression. Activ. Nerv. Sup. 1979; 21:301-303

163. Silvestrini B, De Martino C. Antinfiammatori e processi infettivi. Osservazioni sperimentali e prospettive per la ricerca farmacologica. G. Ital. Chemioter. 1979; 26:111-120

164. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R. Antinfiammatori di uso topico in dermatologia. Criteri informatori e prospettive della ricerca sperimentale. G. Ital. Dermatol. Minerva Dermatol. 1979; 114:197-203

165. Paggi MG, Floridi A, Marcante ML, De Martino C, Bellocci M, Caputo A, Silvestrini B. Effect of Lonidamine on the energy metabolism of tumor cells. In: 4th Int. Symp. on the prevention and detection of cancer. London (U.K.) 1980

166. Silvestrini B. Necessità di nuovi indirizzi per la ricerca sperimentale di agenti antitumorali. In: Broncopneumatie sociali e cancro broncopolmonare. Eds.: T. Battelli, M. Bonsignori. Ediz. Nuove Ricerche, Ancona, Italia 1980:157-163

167. Silvestrini B. Introductory remarks on Trazodone and its position in the treatment of psychiatric diseases. In: Trazodone, a new broad-spectrum antidepressant. Eds.: S. Gershon, K. Rickels, B. Silvestrini. Excerpta Med. Amsterdam, 1980:1-7

168. Silvestrini B, Natali PG, Catanese B, Barillari G, Cordiali-Fei P. Occurrence of globulin-like migrating blood albumins or GLIMBAL, in pathological rat and human sera. Can. J. Biochem. 1980; 58:89-92

169. Costa Tiozzo R, Buffa P, Silvestrini B. Biochemical lesions induced in isolated rat liver mitochondria by 1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)1H-indazole -3-carboxylic acid (DICA). In: Abstracts of Symposia and posters of 14th FEBS Meeting, Edinburg, 1981. Poster Abstract Th-J-46B

170. Floridi A, De Martino C, Marcante ML, Apollonj C, Scorza Barcellona P, Silvestrini B. Morphological and biochemical modifications of rat germ cell mitochondria induced by new antispermatogenic compounds. Studies in vivo and in vitro. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1981; 35:314-331

171. Floridi A, Paggi MG, D’Atri S, De Martino C, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B and Caputo A. Effect of Lonidamine on the energy metabolism of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Cancer Research 1981; 41:4661-4666

172. Floridi A, Paggi MG, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, De Martino C. Lonidamine, a selective inhibitor of aerobic glycolysis of murine tumor cells. JNCI 1981; 66:497-499

173. Paggi MG, Floridi A, De Martino C, Nista A, Marcante ML, Caputo A, Silvestrini B. Inhibition of lactate production by Lonidamine in human tumors. Curr. Chemother. Immunother., 1344-1345, 1981. Proc. 12th International Congress of Chemiotherapy. Florence (Italy) July, 1981

174. Silvestrini B. Basic and applied research in the study of indazole carboxylic acids. In: Lonidamine: A new pharmacological approach to the study and control of spermatogenesis and tumors. Eds.: B. Silvestrini, A. Caputo. Chemotherapy 1981; 27 (2):9-20

175. Silvestrini B. Gli antidepressivi. C.I.S.U. (Centro Informazione Stampa Universitaria) 1981:39-51

176. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R. Pharmakologische moglichkeiten bei der erforschung von antidepressiva. In : Depressive Syndrome. Chronischer alkoholismus. Eds.: H. Lechner, J. Kugler, D. Fontanari. Fortschr. Ther. Excerpta Med., Amsterdam 1981:39-50

177. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R, De Gregorio M. Trazodone. In: Pharmacological and biochemical properties of drug substances. Ed.: M.E. Goldgerg. American Pharm. Assoc. Acad. Pharm. Sci. 1981; 3:94-119

178. Caputo A, Battelli T, Marcante ML, Gallo M, Floridi A, Silvestrini B, De Martino C. Therapeutical implications of the effect of Lonidamine on cancer cell membrane. Eds.: T. Galeotti et al. Elsevier Biomedical Press Membranes in Tumor Growth, 591-595, 1982

179. Catanese B, Barillari G, Iorio E, Silvestrini B., A comparative study of the oral absorption in man of Bendazac and its lysine salt. Boll. Chim. Farm. 1982; 121:87-90

180. Testa M, Iuliano G, Silvestrini B. Pilot study of Bendazac for treatment of cataract. The Lancet 1, April 10 1982:849-850

181. De Maio D, Scieghi G, Riva C, Silvestrini B. Preliminary clinical experiences with dapiprazole. 13th C.I.N.P. Congr., Jerusalem (Israel), June 20-25, 1982

182. De Martino C, Marolla A, Nista A, Malorni W, Natali PG, Floridi A, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B. Inhibitory effect of Lonidamine on aerobic glycolysis of human leukemic cells. Caryologia 1982; 35:115-116

183. Floridi A, D’Atri S, Paggi MG, Marcante ML, De Martino C, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, Lehninger A. Binding of Lonidamine to Ehrlich ascites tumor and liver mitochondria. In: Membranes in tumor growth. Eds.: T. Galeotti et al. Elsevier Biomedical Press 1982:559-565

184. Kim JH, Kim SH, Alfieri A, Young CW, Silvestrini B. Lonidamine: a hyperthermic sensitizer of HeLa cells in culture and of the Meth-A tumor in vivo. In: Proc. 73rd Ann. Meet. Amer. Ass. for Cancer Res. 1982; 23

185. Lisciani R, Baldini A, Silvestrini B. General pharmacological properties of Dapiprazole, a potential psychotropic agent. Arzneim. Forsch. 1982; 32:674-678

186. Scorza Barcellona P, Campana A, Silvestrini B, De Martino C. The embryotoxicity of a new class of antispermatogenic agents: the 3-Indazole-Carboxylic acids. Arch. Toxicol., Suppl. 1982; 5:197-201

187. Silvestrini B. Trazodone. A new type of antidepressant: a discussion of pharmacological data and their clinical implications. Adv. Biochem. Psychopharmacol, 1982; 31:327-340

188. Silvestrini B. Trazodone. Uma nova aproximaçao farmacologica. Medico Policlinico 1982; 90:4-7/ – 91:7-9

189. Silvestrini B, Bonomi L, Lisciani R, Perfetti S, Bellucci R, Massa F, Baldini A. Effects of Dapiprazole on pupillary size and intraocular pressure in rabbits. Arzneim. Forsch. 1982; 32:678-681

190. Silvestrini B, Cioli V, De Martino C, Scorza Barcellona P. 3-Indazole-Carboxylic Acids as male antifertility agents: a survey of preclinical and clinical studies. Arch. Androl. 1982; 9:11-12

191. Silvestrini B, Lisciani R, Baldini A, De Sanctis AJ. Psychopharmacological profile of Dapiprazole a new potential antipsychotic agent. Arzneim. Forsch. 1982; 32:668-673

192. Silvestrini B, Valeri P, Palmery M. Pharmacological and Biochemical observation on Dapiprazole. XXI Congr. Soc. Ital. Farmacologia, Napoli (Italia), giugno 1982

193. Floridi A, D’Atri S, De Martino C, Paggi MG, Marcante ML, Menichini R, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. Effect of antispermatogenic compounds (Gossypol and Lonidamine) on the energy metabolism of tumor cells. 13th Intern. Cancer Congress, Seattle (Washington), 8 – 15 September, 1982

194. Bonomi L, Michieletto S, Marchini G, De Feo G, Valeri P, Silvestrini B. Effects of ocular instillations of Dapiprazole on pupil motility. Curr. Ther. Res. 1982; 34:469-474

195. Floridi A, D’Atri S, Menichini R, Marcante ML, Nista A, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, De Martino C. The effect of the association of Gossypol and Lonidamine on the energy metabolism of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1982; 38:322-335

196. Floridi A, Nista A, Paggi MG, Marcante ML, Bellocci M, De Martino C, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. The combined effect of hyperthermia and Lonidamine on the energy metabolism of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. XIII Int. Cong. Chemother., Vienna (Austria), 28 Aug – 2 Sept., 1-4, 1983

197. Silvestrini B. Uso ed abuso degli psicofarmaci. In: Educazione Sanitaria. O.E.M.F., 139-146, Milano, 1983

198. Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Barillari G, Iorio E, Valeri P. Basic data supporting the use of the L-lysine salt of Bendazac in cataract. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. 1983; 5:217-225

199. Silvestrini B, Hahn GM, Cioli V, De Martino C. Effects of Lonidamine alone or combined with hyperthermia in some experimental cell and tumour systems. Br. J. Cancer 1982; 47:221-231

200. Zupi G, Natali PG, Balduzzi MA, Greco C, Di Filippo F, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. Cytotoxic effect of Lonidamine combined with hyperthermia on human melanoma cells in vitro. Relevance of time – Sequence schedules of treatment. 13th Int. Congr. Chemiotherapy, Vienna (Austria), 28 Aug – 2 Sept., 1983

201. Battelli T, Manocchi P, Giustini L, Mattioli R, Ginnetti A, De Gregorio M, De Martino C, Silvestrini B. A long-term clinical experience with Lonidamine. In: Lonidamine. Proceedings of the IInd International Symposium, Vancouver, 1982. Eds.: B. Silvestrini, P.R. Band, A. Caputo, C.W. Young. Oncology 1984; 41(suppl. 1):39-47

202. Caputo A, Silvestrini B. Lonidamine, a new approach to cancer therapy. In: Lonidamine. Proceeding IInd Int. Symp., Vancouver, 1982. Eds.: B. Silvestrini, P.R. Band, A. Caputo, C.W. Young. Oncology 1984; 41(1):2-6,

203. Cioli V, Corradino C, De Martino C, Pasquini P, Rossi V, Silvestrini B. Pharmacological investigations on Lonidamine. Arzneim. Forsch. 1984; 34:455-460

204. Cioli V, Corradino C, Mazzanti G and Silvestrini B. General pharmacological investigations on bendazac lysine. Farmaco (Ediz. Sci.) 1984; 39:437-454

205. De Feo G, Mazzanti G, Piccinelli D, Silvestrini B, Stefancich G and Artico M. A pharmacological study of benzodiazepine derivatives devoid of anticonvulsant activity. In: XXII Cong. Soc. It. Farmacol., Bologna, 10-13 Ott., 1984

206. Floridi A, D’Atri S, Bellocci M, Marcante ML, Paggi MG, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, De Martino C. The effect of Gossypol and Lonidamine on electron transport in Ehrlich ascites tumor mitochondria. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1984; 40:246-261

207. Hahn G, van Kersen I and Silvestrini B. Inhibition of the recovery from potentially lethal damage by lonidamine. Br. J. Cancer 1984; 50:657-660

208. Kim JH, Alfieri A, Kim SH, Young CW, Silvestrini B. Radiosensitization of Meth-A Fibrosarcoma in mice by lonidamine. Oncology 1984; 41(1):36-38

209. Kim JH, Kim SH, Alfieri A, Young CW, Silvestrini B. Lonidamine. A hyperthermic sensitizer of HeLa cells in culture and of the meth-a tumor in vivo. In: Lonidamine. Proceedings IInd Int. Symp., Vancouver, 1982. Eds.: B. Silvestrini, P.R. Band, A. Caputo, C.W. Young. Oncology 1984; 41(1):30-35

210. Laudonio N, Candiloro A, Zupi G, Greco C, Silvestrini B and Caputo A. Effetto citotossico della lonidamina in combinazione con farmaci antineoplastici su linee tumorali umane. Atti II Riun. Naz. Oncol. Sper. Clin. 1984; n. 13

211. Mazzanti G, Piccinelli D and Silvestrini B. Investigations on the anti-inflammatory action of progesterone. In: XXII Congresso Soc. It. Farmacol., Bologna, 10-13 Ott., 1984

212. Scorza Barcellona P, Campana A, Rossi V, Corradino C and Silvestrini B. A comparative study of acute toxicity of drugs used during anticancer therapy in healthy and tumor-bearing mice. Arch. Toxicol. 1984; 7:90-93

213. Silvestrini B. Problemi etici della sperimentazione clinica dei farmaci. Atti Convegno Int. Sper. Clin. Farmaci. Documento S.I.S.F., 20:33-34

214. Silvestrini B, Palazzo G and De Gregorio M. Lonidamine and related compounds. Progr. Med. Chem. 1984; 21:111-135

215. Silvestrini B, Sternieri E and De Gregorio M. New perspectives in the treatment of drug abuse with antidepressants. Clin. Neuropharmacol. 1984; 7(1):258-259

216. Silvestrini B, Valeri P. Trazodone, a new avenue in the treatment of depression. In: The role of Trazodone in antidepressant therapy. Safety and clinical efficacy. Eds.: B. Silvestrini, J.P. Feighner, T. Silverstone. Psychopathology 1984; 17(2):3-14

217. Valeri P, Bonomi L, Ciranni G, Piccinelli D and Silvestrini B. Penetration and distribution of bendazac lysine in the eye. In: XXII Cong. Soc. It. Farmacol., Bologna, 10-13 Ott, 1984

218. Bertelli A and Silvestrini B. Current trends in the research of antiinflammatory agents. Int. J. Tiss. Reac. 1985; 7:169-173

219. Floridi A, Alexandre A, Paggi MG, Pellegrini L, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B., Caputo A and Lehninger AL. Mechanisms of mitochondrial swelling induced by lonidamine. In: Cell Membrane and Cancer 1985. Eds.: Galeotti et al. Elsevier Science Publishers, 217-221,

220. Floridi A, Delpino A, Nista A, Feriozzi R, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B and Caputo A. Effect of lonidamine on protein synthesis in neoplastic cells. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1985; 42:293-305

221. Caputo A, Greco C, Pisano L, Di Filippo F, Cavaliere R, Silvestrini B and Zupi G. Cytotoxic effects of lonidamine in combination with anticancer agents in human tumour cell lines. In: 14th Int. Congr. Chemiother. Osaka, 1985

222. Nista A, De Martino C, Malorni W, Marcante ML, Silvestrini B and Aristide F. Effect of lonidamine on the aerobic glycolysis of normal and phytohemagglutin in stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1985; 42:194-205

223. Scorza Barcellona P, Campana A, Caranti S and Silvestrini B. Further toxicological investigations on the new anticancer agent lonidamine. In: 2nd Int. Conf. Progr. Cancer, San Remo, 68, 1985

224. Silvestrini B. Animal models for the study of atypical anti-infiammatory agents. Agents and Actions 1985; 17:329-337

225. Silvestrini B. Rationale for the development of trazodone. Speculations and facts. Proc. IVth World Congr. Biol. Psychiatry, Philadelphia (U.S.A), Sept. 8-13, 1985

226. Silvestrini B, Piccinelli D, Valeri P, Palmery M, Bolle P, Tita B. Sindrome di astinenza e dapiprazolo. I Congr. Sottoprog. C.N.R. Tossicodip., Firenze, 26 – 28 Sett., 1985

227. Silvestrini B, Scorza Barcellona P. 1H-Indazole-3-Carboxilic Acid and male contraception. Int. Symp. Genet. Fertil. Regulation, Twin Symposia, Nairobi (Kenia), Sept. 22- 25, 1985

228. Silvestrini B and Valeri P. Trazodone – a distinctive pharmacological profile. In: Psychiatry. The State of the Art. 3: 167-171. Ed.: Pichot et al. Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1985

229 Valeri P, Palmery M, Tita B and Silvestrini B. Investigation on the ocular pharmacokinetics of bendazac in rabbit. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1985; 43:283-287

230. Zupi G, Grego C, Laudonio N, Benassi M, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. In vitro and In Vivo Potentiation by lonidamine of Antitumor Effect of adriamcycin. Anticancer Res. 1986; 6:1245-1250

231. Silvestrini B, Valeri P. A comparative biochemical and pharmacological study of Trazodone and Dapiprazole. In: Modulation of central and peripheral transmitter function
Eds.: G. Biggio, P.F. Spano, G. Toffano, G.L. Gessa. Fidia Res. Ser., Livina Press, Springer Verlag, Berlin. Symp. Neurosci. 1986; 3:435-442

232. Cioli V, Corradino C, Crook D, De Martino C, James RW, Rossi V, Scorza Barcellona P and Silvestrini B. Endocrine and antispermatogenic effects of lonidamine in male rats of different ages. Adv. Contra. Delv. Syst. 1986; 2:212-230

233. Silvestrini B. Trazodone and the mental pain hypothesis of depression. Neuropsychobiology 1986; 15:2-9

234. Floridi A, Bagnato A, Bianchi C, Paggi MG, Nista A, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. Kinetics of inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by antineoplastic agent lonidamine. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 1986; 5(3):273-280

235. Silvestrini B. An operative subclassification of Orphan Drug. Rendiconti della Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL. Memorie di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali. Serie V, 1986; 10:103-106

236. Delpino A, Nista A, Marcante ML, Ferrini U, Silvestrini B, Caputo A and Floridi A. Induction of Stress Proteins by Lonidamine in Human and Murine Melanoma Cells. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1986; 44:197-206

237. Silvestrini B. Etica e profitto dei medicamenti.Tratto da “Chiesa e Salute nel Mondo”. Dolentium Hominum 1986; 1:38-40

238. Silvestrini B, Valeri P, Palmery M, Piccinelli D. Sindrome di astinenza e dapiprazolo. C.N.R. Medicina Preventiva e Riabilitativa. Roma, 17-21 marzo 1986

239. Valeri P, Palmery M, Silvestrini B, Bolle P. Diversita’ negli aggiustamenti di sistemi recettoriali cerebrali a somministrazioni ripetute di antidepressivi. XXIII Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Farmacol., Sanremo, 6-8 Ott., 1986

240. Silvestrini B. La terapia dell’ictus in fase acuta. Prospettive farmacologiche alla luce delle conoscenze attuali. Atti e memorie della Società Medica del Lazio 1987; 3:143-149

241. Musci G, Silvestrini B. Mechanism of the scavenger-like activity of bendazac. Drugs Expl. Clin. Res. 1987; XIII (5):289-292

242. Paggi MG, Zupi G, Fanciulli M, Del Carlo C, Giorno S, Laudonio N, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, Floridi A. Effect of Lonidamine on the Utilization of 14C-Labeled Glucose by Human Astrocytoma Cells. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1987; 47:154-165

243. De Martino, C, Malorni, W, Accinni, L, Rosati F, Mista A, Formisano G, Silvestrini B, Arancia G. Cell Membrane Changes induced by Lonidamine in Human Erythrocytes and T LyMphocytes, and Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 1987; 46:15-30

244. Silvestrini B. Benzydamine, an unique model of anti-inflammatory activity. Int. J. Tiss. Reac 1987; IX(2):87-91

245 Silvestrini B. Sperimentazione farmacologica e strategia di ricerca. Fed. Med. 1987; 40(2):149-152

246. De Martino C, Battelli T, Quintarelli G, Silvestrini B, Vecchi A, De Gregorio M, Bellocci M, Mattioli R, Ginnetti A, Accinni L. Importanza dell’indagine ultrastrutturale di cellule neoplastiche nei versamenti pleuro-peritoneali per la diagnostica citologica e per i saggi preclinici dei farmaci. In: I nuovi Farmaci (nella terapia dei Tumori). Eds.: T. Battelli, P.R. Band, A. Giannetti, K. Sikora, B. Silvestrini. Ed.: Monduzzi, Bologna, 1987; 6:33-74

247. Silvestrini B. Problems in the experimental research for anticataract agents. A critical overview. Acta XXV Concilium Opthalmologicum. Proceedings of the XXVth International Congress of Ophthalmology. Rome, May 4-10, 1986. Kugler & Ghedini, Amsterdam, Berkeley, Milano, 2510-2516, 1987

248. Valeri P, Palmery M, Martinelli B and Silvestrini B. Acute interaction between morphine and dapiprazole. First Joint Meeting of the Italian and Dutch Pharmacol. Soc.. Florence, 10-13 may, 1987

249. Silvestrini B. Lonidamina storia di una scoperta farmacologica. In. I nuovi farmaci (nella terapia dei tumori). Eds.: T. Battelli, P.R. Band, A. Giannetti, K. Sikora, B. Silvestrini. Ed.: Monduzzi, Bologna, 1987; 6:75-79

250. Silvestrini B. Rationale for bendazac. In: Recent developments in the Pharmacological Treatment of Cataract. Eds.: F. D’Ermo, F. Ponte, A.M. Laties. Ed.: Kugler Publ. & Ghedini Ed. Milano 1987:1-9

251. Silvestrini B. L’innovazione medica al servizio dell’uomo. Dolentium Hominum 1987; 4:34-39

252. Bagnato A, Bianchi C, Caputo A, Silvestrini B, Floridi A. Enhancing effect of Lonidamine on the Inhibition of Mitochondrial respiration by Adriamycin. Anticancer Res. 1987; 7:799-802

253. Floridi A, Bianchi C, Bagnato A, Gambacurta A, Paggi MG, Silvestrini B, Caputo A. Lonidamine-induced Outer Membrane Permeability and Susceptibility of Mitochondria to Inhibition by Adriamycin. Anticancer Res. 1987; 7:1149-1152

254. Silvestrini B. Preliminary considerations on the medical treatment of cataract. In: Ophthalmology today. Eds: L.N. Ferraz de Oliveira. Ed.: Elsevier Science Publisher B.V., Amsterdam, 1988:715-722

255. Silvestrini B. Benzydamine: a preclinical overview. In: Benzydamine topical therapy in gynecology. Eds: A.R. Genazzani, B. Silvestrini. Ed.: The Parthenon Publishing Groups Lt., Carnforth, 1988:11-19

256. Silvestrini B. Pharmacological viewpoints on the senescence of the eye. Intern. Ass. Cataract Rel. Res. 1988; 1:34-37

257. Silvestrini B. Beyond the limits of typical antidepressants. Psychopharmacology 1988; 95:S1-S2

258. Silvestrini B. Preclinical profile of trazodone. Psychopharmacology 1988; 96:S1-S4

259. Valeri, P, Palmery M, Silvestrini B. Binding profile of trazodone and dapiprazole to some brain receptors. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res. 1988; 14(1):53-58

260. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Severini C. Effect of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamine on Serotonin, Adrenalin and Dopamine evoked Aorta contractions. Pharm. Res. Comm. 1988; 20(5):435-436

261. Silvestrini, B. Lonidamine, the prototype of energolytic antitumor agents. Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 1988; 20 suppl. II :362

262. Silvestrini, B. Recent story and prospectives of antidepressant therapy. In: The Modes of Depression: psychobiology and psychodynamics. Eds: L. Ravizza, E. Genazzani,R. Torta, C. Eva. Ed.: Publ. Libreria Cortina, Torino, Italia 1988:127-131

263. Paggi, MG, Fanciulli M, Perrotti N, Floridi A, Zeuli M, Silvestrini B and Caputo A. The Role of Mitochondrial Hexokinase in Neoplastic Phenotype and its Sensitivity to Lonidaminea. Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences 1988; 551:358-360

264. Floridi A, Bagnato A, Bianchi C, Fanciulli M, Silvestrini B and Caputo A. Lonidamine-Induced Membrane Permeability and the Effect of Adriamycin on the Energy Metabolism of Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells. Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences 1988; 551:270-272

265. Tita B, Bolle P, Martinoli L, Mazzanti G, Silvestrini B. A comparative study of Atropa belladonna and atropine on an animal model of urinary retention. Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 1988 ; 20(5) :55-58

266. Valeri P, Pimpinella G, Palmery M, Mazzanti G, Martinelli B, de Feo G, Silvestrini B. Role of adrenergic system on withdrawal behavior in mice to a single dose of morphine. Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 1988; 20(II):390

267. Silvestrini B, Valeri P. Ocular penetration and effects of aspirin and bendazac. Facts and speculations. 8th Intern. Congress of Eye Research. Proceedings of the Intern. Society for Eye Research 1988; V:90

268. Scorza Barcellona P, Caranti S, Campana A and Silvestrini B. Pretreatment with bendazac attenuates retinal damage induced by intense light in rats. 8th Intern. Congress of Eye Research. Proceedings of the Intern. Society for Eye Research 1988; V:90

269. Silvestrini B. Trazodone. Enciclopedia Medica Italiana – Uses Ediz. Scientif. Firenze 1988; 15:390-391

270. Tita B, Bolle P, Mazzanti G and Silvestrini B. A method for the pharmacological study of micturition in the intact, non anaesthetized animal. Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 1988; 20(2):383

271. Silvestrini, B. Lonidamine, a new approach to cancer treatment. In: Advances management malignancies. Eds.: A. Sagripanti, A. Carpi, B. Grassi. Ed: Monduzzi, Firenze, Italia 1989:337-344

272. Silvestrini B. Lonidamine: a new pharmacological way for overcoming radioresistance. In: Resistance to Antitumor Agents. Laboratory and Clinical Studies. Eds.: M. Ghione, L. Rausa. Ed. Harwood Academic Publishers, New York 1989:245-258

273. Silvestrini, B. Trazodone: From the Mental Pain to the “Dys-Stress” Hypothesis of Depression. Clin. Neuropharmacol. 1989; 12(suppl. 1):S4-S10

274. Silvestrini, B. Concluding Remarks. Clin. Neuropharmacol. 1989; 12(suppl. 1):S58-S59

275. Silvestrini, B. Riflessioni sul significato biologico della senescenza. Dolentium Hominum 1989; 10:56-59

276. Citro G, Galati R, Verdina A, Castiglione S, Silvestrini B, Caputo A, Floridi A. Immunochemical determination of lonidamine in rat tissues and blood serum. Anticancer Res. 1989; 9:811-816

277. Ciancarelli-Tozzi MG, Silvestrini B, Finazzi-Agro A. Photosensitized haemolysis of human erythrocytes is reduced by bendazac. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res. 1989; 15(5):219-222

278. Silvestrini B, Guglielmotti A, Saso L, Cheng CY. Changes in Concanavalin A-reactive Proteins in Inflammatory Disorders. Clin. Chem. 1989; 35:2207-2211

279. Mazzanti G and Silvestrini B. Reflections on Scientific and Normative Bases of Current Phytotherapy. Atti del Congr. Intern. sulle Piante Medicinali. Memorie di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali. Rendiconti dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, serie V vol. XIII parte II, 1989; 107:249-255

280. Silvestrini B. The two phytotherapies and the laws governing them. Memorie di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali. Atti del congr. Intern. sulle Piante Medicinali. Rendiconti dell’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, serie V vol. XIII parte II, 1989; 107:421-423

281. Silvestrini B. Towards a pharmacology of protein denaturation. 19th meeting Federation European Biochemical Societies, Rome, July, 2-7 1989

282. Silvestrini B. Background for the use of trazodone in special forms of depression. VIII World Congress of Psychiatry, Athens (Greece), October 12-19 1989

283. Bolle P, Tita B, Martinoli L, Silvestrini B. Studio comparativo dell’Atropa belladonna e dei suoi principali alcaloidi sulla minzione del topo intatto e non anestetizzato. Annali dell’Universita’ di Ferrara. Atti del V Congresso della Soc. Ital. Farmacognosia, 16-18 ottobre 1989

284. Silvestrini B. Anomalie della risposta di stress e trazodone. In: Meeting Internazionale di Cardiologia e Neurologia. (Selecta Neurologica) Eds. I. Richichi, G. Nappi. Ed. Cluster Press, Roma, 479, 1989

285. Palmery M, Leone MG, Mazzanti G, Morrone LA, Tita B e Silvestrini B. Effetto facilitante di Passiflora incarnata L. sulla risposta dell’aorta isolata all’adrenalina, noradrenalina e serotonina. Annali dell’Universita’ di Ferrara. Atti del V Congresso della Soc. Ital. Farmacognosia, 16-18 ottobre 1989

286. Silvestrini B, Guglielmotti A, Saso L, Milanese A, Melanitou E, Grima J, Cheng CY. Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay with a Monoclonal Antibody Prepared against 1-Antitrypsin for Diagnostic Screening of Inflammatory Disorders. Clin. Chem. 1990; 36/2:277-282

287. Cheng YC, Grima J, Stahler MS, Guglielmotti A, Silvestrini B, Bardin CW. Sertoli Cell Synthesizes and Secretes a protease Inhibitor, 2-Macroglobulin. Biochemistry 1990; 29:1063-1068

288. Silvestrini B. Farmaci antitumorali della seconda generazione. Nuovi antitumorali. Fed.Med. 1990; 53:569-572

289. Silvestrini B. The Paradoxical Stress Response: A Possible Common Basis for Depression and Other Conditions. J. Clin. Psychiatry 1990; 51:6-8

290. Silvestrini B. La lonidamina, un nuovo indirizzo nel trattamento dei tumori. Eur. Rev. Med. Pharmacol. Sci. (Verduci Ed.) 1990; 12:205-210

291. Silvestrini B. Farmaci dell’occhio: Recenti acquisizioni e prospettive. Eur. Rev. Med. Pharmacol. Sci. (Verduci Ed.) 1990; 12:81-9

292. Silvestrini B, Valeri P. Pharmacological aspects of aging lens and cataract, with particular reference to aspirin and bendazac. In: the Senile Cataract. Proceedings of the 4th IACRR Int. Congress, Milano, Oct. 28-30, 1988. Ed. F. Ponte and G. Giuffre’, Medical Books, Palermo, 1990

293. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Basta F, Valeri P. Dual action of amphetamine on the rabbit aortic strips. Pharmacol. Res. 1990; 22(suppl. 2) :460

294. De Feo G, Lisciani R, Orticelli G, Del Vecchio A, Mazzanti G and Silvestrini B. Short term tolerance to lethal effects of total body hyperthermia in mice. XIth Int. Congress of Pharmacology. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 1990; 183:237-238

295. Palmery M, Leone MG, Moffa M, Pimpinella G and Silvestrini B. Facilitating effect of Harmaline on the aortic response to Dopamine. Satellite Meeting of the XIth International Congress of Pharmacology. Como, 8-11 luglio 1990

296. Bolle P, Tita B, Mazzanti G, Martinelli B, Silvestrini B. Un modello sperimentale per lo studio farmacologico della minzione. Eur. Rev. Med. Pharmacol. Sci. (Verduci Ed.) 1990; 12:201-204

297. Bonomi L, Silvestrini B, Catanese B, Baravelli S, Panei M. Penetrazione del bendazac nell’umore acqueo dell’uomo, dopo applicazione topica di bendazac lisina collirio. Risultati preliminari. In: Farmacologia oculare attualita’ e prospettive. Atti del II Congr. Naz. Farmacologia Oculare. Catania, 12-14 ottobre 1990. Ed. Filippo Drago, Cappelli ed., 377-382, 1990

298. Silvestrini B. Riflessioni di un biologo sulla senescenza. In: Manuale Merck di geriatria. II ed. italiana. Stampa Medica Srl, S. Donato Milanese (MI) 1990; 103:1423-1427

299. Silvestrini B and Silvestrini M. Drugs and abnormalities of stress response. In: Stress and related disorders: from adaption to dysfunction. Eds.: Genazzani, A.R., Nappi, G., Petraglia, F. Martignoni, E. Ed.: The Parthenon Publishing Group, Carnorth, U.K., 1991

300. Silvestrini B. Le prospettive della psicofarmacologia come mezzo di restauro della mente. Dolentium Hominum 1991; 16:135-138

301. Silvestrini B. Lonidamine: An Overview. Seminars in Oncology 1991; 18(2-suppl. 4):2-6

302. Stahler MS, Schlegel P, Bardin CW, Silvestrini B and Cheng Y. alfa2-Macroglobulin is not an Acute-Phase Protein in the Rat Testis. Endocrinology 1991; 128:2805-2814

303. Silvestrini B., Cataract, Protein Denaturation and Pathological Aging. Proceedings of the 5th IACRR International Congress. Roma, November 17-19 1989. Ed.: Ponte F. and Giuffrè G. Ed., Medical Books 1991, Palermo

304. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Basta F and Valeri P. Facilitating effect of amphetamine on the response of rabbit aortic strips to adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. J. Neural. Transm. Gen. Sect. 1991; 86:51-59

305. Scorza Barcellona P, Campana A, Caranti S, D’Onofrio E, Silvestrini B. Pretreatment with bendazac attenuates retinal damage induced by intense light in rats. Pharm. Res. 1991; 24(1):105-112

306. Silvestrini B. Radicali liberi, denaturazione proteica ed interventi farmacologici. In: “Radicali liberi e patologia oculare” suppl. n. 3 – Anno 2 del Bollettino di Farmacologia Oulare. Ed. F. Drago e A. Reibaldi, 23-26, 1991

307. Silvestrini B. Peculiarità del controllo neurovegetativo delle funzioni oculari. In: Glaucoma argomenti controversi. Minerva Oftalmologica 1991; 33(3):211-216

308. Silvestrini B, Bombardieri S, Caranti S, Cheng CY, D’Ascanio A, Guglielmotti A, Milanese C, Saso L, Tirri G, Valentini G. The use of a monoclonal antibody against alfa 1-antitrypsin in diagnostic screening of inflammatory disorders. Int. Journ. of Immunotherapy, 1991; VII(4):197-204

309. Silvestrini B. Physiopathological and pharmacological aspects of the stress response. In: Biological Psychiatry vol. 1, Eds. Racagni G., Brunello N., Fukuda T. Ed.: Excerpta Medica, London 1991:152-156

310. Silvestrini B. Drugs Affecting the Serotonergic System. In: Headache and Depression: Serotonin Pathways as a Common Clue. Eds.: G. Nappi, G. Bono, G. Sandrini, E. Martignoni, G. Micieli. Ed.: Raven Press, New York 1991:219-224

311. Silvestrini B. Correlati psicopatologici delle risposte di stress ortodosse e paradosse. Prevenzione cardiovascolare, num. straord., pag. 31, 1991. Atti del II Congr. Intern. di Cardioneurologia. L’Aquila 28-31 agosto 1991

312. Silvestrini B. Basic Physiopathological Aspects. Biol. Psychiatry 1991; 29:11S-35S. Abs. of the 5th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Florence (Italy), June 9-14, 1991

313. Silvestrini B. Gli psicofarmaci: da uso terapeutico a rischio d’abuso. Dolentium Hominum 1992; 19:92-96

314. Palmery M, Leone MG, Pimpinella G, Silvestrini B. Facilitating effect of harmaline on the aortic response to dopamine. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 25(suppl. 1):7-8

315. Leone MG, Silvestrini B, Palmery M and Cheng YC. Identification of multiple biological factors in rabbit serum that modulate dopamine-mediated aortic constriction. Biochem. Int. 1992; 26(6):1079-1090

316. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Tita B. Sympathetic discharge and blood pressure. Functional Neurol. 1992; 7(3):45-50

317. Li AHY, Saso L, Cazzolla N, Zwain I, Marshall A, Guglielmotti A, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Differential expression of 2-Macroglobulin mRNA in the rat testis, brain, and liver in response to acute inflammation. Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Soc., San Antonio, Texas, June 24-27, 1992

318. Saso L, Silvestrini B, Guglielmotti A, Lahita RG and Cheng CY. Abnormal glycosilation of selected glycoproteins during chronic inflammatory conditions can be reversed by bindarit, 2-[(1-benzyl-indazol-3-yl)methoxy]-2-methyl propionic acid. National Meeting American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Chicago, July 19-13, 1992

319. De Feo G, Giacomelli S, Lisciani R, Panzironi C and Silvestrini B. Further investigations on the tolerance to the lethal effects of total body hyperthermia in mice. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):95

320. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Basta F, Leone MG and Cheng CY. Identification of novel biological factors that facilitate the aortic response to dopamine. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):166

321. Silvestrini B, Tita B, Bolle P, Faccendini P and Bello U. Adrenergic blocking agents and adrenal sympathetic discharge. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):166

322. Leone MG, Silvestrini B, Palmery M and Cheng CY. A study on multiple biological factors in rabbit serum that modulate dopamine-mediated aortic constriction. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):167

323. De Feo G, Lisciani R, Giacomelli S, Bucci MG and Silvestrini B. An animal model for the pharmacological study of the negative feed-back controll of intraocular pressure. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):167

324. Tita B, Bello U, Faccendini P, Bolle P and Silvestrini B. Different effects of autonomic drugs on the bladder function of female and male rats. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):197

325. Saso L, Silvestrini B, Zwain IH, Mo MY and Cheng CY. Changes of cerebrospinal fluid proteins in the rat during acute inflammation. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):237

326. Cioli V, Durando L, Braghiroli L, Mazzanti G and Silvestrini B. Effects of selected blocking -1 agents on analgesic tolerance to morphine. Pharmacol. Res. 1992; 26(suppl. 1):313

327. Saso L, Silvestrini B, Zwain I, Guglielmotti A, Luparini MR, Cioli V and Cheng CY. Abnormal Glycosylation of Hemopexin in Arthritic Rats Can Be Blocked by Bindarit. J. Rheumatol. 1992; 19(12):1859-1867

328. Cioli V, Ciarniello MG, Guglielmotti A, Luparini MR, Durando L, Martinelli B, Catanese B, Fava L and Silvestrini B. A new protein antidenaturant agent, Bindarit, reduces secondary Phase of adjuvant Arthritis in Rats. J. Rheumatol. 1992; 19(11):1735-42

329. Cheng CY, Zwain I, Cazzolla N, Saso L, Mo M-y, Guglielmotti A, Silvestrini B and Bardin W. Purification of proteins and peptides on SMARTTM System. Science Tools 1992; 36(1):1-5

330. Tita B, Bello U, Faccendini P, Bolle P and Silvestrini B. Further investigations on sex-related responses of trigone and proximal urethra in anesthetized rats. VI Congr. Soc. Ital. Neuroscienze, Modena, 1-4 dicembre 1992. Neurosciences Letters 1992; Suppl. 43:S110

331. Tita B, Bello U, Faccendini P, Bolle P e Silvestrini. Studio preliminare degli effetti del dapiprazolo su trigono ed uretra di ratto anestetizzato. III Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. per la verifica e lo sviluppo dei farmaci post-registrazione. Roma, 29.-30 gennaio, 1993

332. Tita B, Bello U, Bolle P, Faccendini P, Silvestrini B. A physiopharmacological study of sympathetic innervation in micturition. Pharmacol. Res. 1993; 27(suppl. 1):49-50

333. Silvestrini B, Basta F, Leone MG, Palmery M, Cheng Y. Serotonin does not account for all the serum contracting and facilitating effects on aortic strips. Pharmacol. Res. 1993; 27(suppl. 1):77- 78

334. Palmery M., Pimpinella G., Saso L., Silvestrini B. Facilitating effect of amphetamine and harmaline on blood pressure response to biogenic amines in rats. Pharmacol. Res. 1993; 27(suppl. 1):75-76

335. Guglielmotti A, Silvestrini B, Saso L, Zwain I and Cheng CY. Chronic inflammatory response in the rat can be blocked by bindarit. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Int. 1993; 29(4):747-756

336. Silvestrini B. Biotecnologie e progresso farmaco-terapeutico. Federazione Medica 1993; 6:5-7

337. Saso L, Silvestrini B, Lahita R and Cheng CY. Changes of immunoreactivity in alfa1-antitrypsin in patients with autoimmune diseases. Inflammation 1993; 17(3):383-400

338. Saso L, Silvestrini B, Guglielmotti A, Lahita R and Cheng CY. Abnormal glycosylation of alfa2-macroglobulin, a non-acute-phase protein, in patients with autoimmune diseases. Inflammation 1993; 17(4):465-479

339. Saso L, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. The Use of High-Performance Electrophoresis chromatography for the Micropurification of Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteins in the rat. Analyt. Biochem. 1993; 212:315-324

340. Leone MG, Saso L, Del Vecchio A, Mo M, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Micropurification of Two Human Cerebrospinal Fluid proteins by High Performance Electrophoresis Chromatography. J. Neurochem. 1993; 61:533-540

341. Cheng CY, Calcagno K, Tio S and Silvestrini B. Identification and purification of a tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) from Sertoli cell-enriched culture medium. The American Society for Cell Biology, Bethesda, 6 Aug. 1993

342. Zwain IH, Grima J, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Biosynthesis of clusterin by rat astrocytes and its differential regulation by cytokines. The American Society for Cell Biology, Bethesda, 6 Aug. 1993

343. de Feo G, Clemente M, Bardosova B, Ponzianelli A, Lisciani R, Silvestrini B, Giuliano M. Effects of short and long lasting variations of blood pressure on intraocular pressure. Riunione Monotematica Nazionale di Farmacologia Oculare, Roma, 30 novembre 1993

344. Leone MG, Giacomelli S, Giuliano M, Cheng CY, Silvestrini B. Identificazione e purificazione di diverse proteine nell’umor acqueo mediante HPLC. Riunione Monotematica Nazionale Farmacologia Oculare, Società Italiana di Farmacologia, Roma, 30 Novembre 1993

345. Silvestrini B. Daniel Bovet, the teacher. Annali ISS, 1993; 29(1):41-44

346. Li HYA, Zwain IH, Pineau C, Cazzolla N, Saso L, Silvestrini B, Bardin CW and Cheng CY. Response of alfa2-macroglobulin messenger ribonucleic acid expression to acute inflammation in the testis is different from the response in the liver and brain. Biology Reprod. 1994; 50:1287-1296

347. Silvestrini B. Ricerca e sperimentazione preclinica dei nuovi farmaci in psichiatria: limiti delle ipotesi farmacocentriche e dei modelli sperimentali su esse basati. In: La sperimentazione dei nuovi farmaci in psichiatria. Eds: M. Maj, G. Racagni. Masson, Milano 1994, 29-35

348. Mathur PP, Mo MY, Panzironi C, Silvestrini B, Bardin CW, Grima J and Cheng CY. Rat testicular testibumin is identical to sulfated glycoprotein-1 (SGP-1) whose mRNA expression in the testis is age- but not germ cell-dependent. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1994; 34(5):1063-1071

349. Cheng CY, Panzironi C, Saso L, e Silvestrini B. La glicosilazione proteica, un possibile fattore patogenetico, e bersaglio di effetti farmacologici, nelle malattie autoimmunitarie. Giornata monotematica della Società Italiana di Farmacologia: “Farmacologia della Flogosi ed Immunomodulazione”, Perugia, 10 giugno 1994

350. Silvestrini B. La rete dei comitati di etica. In: Comitati di Etica e Farmacovigilanza. Eds.: V. Berté, A.A. Bignamini. Ed. Health Srl, Bologna 1994:17-23

351. Palmery M, Leone MG, Panzironi C and Silvestrini B. Duplice azione della mescalina sul preparato di aorta di coniglio. VII Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Farmacogn., Bologna, 30 giugno-2 luglio, 1994

352. Bolle P, Palmery M, Leone MG, Martinoli L and Silvestrini B. Effects of amphetamine on adrenergic response in rabbit urethral strips. XXVII Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Farmacol., Torino, 25-29 settembre, 1994

353. Saso L, Valentini G, Panzironi C, Braghiroli L, and Silvestrini B. Protective action of some biological agents against albumin heat-induced denaturation. XXVII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia. Torino, 25-29 settembre, 1994

354. Saso L, Mazzanti G, Valentini G, Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. Effects of some urine components on calcium oxalate precipitation. XXVII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacologia. Torino, 25-29 settembre, 1994

355. De Feo G, Lisciani R, Di Pasquale C, Ponzianelli A, Silvestrini B. Further studies on the mechanism of thermotolerance in mice. Conferenza CNR P.F. ACRO, La Ricerca Oncologica in Italia, Roma, 9-10 giugno 1994

356. Silvestrini B, Palmery M, Tolu L, Basta F, Leone MG and Cheng Y. Facilins, a novel class of biological factors that facilitate the aortic response to dopamine and other biogenic amines. J. Neural Transm. 1994; 95:77-93

357. Silvestrini B. Obiettivi e limiti della ricerca biologica in medicina. Dolentium Hominun, 1995; 28:112-115

358. Saso L, Casini ML, Valentini G, Alcaro S and Silvestrini B. Effect of selected substances on heat induced aggregation of albumin examined by HPLC and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Pharmacol. Res. 1995; 31(suppl. 1):214

359. Saso L, Posta S, Valentini G, Guglielmi R, Paris L and Silvestrini B. Influence of selected endogenous and exogenous compounds on calcium oxalate precipitation. Pharmacol. Res. 31(suppl. 1):355

360. Silvestrini B, Faccendini P, Bolle P, Tita B. Differential action of propranolol on the release and direct effect of epinephrine. Pharmacol. Res. 1995; 31(suppl. 1):328

361. Iurlo M, Nomikos GG, Hertel P, Gherardini G, Palmery M, Leone MG, Silvestrini B. Effetti della somministrazione sistemica di armina nel rilascio in vivo della dopamina e dei suoi metaboliti nell’area ventro-striatale del ratto attraverso la tecnica della microdialisi. VI Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuroscienze. Milano 25-28 giugno 1995

362. Giacomelli S, Palmery M, Bolle P, Romanelli L, Silvestrini B. Effetto della dietilamide dell’acido lisergico (LSD) sulla inibizione della secrezione di prolattina in vitro mediata dalla dopamina. VI Congresso della Società Italiana di Neuroscienze. Milano, 25-28 giugno 1995 ; 1995

363. Li AHY, Silvestrini B, Leone MG, Giacomelli S and Cheng CY. Cerebrin-50, a human cerebrospinal fluid protein whose mRNA is present in multiple tissues but predominantly expressed in the lymphoblastoid cells and the brain. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1995; 35(1):135-144

364. Palmery M, Leone MG, Iurlo M, Luzi A, Silvestrini B. Effetti di alcune sostanze psicotogeniche sul preparato di striscia aorta di coniglio. In: Farmacognosia: moderni sviluppi di una scienza antica. Patron, Bologna 1995:151-156

365. Mazzanti G, Braghiroli L, Scarpati ML e Silvestrini B. Persea Indica: un esempio di apparente tossicomania nell’animale selvatico. Acta Technologiae et Legis Medicamenti 1995; 6(suppl. 3):464-466

366. Giacomelli S, Leone MG, Grima J, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Astrocytes synthesize and secrete prostaglandin D synthetase in vitro. Biochemica et Biophysic Acta 1996; 1310:269-276

367. Silvestrini B. Il rispetto della vita nella ricerca biomedica. Dolentium Hominum 1996; 31:159-162

368. Cheng CY, Giacomelli S, Leone MG, Palmery M, Silvestrini B. A factor(s) from rabbit serum inhibits prolactin secretion in vitro.3dt Joint Meeting of French and Italian Pharmacological Societies Capri May 23-26 1996

369. Saso L, Braghiroli L, Mangiafico S, Tommasino P e Silvestrini B. Un nuovo metodo per la valutazione dell’effetto barriera di polisaccaridi vegetali. VIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Farmacognosia; Napoli, 9-14 giugno 1996

370. Saso L, Panzironi C, Braghiroli L, Valentini G, Casini ML, Mattei E, de Feo G, Mazzanti e Silvestrini B. Implicazioni farmacologiche della stabilizzazione dell’albumina sierica da parte di sostanze endogene ed esogene. Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale della Società Farmaceutica del Mediterraneo Latino, 47-50, 1996

371. Saso L, Valentini G, Casini ML, Mattei E, Braghiroli L, Mazzanti G e Silvestrini B. Valutazione in vitro dell’inibizione della precipitazione dell’ossalato di calcio da parte di diversi componenti urinari fisiologici. XXII Congresso Internazionale della Società Farmaceutica del Mediterraneo Latino. Montpellier, 19-22 settembre 1996

372. Silvestrini B. Borse di studio. In: Il Neurologo italiano. Hippocrates Ed. Medico-Scientifiche Srl, Milano, 1996:700-702

373. Saso L, Braghiroli L, Mangiafico S, Tommasino P and Silvestrini B. Evaluation of the barrier properties of demulcents of vegetable origin with a new method in vitro. Phytother Res 1996; 10:S50

374. Silvestrini B, Saso L, Cheng CY. La glicosilazione proteica come elemento patogenetico e bersaglio terapeutico nelle malattie autoimmunitarie. Reumatismo1996; 48:129-133

375. Braghiroli L, Silvestrini B, Zhu LJ, Moo-Young A and Cheng CY. Identification of paracrine factor(s) released by germ cells (GC) that modulate Sertoli cell (SC) 2 –Macroglobulin (2-MG) production. 6th Internation Congress on Cell Biology & 36th Amercian Society for Cell Biology Anuual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, December 11, 1996

376. Iurlo M, Nomikos GG, Leone MG, Schilstroem B, Gherardini G, Palmery M, Silvestrini B, Svensson TH. Harmine increases extracellular dopamine concentrations in the ventral striatum of freely moving rats. I Seminario Nazionale per Dottorandi in farmacologia e Scienze affini, Siena, Certosa di Pontignano, 3-5 febbraio 1997. (Abstract)

377. Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Pharmacology of the lacrimal secretion. Simposio Internazionale La Sindrome dell’“occhio secco” – Roma, 14-15 febbraio 1997

378. Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. New Micromethodologies applicable to the study of tears composition. Simposio Internazionale La Sindrome dell’“occhio secco” – Roma, 14-15 febbraio 1997

379. Saso L, Tommasino P, Valentini G, Panzironi C, Mattei E, Casini ML and Silvestrini B. In vitro evaluation of the barrier properties of hyaluronic acid. . Simposio Internazionale La Sindrome dell’“occhio secco” – Roma, 14-15 febbraio 1997

380. Saso L, Tommasino P, Bonanni G, Castellacci C, Santini L, Valentini G and Silvestrini B. Interaction between hyaluronic acid and mucin evaluated by gel permeation chromatograpy. Simposio Internazionale La Sindrome dell’“occhio secco” – Roma 14-15 febbraio 1997

381. Bisogno P e Silvestrini B. Il rispetto della vita. In: Bioetica: le ragioni della vita e della scienza. Franco Angeli, Milano 1997

382. Silvestrini B. E’ utile la vivisezione? In: Bioetica: le ragioni della vita e della scienza. FrancoAngeli, Milano 1997

383. Silvestrini B. Le aberrazioni nell’ordine naturale delle cose. Dolentium Hominum, 1997; 34:77-80

384. Silvestrini B. I farmaci naturali. Acta Phytother. 1997; 2:4-7

385. Monastra G, Silvestrini B and Bruni A. Cholesterylphosphoryl-L-serine inhibits tumor necrosis factor release in vivo and in vitro. XXVIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Bari 30 aprile-3 maggio 1997

386. Monastra G, Zatta A and Silvestrini B. Protective activity of benzydamine hyaluronate against hypotonic haemolysis. XXVIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Bari 30 aprile-3 maggio 1997

387. Bolle P, Tucci P, Tita B and Silvestrini B. Indomethacin alters the effects of isoproterenol on rabbit isolated detrusor strips. XXVIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Bari 30 aprile-3 maggio 1997

388. Iurlo M, Nomikos GG, Leone MG, Schilstrom B, Gherardini G, Palmery M, Silvestrini B and Svensson TH. Harmine: modulatory effects on in vivo release of dopamine in the rat ventral striatum area. XXVIII Congresso Nazionale SIF, Bari 30 aprile-3 maggio 1997

389. Silvestrini B. Le dosi terapeutiche delle vitamine. X Symposium Internazionale di Vitaminologia “Le azioni protettive delle vitamine”. Roma, 15.5.97

390. Ferrari G, Minozzi MC, Zanellato AM and Silvestrini B. GM1, like IGF-I and GDNF, prevents neuronal apoptosis. Satellite Symposium to the Combined Meeting of the International & American Societies for Neurochemistry. New York, July 13-16, 1997

391. Mathur PP, Grima J, Mo MY, Zhu LJ, Aravindan GR, Calcagno K, O’Bryan M, Chung S, Mruk D, Lee WM, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Differential expression of multiple cathepsin mRNAs in the rat testits during maturation and following lonidamine induced tissue restructuring. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1997; 42:217-233

392. Giacomelli S, Cheng CY, Leone MG, Palmery M and Silvestrini B. Identification, purification, and partial characterization of a factor from rabbit serum that inhibits prolactin secretion by pituitary cells cultured in vitro. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1997; 42:1199-1213

393. Sorrentino C, Mo MY, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Prostaglandin D2 synthetase: its cellular distribution and hormonal regulation in the male reproductive tract. 30th Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Reproduction (agosto1997)

394. Silvestrini B. The document on vaccination of the National Committee for Bioethics of Italy. Euroconference on: Ethical, Legal, and Social aspects of vaccine research and vaccination policies. Rome, Italy – June 12-14, 1997

395. Mruk D, Zhu LJ, Silvestrini B, Lee WM and Cheng CY. Interactions of proteases and protease inhibitors in Sertoli-germ cell cocultures preceding the formation of specialized Sertoli-germ cell junctions in vitro. J Androl. 1997; 18:612-622

396. Panzironi C, Silvestrini B, Mo MY, Lahita RG, Mruk D and Cheng CY. An increase in the carbohydrate moiety of 2-macroglobulin is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1997; 43(6):1305-1322

397. Mruk D, Mo MY, Grima J, Silvestrini B, Lee WM and Cheng CY. Sertolin is a novel Sertoli cell product: its cDNA cloning, tissue distribution,, and regulation. American Society of Andrology, 23rd Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency, Long Beach, CA, March 27-29, 1998

398. Saso L, Valentini G, Casini ML, Mattei E, Panzironi C and Silvestrini B. Development of a turbidimetric assay to study the effect of urinary components of calcium oxalate precipitation. Urol Int 1998; 60:47-52

399. Silvestrini B. La Facoltà di Farmacia nella Società che cambia. Leader for Chemist 1998; 3:4-10

400. Giacomelli S, Palmery M, Romanelli L, Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a partial agonist of D2 dopaminergic receptors and it potentiates dopamine-mediated prolactin secretion in lactotrophs in vitro. Life Sciences 1998; 63(3):215-222

401. Chung SSW, Mo M-y, Silvestrini B, Lee WM and Cheng CY. Rat testicular N-cadherin: its complementary Deoxyribonucleic Acid cloning and regulation. Endocrinology 1998; 139(4):1853-1862

402. Saso L, Casini ML, Valentini G, Mattei E, Panzironi C and Silvestrini B. Development of an HPLC assay to study the effect of Endogenous and Exogenous substances on heat-induced aggregation of human serum albumin. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. 1998; 36(3):155-162

403. Braghiroli L, Silvestrini B, Sorrentino S, Grima J, Mruk D and Cheng CY. Regulation of 2-macroglobulin expression in rat Sertoli cells and hepatocytes by germ cells in vitro. Biol. Reprod. 1998; 59:111-123

404. Mruk D, Cheng CH, Cheng YH, Mo MY, Grima J, Silvestrini B, Lee WL and Cheng CY. Rat Testicular extracellular superoxide dismutase: its purification, cellular distribution, and regulation. Biol. Reprod. 1998; 59:298-308

405. Sorrentino C, Silvestrini B, Braghiroli L, Chung SSW, Giacomelli S, Leone MG, Xie YB, Sui YP, Mo MY and Cheng CY. Rat Prostaglandin D2 synthetase: its tissue distribution, Changes during maturation, and regulation in the testis and epididymis. Biol. Reprod. 1998; 59:843-853

406. Scazzocchio F, Silvestrini B, Salvatore G, Mazzanti G. Azione battericida di alcuni olii essenziali. 9° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fitochimica. Cetraro (CS), 27-30 maggio 1998

407. Bucci MG, Centofanti M, Pescosolido N, Rosa R, Romanelli L, Silvestrini B. Valutazione dell’effetto dei farmaci anti-glaucomatosi sull’ipertensione oculare indotta da prolungata chiusura palpebrale. 1° Incontro Nazionale della Sezione di Farmacologia Clinica. Matera, 29-31 maggio 1998

408. Silvestrini B. La voce del cuore e quella della ragione. Orizzonte medico, 1998; 4:14-15

409. Silvestrini B. Aspetti medici della droga. Definizioni, droga e malattia, riflessioni etiche. Convegno Ecclesiale: Solidali per la vita. Dolentium Hominum 1998; 38:40-43

410. Chung SSW, Zhu LJ, Mo M-Y, Silvestrini B, Lee MW and Cheng CY. Evidence for cross-talk between Sertoli and germ cells using selected cathepsins as markers. J. Androl. 1998; 19:686-703

411. Saso L, Valentini G, Giardino AM, Spadaro A, Riccieri V, Zoppini A and Silvestrini B. Changes of glycosylation of serum proteins in psoriatic arthritis, studied by enzyme-linked lectin assay (Ella), using Concanavalin A. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Int. 1998; 46:867-876

412. Saso L, Leone MG, Sorrentino C, Giacomelli S, Silvestrini B, Grima J, Li JCH, Samy E, Mruk D and Cheng CY. Quantification of prostaglandin D synthetase in cerebrospinal fluid: a potential marker for brain tumor. Biochem. and Mol. Biol. Int. 1998; 46:643-656

413. Silvestrini B, Valeri P, Romanelli L, Saettone MF e Chetoni P. Principi di farmacologia generale di interesse oftalmologico. In: Farmacologia oculare. Eds. F. Drago – N. Orzalesi. UTET, Torino, 1998

414. Saso L, Valentini G, Leone MG, Grippa E, Silvestrini B. Development of an in vitro Assay for the screening of substances capable of dissolving calcium oxalate crystals. Urol Int 1998; 61:210-214

415. Saso L, Valentini G, Grippa E, Leone MG and Silvestrini B., Effect of selected substances on heat-induced aggregation of albumin, IgG and lysozyme. Res. Commun. Mol. Pathol. Pharmacol. 1998; 102, 15-28
416. Ferrari G, Minozzi MC, Zanellato AM, Silvestrini B. GM1, like IGF-I and GDNF, prevents neuronal apoptosis. Ann N Y Acad Sci. Jun 19 1998; 845:408

417. Quaglia MG, Farina A, Silvestrini B, Desideri N, Porra R, Bossu E, Palmery M. Racemate or pure enantiomer: a strategy for more adequate use of chiral drug therapy. Rapp. ISTISAN 98/13, 8-11,1998

418. Silvestrini B. Vittorie drogate. Newton 1999; 1:120-126

419. Saso L, Tommasino P, Grippa E, Leone MG and Silvestrini B. Micromethods for the analysis of tear proteins in pharmacological studies. Res. Comm. in Mol. Pathol. and Pharm. 1999; 103:149-168

420. Podestà E, Silvestrini B, Botrè C. Alternative methods to animal testing: the role of biosensors. II Workshop Sensori Chimici e Biosensori. Roma, 18-19 Marzo 1999

421. Saso L, Bonanni G, Grippa E, Gatto MT, Leone MG and Silvestrini B. Interaction of hyaluronic acid with mucin, evaluated by gel permeation chromatography. Res. Comm. in Mol. Pathol. and Pharm. 1999; 104:277-284

422. Saso L, Valentini G, Casini ML, Mattei E, Braghiroli L, Mazzanti G, Panzironi C, Grippa E and Silvestrini B.. Inhibition of Protein Denaturation by Fatty Acids, Bile Salts and Other Natural Substances: A New Hypothesis for the Mechanism of Action of Fish Oil in Rheumatic Diseases. Jpn. J. Pharmacol. 1999; 79:89-99

423. Silvestrini B. Nuove biotecnologie e responsabilità morale. Atti del III Convegno Internazionale Multidisciplinare: La Bioetica e la sfida delle società complesse: informazione, trapianti, sistemi sanitari e clonazione. Biesse Grafica, Roma, 1999

424. Silvestrini B. The document on vaccination of the national committee for bioethics of Italy. Arch. Clin. Bioet. suppl. Bioet. Clin. II 1999; 1:67-69

425. Cheng CY, Mo MY, Mruk D, Lee WM and Silvestrini B. TEMO is a novel testicular gene to study Sertoli-germ cell interactions: its cDNA cloning and regulation.
10th World Congress on Human reproduction. Salvador, Bahia (Brazil) May, 4-8, 1999

426. Grima J, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Testin, a sensitive marker to monitor the integrity of Sertoli-germ cell junctions, can be used to screen potential male contraceptives. 10th World Congress on Human reproduction. Salvador, Bahia (Brazil) May, 4-8, 1999

427. Silvestrini B. Aspetti etico-normativi del doping: il punto di vista del farmacologo. Convegno l’Etica e lo Sport. Roma, 18 maggio 1999

428. Silvestrini B. Il ruolo della farmacologia in vitaminologia. XIV Congresso Nazionale di Vitaminologia. Roma, 20 maggio 1999

429. Palmery M e Silvestrini B. Psicofarmaci ed occhio. Congresso Farmacologia Oculare 1999. Belgirate (Lago Maggiore, 18-20 giugno 1999)

430. Leone MG, Abdel-Haq H, Tita B, Giacomelli S, Saso L, Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. Effect of Lonidamine on Lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase levels in rat testis and epididymis. Pharmacol. Res. 1999; 39(suppl., 95) (Abstract book – XXIX National Congress of the Italian Pharmacological Society, Florence June 20-23)

431. Palmery M e Silvestrini B. Veleni animali e vegetali sul territorio italiano. Trattato di Medicina Legale e Scienze Affini. Casa Editrice Dott. Antonio Milani, 1999; IV:209-235

432. Cazzolla N, Saso L, Grima J, Leone MG, Grippa E, Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, using a monoclonal antibody against 2-macroglobulin, for the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Clinical Biochem. 1999; 32(4):249-255

433. Leone MG, Saso L, Cheng CY, Silvestrini B. Micropurification of β- and γ- crystallins from rabbit aqueous humor. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 1999; 26:167-171

434. Saso L, Leone MG, Mo M-Y, Grippa E, Cheng CY and Silvestrini B. Differential changes in α2-macroglobulin and hemopexin in brain and liver in response to acute inflammation. Biochemistry (Moscow) 1999; 64(7):839-844

435. Saso L, Valentini G, Leone MG, Grippa E, Guglielmi R, Paris L, Cantore G and Silvestrini B. Changes in Concanavalin A-Reactive Proteins in Neurological Disorders. J. Clin. Lab. Anal. 1999; 13:158-165

436. Grippa E, Valla R, Battinelli L, Mazzanti G, Saso L and Silvestrini B. Inhibition of Candida rugosa lipase by berberine and structurally related alkaloids, evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatoghraphy. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 1999; 63(9):1557-1562

437. Saso L, Valentini G, Mattei E, Panzironi C, Casini ML, Grippa E and Silvestrini B. Stabilization of rat serum proteins following oral administration of fish oil. Arch. Pharm. Res. 1999; 22(5):485-490

438. Silvestrini B. La sperimentazione animale. In: Frontiere della Vita, vol. IV, Parte III Bioetica, Sezione IV Etica e interventi sul vivente. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, 1999

439. Saso L, Valentini G, Riccieri V, Spadaro A, Zoppini A, Silvestrini B. Changes of glycosylation of serum proteins in Sjogren’s syndrome: correlation with interleukin-6 and soluble interleukin-2 receptor. IUBMB Life. Oct 1999; 48 (4):385-390

440. Silvestrini B. Cure alternative: cosa dice la scienza. Newton, 2000; IV(2):77-84

441. Palmery M, Abdel-Haq H, Antonini A, Cometa MF, Silvestrini B. Facilitating and direct effects of ecstasy and MDA on rabbit aortic strips. Abstract. XII Congresso Nazional della Società Italiana di Tossicologia. Bologna, 23-26 Febbraio 2000.

442. Samy ET, Li JCH, Grima J, Lee WM, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Sertoli Cell Prostaglandin D2 Synthetase is a Multifunctional Molecule: its Expression and Regulation. Endocrinology 2000; 141(2):710-721

443. Abdel-Haq H, Giacomelli S, Palmery M, Leone MG, Saso L and Silvestrini B. Aflatoxins inhibit prolactin secretion by rat pituitary cells in culture. Drug and Chemical Toxicol. 2000; 23(2):381-386

444. Abdel-Haq H, Palmery M, Leone MG, Saso L and Silvestrini B. Stimulation of Guinea Pig isolated atria by Aflatoxins. Toxicol. in Vitro 2000; 14:193-197

445. Abdel-Haq H, Palmery M, Leone MG, Saso L and Silvestrini B. Relaxant effects of Aflatoxins on isolated Guinea Pig trachea. Toxicol. Sci. 2000; 55:162-170

446. Grippa E, Pavone F, Gatto MT, Petrucci R, Marrosu G, Silvestrini B, Saso L. In vitro evaluation of antioxidant activity by electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography. Biochim. et Biophys. Acta 2000; 25109:1-7

447. Li JCH, Samy ET, Grima J, Chung SSW, Mruk D, Lee WM, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Rat Testicular Myotubularin, a Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Expressed by Sertoli and Germ Cells, Is a Potential Marker for Studying Cell-Cell Interactions in the Rat Testis. J. Cell. Physiol. 2000; 185:366-385

448. Saso L, Grippa E, Gatto MT, Leone MG and Silvestrini B. Inhibition of Heat-Induced Aggregation of β- and γ-Crystallin by α-Crystallin Evaluated by Gel Permeation HPLC. Biochemistry (Moscow) 2000; 65(2):250-255

449. Saso L, Silvestrini B. Problemi etici della sperimentazione sull’uomo con particolare riguardo al consensoinformato. Minerva Medica 2000; 91:255-65

450. Silvestrini B. Ricerca Farmacologia: Passato e Futuro. Raphael, dicembre 2000, 4-8

451. Abdel-Haq H, Cometa MF, Palmery M, Leone MG, Silvestrini B and Saso L. Relaxant effects of Hydrastis canadensis L. and its major alkaloids on guinea pig isolated trachea. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 2000; 7,218-222

452. Leone MG, Grippa E, Guidolin D, Tita B, Abdel-Haq H, Gatto MT, Bordi F, Cheng CY, Silvestrini B, and Saso L. Effects of lonidamine on testicular and epididymal proteins in the rat. Reprod. Toxicol. 2000; 14:257-263
453. Saso L, Tommasino P, Italiano G, Grippa E, Leone MG, Gatto MT and Silvestrini B., Changes of acute-phase proteins in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Physiol Res. 2000; 49:403-409
454. Gong XD, Wong YL, Leung GP, Cheng CY, Silvestrini B, Wong PY. Lonidamine and analogue AF2785 block the cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate-activated chloride current and chloride secretion in the rat epididymis. Biol Reprod. Sep 2000; 63(3):833-838

455. Saso L, Silvestrini B. Nephrolithiasis. Recenti Prog Med. Jul-Aug 2000; 91(7-8):388-95

456. Silvestrini B. Medicine alternative: le due facce del problema. L’arco di Giano, 2000; 26:129-137

457. Saso L, Silvestrini B. Antidenaturant drugs for cataract and other condensation diseases. Medical Hypotheses 2001; 56(1):114-120

458. Grima J, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Reversibile Inhibition of Spermatogenesis in Rats Using a New Male Contraceptive, 1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-indazole-3-carbohydrazide. Biol. Reprod. 2001; 64:1500-1508

459. Cheng CY, Silvestrini B, Grima J, Mo MY, Zhu LJ, Johansson E, Saso L, Leone MG, Palmery M and Mruk D. Two new male contraceptives exert their effects by depleting germ cells prematurely from the testis. Biology of Reproduction 2001; 65:449-461

460. Saso L, Grippa E, Gatto MT and Silvestrini B. Inhibition of calcium oxalate precipitation by bile salts. Int. J. Urol. 2001; 8:124-127
461. Saso L, Valentini G, Casini ML, Grippa E, Gatto MT, Leone MG and Silvestrini B. Inhibition of Heat-induced Denaturation of Albumin by Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): Pharmacological Implications. Arch. Pharm. Res. 2001; 24 (2):150-158

462. Silvestrini B. Biotecnologie e ricerca. Atti del Convegno Biotecnologie, clonazione, trapianti, procreazione medicalmente assistita: la bioetica alle frontiere della vita. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 81-84, Roma (2001)

463. Iurlo M, Leone MG, Schilstrom B, Linnèr L, Nomikos GG, Hertel P, Silvestrini B, Svensson TH. Effects of harmine on dopamine output and metabolism in rat striatum: role of monoamine oxidase-A inhibition. Psychopharmacology 2001; 159:98-104

464. Grippa E, Gatto MT, Leone MG, Tita B, Adbel-Haq H, Vitalone A, Silvestrini B and Saso L. Analysis of lonidamine in rat serum and testis by high performance liquid chromatography. Biomed. Chromatogr 2001; 15:1-8
465. Riccieri V, Spadaro A, Saso L, Valentini G, Taccari E and Silvestrini B. Immunohistologic markers of immune activation and changes of glycosylation of serum proteins in primary Sjogren’s syndrome. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol. 2001; 19:53-58
466. Podestà E, Silvestrini B, Botrè C, Botrè F. Toxicity testing in environmental monitoring: the role of enzymatic biosensors. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Ann. Ist. Super. Sanità 2001; 37(4):607-613
467. Leone MG, Adbel-Haq H, Gennaro G, Amici S, Conte D, Romanelli F, Latini M, Fillo S, Isidori A, Saso L and Silvestrini B. Changes of lipocalin type prostaglandin D-synthase in the seminal plasma of subfertile man. Res Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol 2001; 110:17-25
468. Costa LG, Guizzetti M, Lu H, Bordi F, Vitalone A, Tita B, Palmery M, Valeri P, Silvestrini B. Intracellular signal transduction pathways as targets for neurotoxicants. Toxicology. Mar 7 2001; 160(1-3):19-26

469. Bonanomi M, Lucente G, Silvestrini B. Male fertility: core chemical structure in pharmacological research. Contraception 2002; 65:317-320

470. Mruk DD, Silvestrini B, Mo M, Cheng CY., Antioxidant superoxide dismutase – a review: its function, regulation in the testis, and role in male fertility. Contraception 2002; 65(4):305-11

471. Cheng CY, Mo M, Grima J, Saso L, Tita B, Mruk D, Silvestrini B. Indazole carboxylic acids in male contraception. Contraception 2002; 65(4):265-8

472. Silvestrini B. L’ingegneria genetica in medicina: una riflessione in chiave biologica. Atti del Convegno OGM. Scienza, normativa ed etica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 143-153, Roma (2002)

473. Silvestrini B. Tossicomanie: definizioni e classificazioni, Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 2002; 38(3):211-215

474. Silvestrini B. I confini fra medicina convenzionale e “non convenzionale”, Atti del Convegno Etica della Salute e “Terapie non Convenzionali”, Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Bioetica, Quaderno n. 1, 151-170, Giannini Editore, Napoli (2002)

475. Silvestrini B. La sperimentazione sul vivente: una riflessione in chiave etica. Kéiron, 2002; 11:10-23

476. Silvestrini B. Presupposti etico-scientifici della sperimentazione animale. Atti del convegno L’etica della sperimentazione animale, Università di Pisa, pag. 33-46. Ed. ETS, 2003

477. Silvestrini B. L’ingegneria genetica in medicina: una riflessione in chiave naturalistica, in L’Eldorado della nuova biologia. Clonazione, animali transgenici, cellule staminali, Franco Angeli 2003:107-120

478. Silvestrini B. Medicina alternativa e medicina scientifica: aspetti etici. Bollettino Ordine Medici di Padova 2003; 6:27-31

479. Silvestrini B. Tabagismo: i rischi delle dipendenze. Pianeta Adolescenti, Sinnos Editrice 2004:52-64

480. Silvestrini B, Silvestrini M. Funzione Sessuale Maschile, in Trattato di Andrologia, a cura di M. Porena e G.F. Meschini Fabris, Ed. UTET Scienze Mediche, 2005:367-370

481. Cheng CY, Mruk D, Silvestrini B, Bonanomi M, Wong C-H, Siu MKY, Lee NPY, Lui W-Y, Mo M-Y. AF-2364 [1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-1H-indazole-3-carbohydrazide] is a potential male contraceptive: a review of recent data. Contraception 2005; 72:251-261

482. Silvestrini B. La medicina che guarda a Darwin, Janus 2005; 20:118-124

483. Mruk DD, Wong CH, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. A male contraceptive targeting germ cell adhesion. Nature Med. 2006; 12(11):1323-1327

484 Mruk DD, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Anchoring junctions as drug targets: role in contraceptive development. Pharmacological Rev 2008; 60(2):146-180

485 Silvestrini B, Arpino M, Ferrante M, Musicco M, Santilli G. Healthy Growth chart project. Part I, Medicina dello Sport 2008; 61(2):197-206

486. Silvestrini B. Medicine non convenzionali: un problema bioetico. Nuntium 2008; 34:15-19

487. Hu G-X, Hu L-F, Yang D-Z, Li J-W, Chen G-R, Chen B-B, Mruk DD, Bonanomi M, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY, Ge R-S. Adjudin targeting rabbit germ cell adhesion as a male contraceptive: a pharmacokinetic study. J Androl 2009; 30(1):87-93

488. Silvestrini B, Arpino M, Ferrante M, Musicco M, Santilli G. Healthy Growth chart project. Part 2. A pilot study on sports and juvenile obesity. Medicina dello Sport 2009; 62(3):273-284

489. Silvestrini B. Prefazione di Scienza & Etica, Percorsi di comunicazione e formazione. A cura di R. Azzaro Pulvirenti. FrancoAngeli Ed 2009:7-16

490. Silvestrini B, Arpino M, Ferrante M, Musicco M, Santilli G. Il Progetto “Carta del Benessere” – Rassegna critica dei risultati di uno studio pilota. Scuola dello Sport 2010; 29(84):3-10

491. Cheng CY, Wong EWP, Lie PPY, Li MWM, Su L, Siu ER, Yan HHN, Mannu J, Mathur PP, Bonanomi M, Silvestrini B and Mruk DD. Environmental toxicants and male reproductive function. Spermatogenesis, 2011; 1(1):2-13

492. Cheng CY, Wong EWP, Lie PPY, Li MWM, Mruk DD, Yan HHN, Mok K-W, Mannu J, Mathur PP, Lui W-y, Lee WM, Bonanomi M and Silvestrini B. Regulation of blood-testis barrier dynamics by desmosome, gap junction, hemidesmosome and polarity proteins. An unexpected turn of events. Spermatogenesis, 2011; 1(2):105-115

493. Cheng CY, Lie PPY, Wong EWP, Mruk DD and Silvestrini B. Adjudin disrupts spermatogenesis via the action of some unlikely partners. Spermatogenesis, 2011; 1(4):1-7

494. Musicco M, Azzaro Pulvirenti R, Gainotti S, Petrini C, Riccio C and Silvestrini B. A study of the Healthy Growth Charter in socially disadvantaged children. Ann Ist Super Sanità 2011; 47(4):417-423

495. Mok K-W, Mruk DD, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. rpS6 Regulates Blood-Testis Barrier Dynamics By Affecting F-Actin Organization and Protein Recruitment.. Endocrinology, 2012; 153(10):5036–5048

496. Su L, Mruk DD, Lie PPY, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. A peptide derived from laminin-c3 reversibly impairs spermatogenesis in rats. NatureCommun, 2012

497. Mok KW, Lie PP, Mruk DD, Mannu J, Mathur PP, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. The apical ectoplasmic specialization-blood-testis barrier functional axis is a novel target for male contraception. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012; 763:334-55

498. Su L, Jenardhanan P, Mruk DD, Mathur PP, Cheng YH, Mok KW, Bonanomi M, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY. Role of P-glycoprotein at the blood-testis barrier on adjudin distribution in the testis: a revisit of recent data. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012; 763:318-33

499. Xie QR, Liu Y, Shao J, Yang J, Liu T, Zhang T, Wang B, Mruk DD, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY and Xia W. Male contraceptive Adjudin is a potential anti-cancer drug. Biochemical Pharmacology , 2013; 85:345–355

500. Shao J, Liu T, Xie QR, Zhang T, Yu H, Wang B, Ying W, Mruk DD, Silvestrini B, Cheng CY and Xia W. Adjudin attenuates lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and ischemia-induced microglial activation. Journal of Neuroimmunology , 2013; 254:83–90

501. Qian X, Cheng Y-h, Jenardhanan P, Mruk DD, Mathur PP, Xia W, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Adjudin disrupts spermatogenesis by targeting drug transporters. Lesson from the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP). Spermatogenesis, 2013

502. Silvestrini B. Immunokinetics: a new approach to vaccines. A working hypothesis. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Ann. Ist. Super. Sanità 2013; 49(3):306-308

503. Ferrante M, Musicco M, Riccio C e Silvestrini B. Anche la salute è un talento: “La carta del benessere”. Mettere a frutto i talenti, Collana Prometheus, 2013

504. Xiao X, Mruk DD, Tang EI, Wong CKC, Lee WM, John CM, Turek J, Silvestrini B and Cheng CY. Environmental toxicants perturb human Sertoli cell adhesive function via changes in F-actin organization mediated by actin regulatory proteins. Human Reproduction, 2014; 29(6):1279-1291

505. Yan Ho Cheng, Pranitha Jenardhanan, Premendu P. Mathur, Xiaojing Qian, Weiliang Xia, Bruno Silvestrini and Chuen Yan Cheng. Interaction of Oligomeric Breast Cancer Resistant Protein (BCRP) with Adjudin: A Male Contraceptive with Anti-Cancer Activity. Current Molecular Pharmacology, 2014, 7, 147-153